20. 12. 2019 | LET4CAP, PR
Training of trainers was the last activity within the LET4CAP project – “Law Enforcement Training for Capacity Building project” that implemented seven trainings in the last two years. Project members – Centre for European Perspective, Italian Carabinieri, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, the Polish police force “Policja” and the in-house agency of the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance, “Studiare Sviluppo”, have contributed to more consistent and efficient assistance in law enforcement capacity building to third countries.
Training or trainers in Ljubljana from 17 – 18 December brought together 17 experienced trainers from 13 countries that learned from each other, worked on their presentation and communication skills and improved their knowledge about training theory, design and evaluation. Group work and dynamic programme contributed to an excellent atmosphere that facilitated great peer-to-peer learning as well as expertise from various working environments.
Project has been co-financed by Internal Security Fund of the European Union.

16. 12. 2019 | European Digital Diplomacy Exchange, PR
Nowadays, everyone has a powerful video camera in a pocket: a smartphone. With a little practice, tools, tips, government communicators have all they need at their fingertips. The Centre for European Perspective (CEP) in cooperation with the United States Department of State, therefore conducted a training on Smartphone Videography between 10 and 12 December 2019 in Bled, Slovenia.
The training attracted more than 30 government communicators coming from different ministries of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Romania, Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine and Slovenia.
Since video is undoubtedly one of the most engaging and effective tools to communicate with audiences at the time, the participants were introduced to the world of smartphone filmmaking. After a course with Boštjan Romih they became confident and engaging public speakers, digital storytellers after a session with Charlelie Jourdan and effective communicators during the crisis after the lecture from Matt Jacobs. For the finals, they learned about the digital convergence with Matej Praprotnik and media strategies in Bosnia and Herzegovina with Admir Malagic on the first day.
On the second day, film director and CEO of Studio Production House Dražen Štader guided participants through the process of smartphone video production, including the needed equipment, video-techniques and editing of video products. U.S. Embassy Ljubljana Public Affairs Officer, J.B. Leedy presented best practices in smartphone photography, while Ingrid Omahna focused on visual communication design. Andy Carvin from the Digital Forensic Research Lab of the Atlantic Council and Nina Pejič, Researcher at Faculty of Social Sciences of the University in Ljubljana talked about the emerging threats in the digital space.
On the last day, participants divided into 6 teams needed to put the gained knowledge into practice. They became a team of government communicators for the Ministry of Citizen Protection of a country called Sloland that is challenged with a huge influx of refugees from a neighboring country called Gotan. They were tasked to launch a 3-day digital campaign to communicate the benefits of immigration and push back against anti-immigrant and anti-refugee rhetoric, which they completed with excellence.
European Digital Diplomacy Exchange project that started off in 2017 on the initiative of the U.S. Department of State, is committed to increasing members’ collective capacities to effectively operate within the digital information space. The strong relationships fostered over the courses of the project have precipitated a network of dedicated professionals who are committed to ensuring governments are operating ahead of the digital curve, and therefore able to better communicate with their citizens, better listen to their citizens, and both embrace and protect their role within the context of this new, democratized, digital information environment.

10. 12. 2019 | European Digital Diplomacy Exchange, PR
The Centre for European Perspective, together with the U.S. Department of State is organizing a three-day training that is tailor made for government communicators, public officers and digital diplomats alike. The training will take place between Tuesday 10th of December and Thursday 12th of December at Bled, Slovenia.
The modern information and media sphere form an information highway, that has unveiled both opportunities and pressing challenges for all the stakeholders that work to protect information integrity. Technological advancement and innovation have made it significantly easier for individuals to participate in the information flow, a significant contribution to the democratic dialogue. The same opportunities are unfortunately also available to harmful narratives, that may use amplification tools to mis- and dis-inform. Governments are therefore uniquely challenged, to proactively and re-actively inform their citizens and cooperate with their audience in a dialogue of equal voices. Government communicators, who effectively safeguard information integrity through their every day work as a result need to poses an unique skillet of abilities and knowledge to be effective and address the challenges with a stronger voice.
For this purpose, a fifth iteration of the training, taking place between 10th and 12st June 2019 at Bled, Slovenia, will join the forces of government communicators from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Georgia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine. The training will cover a range of topics from public relations and public diplomacy theory to practical application of digital tools. Participants will also gain valuable knowledge on the practical application of smartphones, technology, that presents a world of opportunities at the touch of our fingertips.
