Youth and especially young entrepreneurs are a part of society that is usually bursting with energy, good ideas and positive attitude. We are missing more of such an approach in the Western Balkan countries that is why we have once more joined forces with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and the German development agency GIZ. After four years of a bilateral cooperation with Bosnia and Herzegovina and a three-year cooperation with Kosovo, last year’s program was for the very first time organized regionally, and included all six countries namely: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Serbia. Due to excellent feedback and a rich exchange of experience among countries, we have contacted the regional office of GIZ based in Sarajevo that already has experience with regional startup workshops and joined forces in a rich program that will be organized in English. Four workshops will unfold in different cities and countries: Tirana (Albania), Nikšić (Montenegro), Pristina (Kosovo) and Ljubljana – Maribor (Slovenia), with an intensive mentoring program occurring between the activities. We named the overall program ‘Building the WB6 Unicorn’, and by doing so clearly indicated, that we firmly believe in excellent ideas in the region. We want to empower them and make sure, that they will take the lead globally.

Workshops were developed by experts with vast experiences and are therefore pretty intensive and very practically orientated. The size of the group is also suited to this type of work, as we have selected 2 best startups from each country that will cooperate in all of the planned activities. In addition, the focus point of the program is based on two dimensions – peer to peer learning and regional networking, as international cooperation is a skill that is essential for a global breakthrough of startups and their positioning on the international market.

The first workshop is intended for actors of the startup support environment (leaders of HUBs, accelerators, incubators), while the other three are intended for startups.

Project is part of the activities that are through the Slovenia’s Development Cooperation financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia.



Click here to read more about the project in Slovenian language. Slovenia on Apple iOS 11.2


Spoznajte projekte, ki spreminjajo vsakdan v Podonavju

Spoznajte projekte, ki spreminjajo vsakdan v Podonavju

Radio televizija Slovenija je konec lanskega leta pričela s predstavljanjem treh makroregij, v katere je vključena Slovenija, Alpske, Jadransko-Jonske in Podonavske. V ta namen so pripravili več kratkih oddaj o posameznih projektih ter tri daljše, o vsaki makroregiji eno.

Center za evropsko prihodnost aktivno sodeluje pri izvajanju in implementaciji ene izmed makroregij – Podonavske, in sicer kot koordinator enega izmed področij, to je področje Institucionalna krepitev in sodelovanje Glavni namen je povezovanje akterjev v regiji za izboljšanje sodelovanja, pretoka informacij in povečanje učinka projektov, ki jih izvajajo različne institucije.


Donava je za Volgo druga najdaljša evropska reka. Njena 2860 kilometrov dolga pot od izvira v Schwarzwaldu, Črnem gozdu, do izliva v Črnem morju se vije skozi zgodovinsko, gospodarsko in kulturno izredno raznovrstna območja. Evropska unija je v želji, da bi se širše območje Podonavja bolj povezalo in razvilo, sprejela Podonavsko strategijo. Ta makroregija zajema 14 držav, devet od njih je polnopravnih članic Evropske unije. Na tem ozemlju živi 115 milijonov prebivalcev, ki v različnih projektih uresničujejo skupne interese: prometne, energetske, kulturne, naravovarstvene, izobraževalne, varnostne, ..


ZATO, ker se na območju evropskih makroregij prebivalci spopadajo s podobnimi razvojnimi, socialno-ekonomskimi, transportnimi in okolijskimi problemi, ki so lahko povsem različni, kot so izzivi v drugih geografskih prostorih.

ZATO, ker makroregije spodbujajo in povezujejo čezmejne trajnostne inovativne ideje, skupne projekte, ki jih predlagajo lokalni prebivalci in z njimi ustvarjajo nova delovna mesta, konkurenčnost podjetij, gospodarsko rast, trajnostni razvoj in izboljšanje življenja vseh državljanov.

ZATO, ker makroregije povezujejo in rešujejo vprašanja med sosednjimi državami,  tako članicami EU kot kandidatkami za vstop v EU

ZATO, ker je glas več držav močnejši, ko gre za zastopanje interesov evropskih državljanov v določenem geografskem prostoru.

Vabimo vas, da spoznate ustvarjalce oddaj in z odličnimi poznavalci makroregij izmenjate ideje in mnenja o možnih načinih sodelovanja ter povečanju vidnosti EU projektov v Sloveniji in širše.

