Hostile environment awareness training (HEAT) started today

Hostile environment awareness training (HEAT) started today

Centre for European Perspective (CEP) has started an intensive four-day Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) at the Police Training Centre Gotenica. Training is organized in close cooperation with Slovenian Police and Slovenian Armed Forces and will conclude on Friday evening.

15 participants from Afghanistan, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Finland, Libya and Slovenia are taking the course. Most of them already deployed or are about to be deployed in civilian crisis management missions abroad. The training started with Ivana Boštjančič Pulko’s introduction to the training, followed by team building and presentation on personal security in the field by Mr Aleš Grudnik. The course will continue with classroom and field exercise, such as 4×4 driving, evacuation planning, orientation skills, management of threat related to gatherings, protests, demonstrations, medical training and stress management, awareness of weapons, mines and UXOs, as well as kidnap analysis and hostage survival.

The course is aims to deliver the tools the participants need in order to survive in hostile environments and deal with all levels of stress should they occur.

Assistance to Montenegro in Negotiations on Accession to the EU 2016 Chapter 27 – Environment and Climate Change

Assistance to Montenegro in Negotiations on Accession to the EU 2016 Chapter 27 – Environment and Climate Change

Click here to read more about the project in Slovenian language. Slovenia on Apple iOS 11.2

In the scope of the CEP project “Assistance to Montenegro in Negotiation on Accession to the EU-2016” consultant Mr. Radovan Tavzes from 4 -5 October conducted a workshop for civil servants of the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism and the of Environment Agency for Chapter 27 Environment and Climate Change for the area of industrial pollution and waste management.

Montenegro has already drafted negotiating positions for Chapter 27 Environment and Climate Change in the area of industrial pollution and waste management. In their positon they introduced transition periods for full implementation of the Directive on industrial emissions, Directive on waste management, the Directive on packaging and packaging waste, Directive on waste batteries and accumulators, the Directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment, Directive on end of life vehicles and Directive on Management of waste from extractive industries.

With cooperation of Montenegrin side proposals for transitional periods for the full implementation of Directive 2010/75 / EU on Industrial emissions and draft for a transitional period for the full implementation of Directive 2008/98/EC on Waste management were prepared.

All proposals prepared will be further discussed and amended at the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, in particular with regards the reasons for the eligibility for exemptions. Final negotiating position of Montenegro will be ready later this year. The Intergovernmental Conference on Accession of Montenegro to the EU is expected next year.

The project presents a part of the CEP program activities financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia in the scope of International Development Cooperation.




Successful completion of the second part of the project “Strengthening of the Independence of the Electoral Bodies in Albania”

Successful completion of the second part of the project “Strengthening of the Independence of the Electoral Bodies in Albania”

On 14 October 2016 Centre for European Perspective has successfully completed the second part of the project “Strengthening the independence of Electoral Bodies” that continues to provide support to the electoral law reform process in Albania based on OSCE recommendations and recommendations prepared by CEP on the basis of two workshops.

The electoral system is one of the key constituents of a democratic and legal state. As Albania is an official candidate for accession to the European Union, strengthening its democratic institutions is of key importance. The next Albanian parliamentary elections will be held in 2017, so this kind of bilateral technical assistance of the Republic of Slovenia received a lot of political, profession and media attention.

The event was opened by President of the Parliament of the Republic of Albania, His Excellency Mr. Ilir Meta and Slovenian Ambassador to Albania Her Excellency Mrs. Lea Stančič.

The event was carried out by: Leferije Luzi, Chairperson Central Election Commission of Albania, Dr. Alenka Verbole, Igor Vučko Director of the National Electoral Commission of the Republic of Slovenia and Ilir Rusmali recognized expert on elections in Albania and Andrej Vrčon Secretary General CEP. The participants discussed about ensuring the operational independence of the Central Election Commission in the light of the current electoral reform, about raising the level of political commitments for free and impartial functioning Electoral Management Bodies. Special attention was paid to the prevention of corruption, gender equality, representation of minorities and to a newly established training centre for the training of members of electoral commissions, and other actors in the electoral processes such as young people and civil society. The workshop was attended by over 40 participant’s including representatives of the election administration, representatives of political parties, representatives of non-governmental organizations working in the field of elections, independent experts and members of the diplomatic corps.

Centre for European Perspective has prepared the project in cooperation with the Central Election Commission of Republic of Albania and the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Albania.

