CEP participates in panel discussion „The Balkan Spring? Western Balkans and the rule of law”

CEP participates in panel discussion „The Balkan Spring? Western Balkans and the rule of law”

The Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana was the setting of a panel discussion named „The Balkan Spring? Western Balkans and the rule of law” this Wednesday, March 27th. Public demonstrations in various countries of the region have expressed the will for societal change, and addressed their respectful governments to deal with focus points as corruption, limited civil liberties and media freedom. International forums for discussion and policymaker’s internal decisions in each of the countries will therefore determine the future of the region, and the future steps of their societies. The event unveiled the protest movements „1 in 5 million“ and „Justice for David“, focusing on the direction in which their momentum is leading the public debate of their countries. The discussion was a setting for a constructive debate among the guest speakers and the audience, that touched upon many interesting perspectives and insights.

The panel discussion welcomed representatives from academia, governmental institutions and media. CEP Executive director Ms. Katja Geršak, Mr. Daniel Fazlič, Editor and Journalist working for PRO PLUS, Ambassador Iztok Mirošič as Bled Strategic Forum Programme Director at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and Ambassador Vojko Vovk were invited as panel guests. The discussion was moderated by Ms Nina Pejič, Junior Researcher at the Faculty of Social Sciences.

CEP is very proud and honoured, that our Executive director Ms. Katja Geršak had the opportunity to participate in the discussion as a panel speaker and contribute her vast knowledge in the field of International relations, especially in the region of Western Balkans to this debate. CEP will continue to work closely within the region , where we are participating with a series of international projects that aim at establishing cooperation and sharing of best practices. A bright future in international and domestic politics will be highly dependant upon synergies and cooperation, that is why CEP is proud of every opportunity to work as a partner, inspiration or just a mediator, bringing a small piece of our effort to the colourful wider picture.

Panel discussion „The Balkan Spring? Western Balkans and the rule of law

The fourth U-LEAD study visit concludes with a visit to the Municipality of Krško

The fourth U-LEAD study visit concludes with a visit to the Municipality of Krško

On 28th of March, the fourth study visit “Travel to Know – Travel to Change” in the framework of „U-LEAD with Europe – Ukraine – Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development” programme concluded with a closing ceremony in Krško.

The visit took place between 24th and 28th of March 2019 with 18 public officials from Ukraine visiting Ljubljana, Logatec, Vrhnika, Celje and Krško under the patronage of U-LEAD with Europe Programme. The project on the topic of waste management – “Upgrading Municipal Waste Management Services” – helps key actors of 36 selected amalgamated hromadas (AH) in three Ukrainian regions (Dnipropetrovsk, Volyn and Zhytomyr) to implement green approaches in the waste management sector and to obtain knowledge about the best practices of transparent and accountable waste management services, which is responsive to the needs of population.

The fourth international study visit put an emphasis on positive and negative cases of implementation of efficient waste management in Slovenia. Participants learned more about the experience in municipal waste management planning, municipal waste collection, treatment and disposal options during the visits to waste management companies Snaga Ljubljana, Kemis Vrhnika and Kostak Krško. Visiting a modern incineration and a waste treatment plant in Celje (Toplarna Celje) gave the participants an opportunity to get acquainted with new technologies that could be taken into consideration for further contribution of AHs to the regional waste management planning.

The fourth study visit was especially fruitful for Deputy Head of Krynychanska amalgamated territorial community from Ukraine, Mrs Trotsenko and the Mayor of Logatec, Mr Menard, who signed the letter of intent for cooperation during the visit to the Municipality of Logatec. The participants also met with the Mayor of Krško, Mr Stanko, who received the group and met with Mr Yevtukh, Deputy Head of Yemilchynska amalgamated territorial community, with whom they discussed the possibility for cooperation in the future.

The multi-donor action U-LEAD of the European Union and its Member States Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Poland and Sweden was established in order to carry out demand-driven and targeted training for officials at the national, regional and local level.

See the photo gallery of the project below.

U-LEAD with Europe: Ukraine – Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development Programme 4th International Study Visit

Strengthening the Transparency of Electoral Bodies, Exchange of Experiences Between Albania and Slovenia 2019-20

Strengthening the Transparency of Electoral Bodies, Exchange of Experiences Between Albania and Slovenia 2019-20

Click here to read the news in Slovenian language Slovenia on Apple iOS 11.2

Within the framework of the International Development Cooperation of the Republic of Slovenia, the Center for European Perspective launched the two-year project “Strengthening the Transparency of the Electoral Bodies-Exchange of Experiences between Albania and Slovenia 2019-20”. The opening conference was held on Tuesday 26. March at the premises of the Central Election Commission. The conference will be followed by a workshop which will be held at the Hotel “Tirana”. between 26 and 28 March 2019. The conference was opened by her exellency Ms Lea Stančič Ambassdor of Republic of Slovenia to Albania, President of the Electoral Commission of Albania Klement Zguri and President of the National Election Commission of Slovenia Dušan Vučko.

