11. 9. 2019 | PR, Serbia - management of patrols
Click here to read more about the project in Slovenian language.
With the successful implementation of the meeting and introductory workshop on 5 September 2019 the fieldwork in Serbia started as part of the development assistance of the Republic of Slovenia, which is aimed at strengthening patrol management and responding effectively to the needs of the people when police intervention is needed. These are reforms in the area of freedom and security, which are also important for Serbia in terms of EU accession (Chapter 24). The aim is to upgrade the response and coordination of patrols and organizational units, and to strengthen the effective police response to any existing situation, especially with regard to migration, thereby increasing protection of human lives and human rights. This project contributes to building both human and technical capabilities.
Both sides, Serbian and Slovenian, confirmed the importance of the project by their active attendance, with participation of high-level representatives from all areas of police competence gathered at the meeting. They laid the groundwork for future work in the year 2019. The next activities will continue 16 – 20 September 2019 with field visits to analyse the situation on the field and needs in various organizational units. After the field visits, the work will proceed with the study visit of Serbian representatives in Slovenia. With such a method Serbian representatives will be able to learn on the ground how patrols are managed in Slovenia and how information and telecommunications equipment is used in Slovenia.
The project is part of program activities carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior / Police of the Republic of Slovenia and CVS Mobile, and is financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia from funds for international development cooperation.
Further information:
Andreja Dolničar Jeraj
Centre for European Perspective
[email protected]
10. 9. 2019 | Learning compass, PR
Click here to read more about the project in Slovenian language.
Centre for European Perspective has together with Center for Communication, Hearing and Speech, Portorož, Institute for Promotion of Education from Kosovo and ALB – AID Kukes, Albania, organized a three day training titled “Learning Compass – teacher training for work with children with disabilities”. Training started with an INFO Day in Prishtina on 4th of September 2019, where an informative session for stakeholders was held. Info day was attended by 20 participants coming from different stakeholder institutions, namely Ministry of Education Albania with its responsible directorates, local education offices from Kosovo and Albania, ALB- AID Kukes, Directorate of education from Municipality of Ferizaj, Directorate of education from Municipality of Skenderaj, Local education office Skenderaj, Directorate of education from Municipality of Mitrivica, Institute of Promotion of Education IPEDU, Directorate of education from Municipality of Shtime and Local education office Shtime.
Participants at info day were greeted by Ms Meliha Muherina, Project Manager who introduced CEP, H.E. Ambassador Bojan Bertoncelj Veleposlaništvo Slovenije v Prištini / Embassy of Slovenia in Pristina, who gave an overview of Slovenia’s work in Kosovo and Western Balkans, Mr. Marko Strle, Head Master of Center for Communication, Hearing and Speech Portorož, as well as Dr Anica Mikuš Koš from Slovenska filantropija, who are experts in the project. Word was then given to local participants who gave feedback on the project as well as an overview of state of work with children with disabilities in practice.
On next day 60 participants from Kosovo and Albania traveled to Durresh, Albania, for the 3-day training. We were pleased to welcome representative from Embassy of Slovenia in Tirana Ms Milena Radenković, Deputy Head of Mission as an opening speaker. Training then started with a lecture by Dr Anica Mikuš Kos, Slovenska filantropija who gave as an overview on Failure in school and its impact on children. Over three days following topics were discussed: Specific learning difficulties and their psychosocial accompaniments; Hyperactivity & Attention Disorders (ADHD); Activating resources for helping children with school disabilities; The origins and role of conflict in the psychosocial development of children and adolescents; Strategies for resolving conflict situations in school, within the moral, social and personal fields; Respectful communication at school; Including family members in schools; Problem-based learning as a starting point for collaborative learning; Adaptations of learning and teaching in educational work with children with special needs; Identifying and addressing anxiety in learning.
Short info about the project:
In the countries of the Western Balkans, the knowledge of experts and especially teachers for children with special needs (also considering ways of pedagogical work with them) is still very lacking. On the other hand, Slovenia has a great deal of knowledge and practical experience in this field. The similarity of school systems, the historical and geographical connection and the linguistic proximity of most Western Balkan countries facilitates the transfer of knowledge and experience from Slovenia to other countries involved in the proposed project. The project will provide Slovenian knowledge and experience in the field of education and assistance to children with special needs in the Western Balkan countries.
The project that will be implemented in two years and will take place in four countries shall:
- Contribute to improving the situation of children with special needs in primary education;
- Contribute to the development of the school systems of the countries involved;
- Strengthen links and cooperation between teaching staff and educational institutions (involved in the project) of the Western Balkan countries and contributed to the peaceful coexistence in the region.
The project will educate 20 experts in each country (special educators, educators, school counselors) from the countries involved:
- to work with children with disabilities within school systems;
- to disseminate basic knowledge about children with special needs among primary school teachers;
- to implement acquired knowledge of helping professionals with special needs work and to educate primary school teachers about the needs and approaches of children with disabilities.
