24. 9. 2018 | Development (ODA), PR, Serbia - Information exchange, Serbia - Migration
With the workshop and presentation of suggestions to the leadership of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia which took place on 19 September 2018 in Belgrade, the project of development cooperation with Republic of Serbia which aims at strengthening capacities of exchange of information in the area of illegal information, successfully enters into its final phase. The suggestions are the result of practical analysis of different cases which are taking place at the emergence of illegal migrations and comparison of responses in Serbia and Slovenia. The goal is to optimize the flow of information by putting to better use the current capacities and consequently, respond better to situations related to illegal migrations. The important part of talks was also directed into the discussion how to implement the proposals, where could the Programme of International Development Cooperation of the Republic of Slovenia continue to play important role in assisting the implementation and how to maximise the possibility of proposals implementation by combining Slovenian support with other countries who also help Serbia in the accession to the EU and with necessary reforms.

This project is part of program activities implemented in the cooperation with the Ministry of Interior/Police of the Republic of Slovenia and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia in the framework of Slovenia’s Development Cooperation.
20. 9. 2018 | PR
Prior Information Notice (PIN) on 6.2M euro procurement which aims at developing the next generation of information systems to support EU external policies published
The CIVILnEXt project supports the development of a solution addressing existing fragmentation and closing gaps in communication, information-sharing, joint reporting, analysis and response planning between member state embassies, EU delegations, Commission services, EU Special Representatives and Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) missions.
The project will provide civilian CSDP missions with the next generation of secure and cost-effective information systems: a situational awareness, information exchange and operation control platform (OCP). Fully informed of contributing initiatives in civilian CSDP and EU external action, the project will aim to develop solutions leveraging on the results extracted from projects funded by the EU.
A first concrete step towards the design and programming of the Operation Control Platform was done with submission of the Prior Information Notice at TED (Tenders Electronic Daily). This is an online version of the ‘Supplement to the Official Journal’ of the EU, dedicated to European public procurement, providing free access to business opportunities from the European Union, the European Economic Area and beyond. PIN includes information about the type of procurements, its steps and anticipated results. It targets different parties of the Industry that might be interested (SMEs, Organizations, etc), aiming to develop, a cost-effective and interoperable Operation Control Platform (OCP) that will support the conduct of civilian CSDP missions. The ultimate goal is the development of an information system that will support the EU external policies.
Read more.
Open Market Consultation
6 – 7 November, Athens
The Lead Procurer of the consortium, KEMEA, is organizing a meeting with all interested in the development of the cooperation control platform on the 6th and 7th of November 2018 in Athens. Through the Open Market Consultation day CIVILnEXt is aiming at actively approach the market to find out about the state of the art and current development in the related sector and start an active and open dialogue between demand and supply side.
CIVILnEXt is a Pre-Commercial Procurement EU-funded project that teams up a group of 5 buyers and 9 technical and institutional organizations with significant experience in EU external policies. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 786886
More details and contacts are available at the CIVILnEXt website
18. 9. 2018 | European Digital Diplomacy Exchange, PR
The Third Edition of the Enhancing Digital Diplomacy Activities training took place in Ljubljana and Bled between the 9th and 11th of September, bringing together 36 participants from different countries, but also representatives of the media, private sector and academia. The event is the success of a joint effort by the Centre of European Perspectives, the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Embassy in Ljubljana aiming at the establishment of a digital diplomacy network, which will serve as a platform for best practice sharing and cooperation. Watch the teaser video on how the participants from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Lithuania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia and Ukraine worked as one big happy digital diplomacy family with the aim of learning from each other, and building a bright future for the project.
17. 9. 2018 | Bled Strategic Forum, PR, Security
Centre for European Perspective has been active in providing the security in the Western Balkans region, which would not be possible without good partners. On the margins of the Bled Strategic Forum, CEP’s Executive Director Dr Gorazd Justinek signed a memorandum of understanding between CEP, IISG and DCAF Ljubljana. DCAF was represented by its director, Mr Anton Travner, while IISG by its chairman Mr Rajko Kozmelj.
The IISG (Integrative Internal Security Governance) is a new approach to internal security governance capacity-building and reform introduced in the Western Balkan region. It is hosted by DCAF Ljubljana, Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces, since 8 September 2017. The IISG concept enables a coordinated, aligned and sustainable effort in the major fields of internal security governance reform on part of the EU and all relevant international donors of external assistance.
Main objective of signed memorandum is to identify areas of potential cooperation among all three partners with aim to improve mutual coordination and ensure greater complementary, efficiency and effectiveness in the areas of common interest – advancing the Euro-Atlantic integration of the SEE, contributing to regional and wider European stability and prosperity by fostering regional reform, capacity building and cooperation, contributing knowledge and new expertise in areas of security and rule of law.

17. 9. 2018 | Development (ODA), PR, Serbia - Information exchange
What are proposals and guidelines for better flow of information related to illegal migration in the communication system of Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia? This will be evident in the workshop which will take place on 19 September 2018 in Belgrade and will be intended for the development of the proposals which will be produced by Serbian colleagues together with colleagues from Slovenian Police and by taking into consideration standards which are used in the EU. The outcome will be presented to the representatives of the leadership of the Ministry of Interior and Police of the Republic of Serbia which are responsible for effective functioning of the system of information flow in the the area illegal migrations. The goal is to optimize the flow of information by putting to better use the current capacities and consequently, respond better to situations related to illegal migrations.
Project is part of program activities implemented in the cooperation with the Ministry of Interior/Police of the Republic of Slovenia and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia in the framework of Slovenia’s Development Cooperation.