Slovenia strengthens analytical capabilities of Serbia for crime investigations

Slovenia strengthens analytical capabilities of Serbia for crime investigations

In the framework of Slovenia’s Development Cooperation with the Republic of Serbia, a two-day training for lead representatives of the investigation authorities took place between 20 and 22 March 2018 in Serbia. The training aimed to strengthen analytical capabilities to direct effectively crime investigations, for which the answers can be found with the assistance of open and other data and applications such as Supervizor/Erar and Posmatrač, which connect data bases that can be useful for the investigators.

In Orašac, 20 management officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Agency for Fight Against Corruption of the Republic of Serbia exchanged their experiences with their Slovenian counterparts from the National Investigation Burea. Participants focused on the experiences in directing investigations. Participants rated highly the practical approach of the workshop and greeted the chance to learn about the good practices of Slovenia’s investigation authorities through Slovenia’s International Cooperation.

On the first day, participants were welcomed by Ms Andreja Dolničar Jeraj, Programme Director CEP, Mr Roman Weixler, Deputy Head of Mission of the Republic of Slovenia to Serbia and Mr Davor Pešić, Police Attache, who emphasized the importance of the rule of law, accession process of Serbia to the EU in Chapters 23 and 24, and cooperation between Serbia and Slovenia in this field.

The workshop rounds up a two-year project that contributed to the development of conditions for ensuring transparency and accountability in the public-sector institutions of the Republic of Serbia and strengthened capability for effective enforcement of competences in fight against corruption.

Development: Slovenia strengthens analytical capabilities of Serbia

Project is part of program activities, financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia in the framework of Slovenia’s Development Cooperation.




ROSE workshops put forward local partners

ROSE workshops put forward local partners

In the framework of the EU Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) “Readiness Of Slovenian E-Invoicing” Action (ROSE), local workshops are taking place under the title “Slovenia is ready to receive eInvoice in the EU standard”. Workshops have a goal of awareness-raising, education and training for all interested stake-holders. Implemented by the Public Payments Administration of the Republic of SloveniaChamber of Commerce and Industry of SloveniaZZI d.o.o., Mojdenar IT d.o.o. and Centre for European Perspective, the workshops present the action and technical solutions, which prepare Slovenia for the receipt of the eInvoices in the European standard.

Events across Slovenia address the needs of the users and involve best practice presentation from eInvoicing experiences of the local contracting authorities and entities. Luka Koper d.d. participated at the workshop in Koper and HAKL IT d.o.o. contributed to the presentation in Maribor.

Upcoming workshops in Kranj (28 March 2018), Postojna (4 April 2018) and Celje (6 April 2018) will involve Bass d.o.o., Kovod Postojna d.o.o. and VASCO d.o.o.

Announcing the technical workshop and final conference

In the framework of the action, an additional technical workshop will take place in Ljubljana on 11 April 2018 in order to present ROSE Action to the specialized software solution providers (ERP systems, accounting software providers). The final conference will happen on 25 May 2018 in Portorož.

More details about workshops, agendas and applications can be found here.

Solution development and action implementation were presented at the 10th Steering Board meeting of the ROSE Action, CEF Action, co-financed by the European Union and implemented by the Public Payments Administration of the Republic of SloveniaChamber of Commerce and Industry of SloveniaZZI d.o.o., Mojdenar IT d.o.o. and Centre for European Perspective.

2nd edition of the digital diplomacy training for PR representatives of Western Balkans and Eastern Europe

2nd edition of the digital diplomacy training for PR representatives of Western Balkans and Eastern Europe

Centre for European Perspective is joining forces with the U. S. Department of State for the second edition of training within the project »Enhancing Digital Diplomacy Activities in the Western Balkans and Eastern Europe”. The programme aims to strengthen the capacities of the public institutions to plan, coordinate and prepare digital campaigns through various digital communication tools.

The first training that was held in Bled, Slovenia, from 28 to 30 November 2017, offered knowledge about the digital presence, European digital media landscape, audience identification, story-telling, digital ecosystem and strategy creation, digital campaigns, visual contents and digital media.

An advanced public relations training, focusing primarily on digital diplomacy, will take place in Bled and Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 10 to 13 April 2018. Besides theoretical communication framework this training will develop in-depth knowledge on digital journalism, digital crisis communication, photography and info-graphics design, camera usage, digital campaigns and media.

Experts from the U.S. Department of State, private sector, academia and returning participants as well will share their knowledge and experiences with digital representatives from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Ukraine and Slovenia.

Stories of the youth of the Western Balkans

Stories of the youth of the Western Balkans

As announced, the Centre for European Perspective is organising a public debate in Brussels on April 11, 2018 titled Back on the Agenda: EU Enlargement and Western Balkans. As a preparation for the event and a pre-event workshop, young people from the Western Balkan countries will be invited to Brussels on April 10, 2018. World cafe discussion, youth policy boot-camp and civil society networking will take place on the evening before the public debate on the EU enlargement. The topic of democratization (corruption, democratic reforms, rule of law), social affairs (unemployment, education, brain drain), participation (youth representation, activism, giving the youth a voice) and reconciliation (peacebuilding, intercultural dialogue, interstate relations) will be discussed as a result of the application essays, written by our young participants.

The Western Balkan has returned to the agenda of the European Union. However, getting closer to the EU also brings greater responsibility. The European Commission’s motto ‘exporting stability, rather than importing instability’ must remain a strong pull factor, since it carries the idea of strengthening WB democracies and finally implementing economic and social reforms, which would have tangible results for citizens. The EU-WB enlargement strategy, numerous top-level visits by EU representatives, including a wide range of different regional initiatives, are charting the EU’s path ahead. Nevertheless, it is the empowered civil society of the Western Balkans that are best at voicing their ideas and perspectives.

One question inevitably arises: What do the youth of the Western Balkans have to say? An education system that is incompatible with the labour market, high youth unemployment, a massive brain-drain, distrust in public institutions, deep-rooted corruption and the slow post-conflict reconciliation process are only some of the everyday concerns plaguing young people in the region. Comprehensive structural reforms, the openness and inclusiveness of public institutions, more scholarships, better education and job opportunities, visa-free regime for the entire region and a chance not only to speak but also to be heard seem to be positive solutions to these challenges. The youngsters of the Western Balkans might see EU membership as the light at the end of the tunnel, but they are also fully aware that their respective governments need to do their part of the job first.

You can read the stories of the youth of the Western Balkans below.

Youth of the Western Balkans

Event is done in cooperation with Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (IFAT) (Hungary), EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy (Czech Republic), Slovak Foreign Affairs Association (SFPA) and Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) and supported by International Visegrad Fund.

The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.