The project is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia in the framework of its International Development Cooperation.

mrss znak manjsiUspešna izvedba drugega dela krepitev neodvisnosti volilnih organov v Albaniji

Center za evropsko prihodnost je 14. oktobra 2016 uspešno zaključil drugi del projekta »Krepitev neodvisnosti volilnih organov« v okviru katerega nadaljuje s podporo procesom reforme volilne zakonodaje Albanije glede na priporočila OVSE in priporočila, ki jih je pripravil CEP na podlagi dveh izvedenih delavnic v letu 2015.

Izvedba demokratičnih volitev predstavlja temelj demokratične in pravne države zato je za Albanijo kot kandidatko za članstvo v Evropski uniji krepitev demokratičnih institucij ključnega pomena. V Albaniji so v letu 2017 razpisane parlamentarne volitve, zato je tovrstna pomoč Republike Slovenije deležna velike pozornosti politike, stroke in medijev.

Dogodek sta otvorila predsednik parlamenta Republike Albanije njegova ekscelenca gospod Ilir Meta in slovenska veleposlanica v Albaniji njena ekscelenca gospa Lea Stančič.

Delavnico so izvedli: Lefterije Luzi predsednica Centralne volilne Komisije Republike Albanije, dr. Alenka Verbole, Igor Vučko direktor Državne volilne komisije Republike Slovenije, Ilir Rusmali priznan albanski strokovnjak s področja volitev in Andrej Vrčon Generalni sekretar CEP. Razprava je potekala v smeri zagotavljanja neodvisnosti delovanja Centralne volilne komisije v luči trenutne volilne reforme, ter dvigu ravni političnih zavez za svobodno in nepristransko delovanje. Posebna pozornost je bila namenjena preprečevanju korupcije, enakopravni zastopanosti obeh spolov, zastopanosti manjšin in novemu centru za izobraževanje članov volilnih komisij, ter ostalih akterjev v volilnih procesih kot na primer mladih in civilne družbe. Delavnice se je udeležilo več kot 40 udeležencev predstavnikov volilne administracije, predstavnikov političnih strank, predstavnikov nevladnih organizacij, ki delujejo na področju volitev, neodvisnih strokovnjakov, ter članov diplomatskega zbora.

CEP je pripravil projekt v sodelovanju s Centralno volilno komisijo Albanije in Veleposlaništvom Republike Slovenije v Albaniji.

Projekt je financiran iz sredstev za mednarodno razvojno Sodelovanje Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije.

New funding facility Danube Strategic Project Fund (DSPF)

New funding facility Danube Strategic Project Fund (DSPF)

The Danube Strategic Project Fund is a new facility aiming at supporting the implementation of transnational strategic projects aligned with the objective of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), with a specific added value at the interfaces between cohesion and enlargement/neighbourhood policy.

It is co-financed with funds provided to the European Commission by the European Parliament and the City of Vienna and will be managed by PA 10 of the EUSDR (City of Vienna) in close cooperation with EuroVienna, affiliated entity to the City of Vienna.


The Danube Strategic Project Fund builds upon the experience gained during the implementation of the pilot initiatives START – Danube Region Project Fund and the technical assistance facility TAF – DRP, carried out by the City of Vienna in its capacity as Priority Area 10 “Institutional Capacity and Cooperation” of the EUSDR. Moreover, it refers as appropriate to the results, conclusions and recommendations of the “Socio-economic assessment of the Danube Region”, which was implemented by Priority Area 8 “Competitiveness” and finalised in November 2015.

General and specific objectives of the initiative

The Danube Strategic Project Fund (DSPF) focuses primarily on innovative pre-mature projects which could not be funded so far and respond to the actual needs in the Danube Regions functional area. Moreover, it will provide support for projects and initiatives which do not fit into a programme or funding scheme (or which need a combination of several funding instruments).

The DSPF pays particular attention to projects that:

– Have a strategic impact, especially in view of Enlargement and Neighbourhood policies
– Have connections and/or spill-over effects in the territory covered by the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region
– Include neighboring countries
– Include cross-cutting and/or horizontal measures covering several Priority Areas of the Strategy
– Follow a multi-level governance approach
– Support the establishment of economic and social cooperation
– Foster integration and reconciliation of Danube countries, with a particular focus on the training of young people

A Description of the Initiative can be downloaded: here

A list of the Advisory Board Members can be downloaded: here