The project is a result of a joint cooperation between the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Embassy in Ljubljana and the Centre for European Perspective.
9. 12. 2019 | Development (ODA), Helicopter, PR
From 3 to 6 December 2019, as part of the implementation of the international development cooperation of the Republic of Slovenia with Montenegro, a working group of government representatives of Montenegro, led by the Ministry of the Interior of Montenegro, paid a working visit to get familiarized with the system of provision of public services provided in Slovenia in cooperation with the Helicopter Unit of the Police of Republic of Slovenia. In Montenegro, in the case of certain vital or safety-related public services such as emergency helicopter medical assistance and helicopter police operations, there is no system in place yet and the role of the Montenegrin Aviation Helicopter Unit of the Ministry of Interior of Montenegro in the system that responds adequately to the needs of all residents and visitors of Montenegro in accordance with EU countries standards is not properly established.
Montenegrin delegation visited several public services providers, including Helicopter Police Unit, Police Administration Ljubljana and Operational Communication Centre, Brnik Helicopter Emergency Medical Assistance Unit, University Medical Centre. While observing how Slovenian system functions, Montenegrin representatives emphasized the value of the Slovenian experience, which, due to the comparable scope of needs for such public services, given the similar geographical and demographic characteristics of the two countries, the size of the country and distances, the systematic starting points from which current operations have developed and the similar challenges for developing such a system, which will be particularly useful in setting up the system in Montenegro. As part of the activities, inter-ministerial dialogue will continue with the Slovenian support in the next six months to establish a system for helicopter emergency medical assistance and helicopter police operations in Montenegro.
The project is part of programme activities of the Slovenia’s Development Cooperation Programme financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and carried out together with the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Health and Police of the Republic of Slovenia.
SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST: Slovenija podpira Črno goro pri vzpostavljanju sistema javnih storitev, ki se zagotavljajo s helikopterskimi operacijami Ministrstva za notranje zadeve
V času od 3. do 6. decembra 2019 je bila v okviru izvajanja mednarodnega razvojnega sodelovanja Republike Slovenije s Črno goro na delovnem obisku v Sloveniji medresorska delovna skupina vladinih predstavnikov Črne gore pod vodstvom Ministrstva za notranje zadeve (MNZ) Črne gore, ki se je spoznavala s sistemom izvajanja javnih storitev, ki jih v Sloveniji zagotavljamo ob sodelovanju Letalske policijske enote Policije Republike Slovenije. V Črni gori v primeru nekaterih življenjsko ali varnostno pomembnih javnih storitev kot so helikopterska nujna medicinska pomoč in helikopterske policijske operacije, še ni vzpostavljenega sistema in ustrezno umeščena vloga Avio-helikopterske enote MNZ Črne gore v sistemu, ki bi se ustrezno odzival na potrebe vseh prebivalcev in obiskovalcev Črne gore, v skladu s standardi držav EU.
V času obiska je črnogorska delegacija obiskala več izvajalcev javnih storitev v Sloveniji, med njimi tudi Letalsko policijsko enoto, Policijsko upravo Ljubljana in Operativno komunikacijski center, Helikoptersko nujno medicinsko pomoč Brnik, Univerzitetni klinični center. Med opazovanem delovanja slovenskega sistema, so črnogorski predstavniki izpostavili dragocenost slovenskih izkušenj, ki bodo zaradi primerljivega obsega potreb po tovrstnih javnih storitvah glede na podobne geografske in demografske lastnosti obeh držav, velikosti države in razdalj, sistemskih izhodišč, iz katerega se je razvilo trenutno delovanje in soočanja Slovenije s podobnimi izzivi razvoja tovrsstnega sistema, ki bodo posebej koristne pri vzpostavljanju sistema v Črni gori. V okviru aktivnosti se bo v naslednjih pol leta ob slovenski podpori nadaljeval medresorski dialog za vzpostavitev sistema helikopterske nujne medicinske pomoči in helikopterskih policijskih operacij v Črni gori.
Delovni obisk je del programskih aktivnosti mednarodnega razvojnega sodelovanja, ki ga financira Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije in ga izvajamo v sodelovanju z Ministrstvom za notranje zadeve, Ministrstvom za zdravje in Policijo Republike Slovenije.