22. 12. 2017 | PR, ROSE
Slovenian obligors for public procurements are getting such exchange hub for eInvoices which will enable them to receive eInvoice in European standard, a requirement of the newly adopted Directive 2014/55/EU on eInvoicing.
The technical solution in the form of upgraded single entry and exit point is being implemented by the Public Payments Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for public procurement obligors, which are budget users. A brand new exchange hub is designed by ZZI d.o.o. for contracting authorities and contracting entities, which are not budget users, under the patronage of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia. Both solutions will be compatible, following the same concept of functioning and will thus be establishing a common system, taking into account interfaces with ERP providers who service both budget users as well as obligors who are not budget users. Both solutions will translate UN/CEFACT CII and UBL 2.1 syntax eInvoice into the new EN 16931 compliant Slovenian standard eSLOG 2.0 and will ensure visualisation of 2.0 eInvoice. In the transitional period, technical solutions will also generate conversions of eSLOG 2.0 eInvoice into eSLOG 1.6 eInvoice, which will ensure easier and smoother transition into novelties.
Informing stakeholders is among the key activities of the Action
In order to successfully implement the Directive 2014/55/EU in Slovenian public procurement market, the inclusion of the stakeholders and awareness raising is among the key priorities of the actors, involved in the ROSE Action. Workshops and lectures across Slovenia started in November 2017 and will be continued in January 2018. More details are available at www.roseslovenia.eu.
Solution development was presented on 21 December 2017 at 7th Steering Board meeting of the ROSE Action, a Connecting European Facility Action, co-financed by the European Union and implemented by the Public Payments Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, ZZI d.o.o., Mojdenar IT d.o.o. and Centre for European Perspective.
21. 12. 2017 | Montenegro - EU Accession, PR
In the framework of the CEP’s bilateral technical assistance project “Assistance to Montenegro in negotiations on accession to the EU 2017” experts from Slovene Securities Market Agency (ATVP) host their counterparts from Montenegrin Securities and Exchange Commission on a two day study visit.
The participants were welcomed by Miloš Čas, Director of ATVP, who presented the experience of the Agency in the process of adapting and implementing of the EU legislation in the field of financial services. Three experts from the Agency will present different EU directives that regulate the field of financial services to Montenegrin colleague. On Friday, they will visit the management company KD Skladi.
ATVP experts provide their counterparts consultations and exchange of Slovene experience in negotiating Chapter 9 – Financial services in the securities market.
The project is part of the CEP program activities financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the scope of international development cooperation.
Read Slovene article here.
14. 12. 2017 | Development (ODA), Montenegro - EU Accession
In the framework of the CEP’s bilateral technical assistance project “Assistance to Montenegro in negotiations on accession to the EU 2017” experts from Slovene Securities Market Agency (ATVP) will on 21 and 22 December 2017 host their counterparts from Montenegrin Securities and Exchange Commission on a two day study visit.
ATVP experts will provide their counterparts consultations and exchange of Slovene experience in negotiating Chapter 9 – Financial services in the securities market.
The project is part of the CEP program activities financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the scope of international development cooperation.
Read this article in Slovene language.
12. 12. 2017 | Danube, PR
European Parliament recently published Report on the implementation of EU macro-regional strategies, where the institution strongly supports macro-regional integration and offers a number of elements and suggestions for concrete activities on the level of macro-regions in the future.
Macro-regional strategies have gained importance in recent years as a platform for transnational cooperation between Member States but also with third countries. They provide an integrated framework to address mutual challenges and exploit common potential. In the 2014-2020 programming period, MRS have been incorporated in the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI Funds) programmes.
Currently, four existing MRS (Baltic, Danube, Adriatic-Ionian and Alpine) are bringing together 19 Member States and 8 non-EU countries. Some Member States participate in more than one MRS, whereas Slovenia is the only country that participates in three macro-regions.
MRS are set within the boundaries of the “three no’s” principle: no new EU funds, no additional EU formal structures and no new EU legislation. Financial support does come in form of European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) transnational cooperation programmes which are financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
As the Commission states, MRS are about more than just funding because they “bring citizens of different Member States together and improve their social and economic living conditions through trans-border cooperation.”
Centre for European Perspective as the coordinator of the EU Strategy for Danube Region’s priority area Institutional Capacity and Cooperation in the Danube Region (PA 10) aims to promote cooperation between the 14 countries (Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Moldova and Ukraine) for enhancing sustainable development and competitiveness of this part of Europe and follows closely the developments in the field.
A full report of the European Parliament can be accessed here.
8. 12. 2017 | PR, Serbia - Traineeships
In the framework of the project “Professional Experience for Serbian Civil Servants”, CEP cooperated with the Ministry of the Economic Development and Technology, The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia and Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs.

From October to November, three Serbian civil servants from the Ministry of European Integration of Republic of Serbia were trained in the area of Free movement of capital, goods and labour, competition policies, consumer protection and health, science and research and company law. In addition, the project has facilitated the collaboration of experts who will in the future work within the EU.
The project is part of the CEP program activities financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia from the funds for international development cooperation.