Within the framework of the project, a publication will also be prepared, which will analyze the situation in the target countries and, based on the workshops carried out, the analysis of primary and secondary sources and Slovenian experience, present concrete proposals for improving the situation of working with children with special needs in primary schools.
The project is financed from the funds for international development cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia.
10. 9. 2019 | Global Education Network Europe, PR, Youth
Click here to read more about the project in Slovenian language.
The final event of the project ‘Global Responsibility for the Future’ in which the Center for European Perspective is collaborating as a partner together with the Entrepreneurial Sandbox “Ustvarjalnik” and NGOs: Forum for Equitable Development, SLOGA Platform and HUMANITAS, took place on Monday 9 September under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor. The final event of the project was part of a conference organized by the Entrepreneurial Sandbox “Ustvarjalnik” for the 8th consecutive year, at which the President of the Republic of Slovenia awarded the title “Best Youth Startup 2019”.
This year’s awardee is a twenty-one-year-old student of graphic design at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Ms Veronika Rožmanc, who received the award for the multi-function tent in the shape of a whale, Oli. In addition to this award, Veronika Rožmanc also received the “Most Global Responsible Idea” award, which rewards young entrepreneurs for better global entrepreneurship by incorporating sustainable lifestyles including respect for human rights, gender equality, promoting culture of peace and nonviolence, citizenship of the world and respect for cultural diversity.
The project “Global Responsibility for the Future” is financially supported by the European Global Learning Network-GENE and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia in the framework of Slovenia’s development cooperation.
9. 9. 2019 | PR, U-LEAD: with Europe
Centre for European Perspective again has the honour of hosting International Study Visit within the U-LEAD programme. The event begun on Monday, 9th of September at Jable Castle and will continue throughout the week.
The topic of the visit is “Infrastructural Management and Rural-Urban Cooperation”.
There are currently 16 local officials from Ukraine taking part in the study visit with the majority being heads of amalgamated hromadas.
The study visit began with a welcome speech by Katja Geršak, Executive Director, CEP who warmly welcomed the 9th group from Ukraine and Andrej Vrčon, Administrative Director, CEP, who welcomed the participants at Jable Castle, briefly described the work CEP does and presented the organizing team. Opening remarks were given by Berta Mrak, the newly instated Head of the Department for Eastern Europe, South Caucasus, Central Asia and the Arctic at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Slovenia, who gave an insight into general work Ministry does with Ukraine and the region. Meliha Muherina, Project Manager at CEP, followed their introductory remarks with an overview of the agenda for the following days and answered all the questions participants had.
After a short warm-up session and introduction of participants, the theoretical part of the visit begun.
First lecture of the day was given by Ms Alina Cunk Perklič, from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry who spoke about the history of rural – urban agenda in Slovenia since its inception – from Programme on rural development and village renewal CRPOV to the todays local action groups (or LAGs).
Second lecture of the day was given by Mr Bojan Dejak, who focused on infrastructure management in Slovenia and the development of infrastructure on local level.
Third lecture of the day was held by Ms Slavka Zupan, who evaluated results from the first days of the development of rural-urban agenda and spoke about forming rural-urban partnerships. She also presented some challenges facing the partnerships and future of rural-urban agenda.
Last but not least, participants were greeted by Mr Josip Pintar director of CIZA – Institute for Rural Development and local action group Sožitje med mestom in podeželjem, who commented on the rural-urban agenda in Slovenia, spoke about setting up local action groups and spoke of the work local action groups do.
On Tuesday, the participants will visit Ljubljansko barje nature park, where they will learn more about the rural-urban cooperation, learn about managing tourist infrastructure in nature parks and learn about successful projects the park lead in cooperation with 7 municipalities in the park. Wednesday is a day for visiting the municipality of Grosuplje, where participants will hear more about the development of the municipality, local projects and LAG projects. On Thursday, participants will travel to Dolenjska region, where they will meet with the mayor of Šmarješke Toplice, learn about the development of municipality and the development of its tourism infrastructure.
The visit is taking place in the framework of the multi-donor action U-LEAD established by the European Union and its Member States Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Poland and Sweden. It aims at contributing to the establishment of multilevel governance that is transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of the population of Ukraine. U-LEAD with Europe is supporting the Ukrainian Government, represented by the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine (MinRegion) as a key political partner in the coordination and implementation of the decentralization and regional policy reforms. The Program carries out demand-driven and targeted trainings for officials at the national, regional and local level.
5. 9. 2019 | BIH - Supporting the way to the EU, PR
Click here to read more about the project in Slovenian language.
In the framework of the project “Supporting BiH on its way to the EU” the Centre for European Perspective (CEP) will implement its second training for selected chapters of the acquis communautaire which is intended for Bosnian civil servants. A two-day training will be held on 11 and 12 September 2019 and will cover the topic of the free movement of services – postal services.
Slovenian experts will share experiences and good practices with their colleagues from BiH in the field of operation, liberalization and regulation of the postal services market.
The project is part of the CEP program activities financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the scope of international development cooperation.