Prispevek si lahko ogledate na spletni strani 

Spoznajte projekte, ki spreminjajo vsakdan v Podonavju

Fourth “Mentoring, Monitoring & Advising (MMA)” course held in Vicenza, Italy

Fourth “Mentoring, Monitoring & Advising (MMA)” course held in Vicenza, Italy

Centre for European Perspective is between 18th and 22nd of February 2019 evaluating fourth “Mentoring, Monitoring & Advising (MMA)” course, held in Vicenza, Italy.  Evaluations are held in order to improve the course agenda and overall development of the project. Participants will through the course of five days focus on EU diplomatic security/crisis management; general aspects and phases of Mentoring, Monitoring and Advising; designing and planning interventions for capacity building: project management methodologies; Communication in a cross-cultural context; negotiation skills; Coping with resistance & identifying viable approaches to capacity building; working with interpreters; Handover & Reporting.

LET4CAP is a project funded by the EU within the framework of the Internal Security Fund with the objective to foster a process of harmonization of training for Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) to perform capacity building tasks in third countries and to create a common Law Enforcement capacity building culture founded on EU fundamental values.

The Project is implemented by a consortium that includes two law enforcement agencies (the Center of Excellence for Stability Police Units of the Italian Carabinieri and the Polish Police), two centers of excellence in research and training, namely the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Italy) and the Centre for European Perspective (Slovenia) and one Italian governmental agency specialised in project management of EU funds (Studiare Sviluppo).

The training programme is based upon a preliminary desk research, good practices and lessons learnt in the field of the existing law enforcement capacity building. All training materials will be consolidated after the last training courses in e-learning tools disseminated via institutional channels and the project website.

More info on the project is available at:

LET4CAP: Fourth MMA Training Course

Training on mentoring in civilian crisis management successfully concluded in Kenya

Training on mentoring in civilian crisis management successfully concluded in Kenya

Centre for European Perspective (CEP) organised a four day training on mentoring and advising in civilian crisis management and peacekeeping missions this week in Kenya. The course was organised in the framework of the ENTRi project, which is 90% financed by the European Commission.  It gathered 22 participants, mainly working for EUCAP Somalia, African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), EUCAP Sahel Niger, African Union – United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) and other missions.

In the past years, mentoring has been increasingly applied by the UN and EU as an approach to capacity building in civilian crisis management and peacekeeping to facilitate the transfer of expertise from mission staff to local counterparts. The terms of reference for experts, particularly in the areas of rule of law, justice system reform, corrections and police often include mentoring as an instrument to support national authorities in their progress toward sustainable democratic change and accountability in further developing and strengthening their institutions.

Mentoring is a process that requires building of trust between mentor and a mentee. This is challenging in face of fragile, conflict contexts in which peace operations are set, frequent staff turn-over and power relations between international mission personnel and local counterparts. Cultural aspects can further create obstacles to building constructive working relationships.

The course aimed to consolidate the understanding of the role of a mentor and processes of mentoring in peace operations with the necessary shift of mind-set and attitude: from being a ‘doer’, therefore a professional with authority and decision-making and executive functions in their area of work, into being an observer, listener and resource person to assist local officials and stakeholders in enhancing their ability and facilitating the identification of problems and possible solutions.

The course was practical in nature and equipped subject matter experts with knowledge in mentoring skills and ability to successfully build a working relationship with their local counterpart and implement their mission mandates.


Training on mentoring in civilian crisis management Kenya

CEP is participating at the opening of the Ukrainian-Slovenian Business Forum /  CEP prisoten na ukrajinsko-slovenskem poslovnem forumu v Kijevu

CEP is participating at the opening of the Ukrainian-Slovenian Business Forum / CEP prisoten na ukrajinsko-slovenskem poslovnem forumu v Kijevu

Executive Director Katja Geršak is participating at the meeting of the Joint Committee on Trade and Economic  Cooperation organised today in Kiev, Ukraine. She is participating at the opening of the Ukrainian-Slovenian Business Forum, opened by both co-chaired presidents, Mr. Aleš Cantarutti State Secretary at the Ministry of Economic development and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia and Mr. Hennadiy Zubko Deputy Prime Minister at the Government of Ukraine also holding the position of the Minister for Local self-administration. Later on, she will attend a bilateral meeting with the leaders of the ULEAD project, with whom CEP will successfully participate in the organization of study visits in Slovenia for Ukrainian officials . The ULEAD project is supporting the decentralization reform in Ukraine.

Click here to read more about the project in Slovenian language. Slovenia on Apple iOS 11.2

Ukrainian-Slovenian Business Forum