EDDE Second Steering Board Meeting to Be Held in the United States

EDDE Second Steering Board Meeting to Be Held in the United States

in the scope of the project European Digital Diplomacy Exchange we are organizing the second Steering Board meeting that will be held from 30th September to 4th October 2019 in Washington D.C., United States.

The meeting will be the opportunity for the Steering Board members to discuss with public- and private sector entities. Importantly, it will seek to cement relationships between tech firms, think thanks, and others that can continue to sustain and support the network. This component will therefore include meetings with various Department of State entities, as well as several think tanks actively engaged in digital communications, and various tech companies with an eye toward developing the familiarity necessary to produce productive public-private partnerships.

The project is organised as a joint cooperation between the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Embassy in Ljubljana and the Centre for European Perspective. The activities are only a part of a series of events that will take place in the year 2019, building on past experience and motivation to contribute to the rapidly changing field of digital diplomacy.

Press release: Field analysis on management of police patrols in Serbia successfully conducted

Press release: Field analysis on management of police patrols in Serbia successfully conducted

Click here to read more about the project in Slovenian language. Slovenia on Apple iOS 11.2

A field analyses in Serbia was successfully conducted from 16 to 21 September 2019 on the patrolling and management of patrols, in order to find ways for improved response of the police to the people’s needs, including in the case of migrations. Representatives of the Slovenian police from different areas of responsibility were working with their Serbian counterparts in different organizational units to determine what the current situation is in the field and what their needs are, while exchanging professional experience. The field analysis was carried out at the border police station Šid, organizational units of the Sremska Mitrovica Police Directorate, border police stations Rujan and Preševo, the Regional Border Police Centre against the Republic of Northern Macedonia, and traffic and general police stations at the Vranje Police Directorate. Representatives from the Analytics, Telecommunications and Information Technology Sector and representatives from the Belgrade MoI administration were also included in the implementation of the field analysis.

The findings will be used in the development of ICT patrol management equipment and further activities to enhance patrol management capabilities, with the next study visit by representatives of the Ministry of the Interior and the Police of the Republic of Serbia in Slovenia from 16 to 19 October 2019, through which, by observing the work and management of patrols, they will get to know the organization and approaches which are used in the EU, and learn through examples how ICT is used. The lessons learned will help with Serbia’s reform processes, which are a prerequisite for EU accession.

The project is part of program activities carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior / Police of the Republic of Slovenia and CVS Mobile, and is financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia from funds for international development cooperation.



Regional Workshop on Cyber Security and Hybrid Threats successfully implemented in Podgorica

Regional Workshop on Cyber Security and Hybrid Threats successfully implemented in Podgorica

Cyberspace is considered to be the most important new area of interest among policymakers and experts on both – theoretical and practical levels. The cyberspace is changing the face of international relations and the ever-evolving modern technology imposes the need for all stakeholders to reconsider their approaches to communication and ways of developing structures for prevention of hybrid threats coming from cyberspace.

On the other hand, the internet also provides a significant space for cooperation, in particular with the rapid rise of cyber and digital diplomacy in early 21st century. Given the high speed and low price of communication and exchange of information, the conditions for collaboration and engagement have been more diverse than ever before.

Centre for European Perspective implemented a two-day workshop in Podgorica for 15 representatives of different stakeholders in the Western Balkans, mostly coming from the Ministries of Interior, Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Ministries of Defence. Workshop was very successfully implemented in the framework of the ’’Network of the WB6 Ministries of Foreign Affairs’’, established by the project of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH titled ’’Open Regional Fund for South East Europe – Promotion of EU Integration through Regional Cooperation’’.

The experts, Sven Sakkov, Director of the International Centre for Defence and Security from Talinn, Slovenian state officials and Ivana Boštjančič Pulko, Head of Programme – Peace and Security, CEP, enabled participants to understand the importance of cyber security and key terms related to cyberspace as well as threats coming from it. The experts presented the Slovenian and Estonian national coordination mechanisms related to hybrid threats, provided an environment for active learning throughout in-depth presentations of concrete examples and modalities how to create, set up and use above mentioned coordination mechanisms and structures for an effective response to cyber-attacks as well as hybrid threats coming from the cyberspace.


INVITATION: Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT)

INVITATION: Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT)

Centre for European Perspective is in close cooperation with Slovenian Police and Slovenian Armed Forces under the auspices of the European Police and Civilian Services Training (EUPCST) organizing a Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT).

The course will take place at Gotenica Police Training Centre in Slovenia from Sunday 19th to Friday 25th October 2019.

The course will be held in English, so participants must have an adequate language skills.

Please find attached the following documents:

Travel Expenses, Accommodation, Course fee and other costs:

Travels (flight/car/bus) will be booked directly by the Centre for European Perspective.

The EUPCST project is covering the course fee, course materials and full board accommodation at Gotenica Police Training Centre. Participants will be accommodated in rooms with multiple beds.

Additional refreshment and sundries will be at the participant’s own expense.

How to apply

You are kindly requested to return the registration form to [email protected] (and cc to [email protected]) until Friday, 11th of October 2019.



For further information please contact:

Name: Ivana Bostjancic Pulko

Mobile phone: 00 386 40 510 986

Email: [email protected]

CEP supports BiH on its way to the EU

CEP supports BiH on its way to the EU

Click here to read more about the project in Slovenian language. Slovenia on Apple iOS 11.2

In the framework of the project “Supporting BiH on its way to the EU” the Centre for European Perspective (CEP) has implement its second training for selected chapters of the acquis communautaire which is intended for Bosnian civil servants. A two-day training was held on 11 and 12 September 2019 and covered topics related to the free movement of services – postal services. Next two workshops are planned for next year.

Slovenian expert of the Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia (AKOS) outlined the basic legal framework within which postal services operate in the European Union and made it clear that the implementation depends largely on the organization of services in the country itself. Bosnia and Herzegovina must pay particular attention to its specificities in the process of adjustment of laws, as there is a larger number of actors and levels involved in the regulation and implementation of services, if compared to the other EU countries. Tariffs, principles of operation and control procedures were also discussed, while the largest part of the discussion was devoted to presentation of Slovenian practices of legislative adjustments, organization of services in Slovenia and the challenges they are still facing.

Workshop was attended by 27 representatives of ministries, agencies and postal companies from all parts of BiH, which is an added value of the project, which also seeks to encourage the cooperation of all relevant actors within the country.

The project is part of the CEP program activities financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the framework of the international development cooperation.




CEP supports BiH on its way to the EU