The project addresses strengthening of democratic institutions, which is of utmost importance for Albania as a candidate country for EU membership. This process also includes elections and electoral system, which is one of the cornerstones of democratic development and the rule of law. The project focuses on the niche of ensuring transparency of the elections, which is an essential element of the credibility of the elections. The implementation of the project includes recognized experts from the field of election management: dr. Alenka Verbole, dr. Igor Gaon and Director of the State Election Commission of the Republic of Slovenia Dušan Vučko, who will share Slovenian and other experiences in this field. In addition to Albanian election experts, representatives of the Central Election Commission also representatives of international community were present at the opening. In the next two days, the workshop will be dedicated to representatives of non-governmental organizations, domestic observers and professional public. The recommendations regarding the observation of local elections will be discussed.

The project is financed from the funds for International development cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia.




ANNOUNCEMENT: NATO´s role in the 21st century round-table discussion on 1st of April at 9.45

ANNOUNCEMENT: NATO´s role in the 21st century round-table discussion on 1st of April at 9.45

Centre for European Perspective (CEP) kindly invites you to a round-table discussion on 1st of April at 9.45. Slovenia is celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty and 15th Anniversary of Slovenian membership in the Alliance. Seven decades ago twelve countries from both sides of the Atlantic signed an agreement in Washington, seeking to promote stability and well-being in the North Atlantic area. They committed to fostering peaceful and friendly relations between members and beyond.

The North Atlantic Alliance was founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law, it remains the backbone of our collective defence. After 70 years it still embodies the transatlantic link that binds North America and Europe in a unique defence and security partnership. NATO has experienced many challenges on its path from rebuilding of Europe after the WW II, the Cold War era, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the attacks of 9/11 and the so far only instance of Article 5 activation.

At 70 year anniversary we would like to reflect on the path traveled and on the future of NATO alliance. The round-table will discuss the role of NATO in our region, particularly in light of changes in our security environment as well as the importance of the transatlantic alliance. How will the alliance, which has overcome historic divisions and became the most successful alliance in history, overcome internal and external challenges? What will the NATO alliance look like in the 21st century? What is the future of NATO in the Western Balkans?

DATE: 1 April, 09.45 – 11.30
Location: Jable Castle

Dr. Klemen Grošelj, State Secretary, Ministry of Defense, Slovenia
Lawrence Chalmer, Consultant on NATO and international security
Dr. Jelena Juvan, Faculty of Social Sciences

Moderated by Aleš Kocjan, Večer

Please RSVP by 28 March via Application.
Fourth U-LEAD study visit begins

Fourth U-LEAD study visit begins

U-LEAD with Europe: Ukraine – Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development Programme 4th  international study visit that Slovenia is hosting began on Monday, 25th of March at Jable castle.

There are currently 18 public officials from Ukraine taking part in the fourth study visit from three Ukrainian regions: Dnipropetrovsk, Volyn and Zhytomyr. The topic of the visit is waste management and the visit is a part of the project “Upgrading Municipal Waste Management Services”, which helps key actors of 36 selected amalgamated hromadas in the mentioned Ukrainian regions to implement green approaches in the waste management sector.

Participants began their visit with an introduction day at Jable Castle, where they were welcomed by CEP Executive Director Ms Katja Geršak, Ms Andreja Purkart Martinez from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Mr Andrii Borodenkov, First Secretary from the Embassy of Ukraine in Slovenia.

First day at Jable castle kicked-off with an activity organized by the moderator of the visit, Ms Meliha Muherina and a lecture on the topic of waste management in Slovenia by Dr Lucija Jurić Soršak from the Ministry for Environment and Spatial Planning , a lecture on EU approach to waste management and extended producer responsibility by Mag Radovan Tavzes, former director general of the directorate for environment. Ms Tatjana Orhini-Valjavec then led an active lecture on efficient use of resources and circular economy.

In the following days, the participants will learn more about the role of NGOs in efficient waste management and the importance of communication between the community and the municipality. They will also be able to experience Slovenian waste management in practice, as they will visit Snaga Ljubljana, Kemis Vrhnika, RCERO Celje, Toplarna Celje and Kostak Krško. The participants will also meet with the Mayor of Logatec and the Mayor of Krško.

The visit is taking place in the framework of the multi-donor action U-LEAD established by the European Union and its Member States Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Poland and Sweden. It is aimed to contribute to the establishment of multilevel governance that is transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of the population of Ukraine. U-LEAD with Europe is supporting the Ukrainian Government, represented by the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine (MinRegion) as a key political partner, in the coordination and implementation of the decentralisation and regional policy reforms. The Programme carries out demand-driven and targeted trainings for officials at the national, regional and local level.

U-LEAD with Europe: Ukraine – Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development Programme 4th International Study Visit