Short-term Election Observation Course for the First Time in Slovenia
Short-term election observation course will start tomorrow at Jable Castle, which is the first training of that kind in Slovenia, prepared by Centre for European Perspective in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Slovenia.
The main purpose of the training is to familiarize the participants with the work on short-term election observation mission, prepare them on the working conditions, which may face, and teach them how to care for their health and safety, when on mission. In addition, procedures for application and selection of candidates for the OSCE and the EU Election Mission, which in Slovenia are coordinated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will be presented to them.
Basic principles and rules of election observation will be presented by Mrs. Tamara Otiashvili from the office ODIHR (Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights), which operates within the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). Mrs. Aleška Simkič will present her experience from the OSCE election observer missions that she attended as a Core Team memeber and Mrs. Katja Gönc will present practical implementation of election observation missions. All experts have extensive experience of long-term and short-term observation missions in Europe, Aisa and Africa. Some tips for the safety and protection will be presented by Mr. Matej Brajnik, who participated in several missions of the EU, as police officer and is also an active member of the Mountain rescue Association.
Training will conclude on Thursday, 7 May 2015.