The third LET4CAP Project Coordination meeting held in Ljubljana
Project partners of Law Enforcement Training for Capacity Building – LET4CAP project, namely Arma dei Carabinieri – Project Leader from General Command in Rome, Italy; Center of Excellence for Stability Police Units (CoESPU) in Vicenza; Centre for European Perspective (CEP), Slovenia; Polish National Police HQs (POLICJA), Poland; Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (SSSA), Italy and Studiare Sviluppo (STSV), Italy have gathered in Ljubljana, on 15th and 16th of January 2019 for the Third Project Coordination meeting.
LET4CAP aims to contribute to more consistent and efficient assistance in law enforcement capacity building to third countries. The Project consists in the design and provision of training interventions drawn on the experience of the partners and fine-tuned after a piloting and consolidation phase. Project has so far benefited from the existing knowledge base, good practices and lessons learnt on law enforcement capacity building training within the EU and the UN, taking into consideration, among others, the materials and doctrine developed within CEPOL, ESDC, the ENTRi and EUPST projects. LET4CAP is organized in four main components:
- Stocktaking of existing good practices and lessons
- Development of the training course curriculum
- Piloting Training implementation
- Other dissemination & outreach activities.
CEP has so far created an evaluation plan, tailored to the goals and context of this project, provided guidelines for the evaluation of cooperation, project products, efficacy and impact on target groups, end beneficiaries and stakeholders, and defined quality criteria for the success of the project. CEP has also been present at three trainings carried out so far, as an evaluation expert, providing feedback on the content and execution of the trainings.
Partners have through a very successful meeting evaluated the work and achievements done so far, as well as planned future activities and things to be done by the end of the project.