European Digital Diplomacy Exchange is DIGITAL like never before

European Digital Diplomacy Exchange is DIGITAL like never before

European Digital Diplomacy Exchange Steering Board and Symposium on Government Communication during COVID-19 Pandemic begins virtually

Click here to read more about the project in Slovenian language. Slovenia on Apple iOS 11.2

The Centre for European Perspective, together with the U.S. Department of State and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia organized a Steering Board meeting and Symposium on Government Communication during COVID-19 pandemic. The event has been hosted via Zoom, taking place from Monday, 28 September to Friday, 2 October 2020.


At the beginning, participants were addressed by Matt Jacobs from the U.S. Department of State and Project Coordinator Ingrid Omahna from the Centre for European Perspective.

The day commenced after the introductory remarks, with a lecture by Tom Fletcher, Former British Ambassador and Downing Street Foreign Policy Advisor and author of the book “The Naked Diplomat: Understanding Power and Politics in the Digital Age”. He presented a lecture about the state of diplomacy before and after 2020, explained current trends, and pointed out 10 crucial questions to consider in order to survive as a diplomat in the future.

Ivana Boštjančič Pulko from Information Security Administration of the Republic of Slovenia continued with a session about “Essentials for Trainers”. The sharing of experience and knowledge is at the very core of the EDDE network, and as participants openly discussed with Mrs. Pulko, there is a dividing line between a good and bad trainer. Mrs. Pulko covered the theoretical essentials of a good trainer, tips and tricks that can help trainers be more confident and advise on how to engage their audience. Guest participants were engaged in an open discussion, that included their questions, challenges and a topic very close to the overall Steering board and Symposium subject, namely how can trainers adapt to the new COVID reality.

The day concluded with the EDDE Steering Board meeting where the next steps of the project were discussed.


The second day started with a lecture by prof. Corneliu Bjola, Associate Professor of Diplomatic Studies from the University of Oxford. Participants dived deep into The Digital “Dark Side” of the COVID-19 Pandemic with a focus on 5G conspiracy theory. The participants learnt the basics of conspiracy theories, how to detect and counter them effectively and what kind of impact they have on the public health system during the current pandemic.

The second session of the second day focused on the Cases of Disinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Czech Republic. A lecture was given by Veronika Krátka Špalková, Analyst of the Kremlin Watch Program from European Values Center for Security Policy. She focused on the Czech disinformation environment and held a detailed presentation of the context, waves and cases of disinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The third and last session of the day included a presentation by Jakub Kalensky and Andy Carvin, both working at the capacity of Senior Fellow at the Digital Forensic Research Lab within the Atlantic Council. They presented an overview of Disinformation in the new COVID reality.  As they suggested, times of crisis have always presented an opportunity/void in which disinformation can flourish, with the current pandemic being no different. The Atlantic Council is working closely from the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic and has researched, analyzed, and exposed various harmful narratives worldwide.


The third day of the event started with a session by Bernd Spainer from Communications Policy & Public Diplomacy Division of the European External Action Service. Lecture focused on Strategic Communication during COVID-19 at the EU level. The next presenter was Elina Lange- Ionatamišviili, from NATO StratCom Centre of Excelence, who  presented  the role of StratComs during COVID-19 emergency, the issue of “infodemic” and its impact on the society in a broader sense. Last but not least, Christ Smith from EUR Stratcom Team of U.S. Department of State, talked about the role of StratCom during the COVID-19 Emergency from the U.S. Perspective.


The fourth day was dedicated to social media and their active role in digital diplomacy. The first session was held by Matthias Lüfkens, Author of Twiplomacy and Managing Director at Burson Cohn & Wolfe. Matthias explained how governments and world leaders reacted to COVID-19 on Twitter. The day closed with a group activity session about the next steps of the EDDE project.

On the last day, the Steering Board members provided an overview of how different governments have responded in relation to COVID-19.

This valuable event would not have been possible without the support of the U.S. Department of State and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia within the Official Development Cooperation instrument.

European Digital Diplomacy Exchange Steering Board and Symposium


CEP išče nove sodelavce: Razpis za delovno mesto Finančno administrativni referent

CEP išče nove sodelavce: Razpis za delovno mesto Finančno administrativni referent

Ustanova – Center za evropsko prihodnost (CEP) razpisuje delovno mesto:


Trajanje zaposlitve: 3 leta s poskusno dobo šestih mesecev in možnostjo podaljšanja na nedoločen čas

Na razpisano delovno mesto bo imenovan kandidat, ki izpolnjuje naslednje pogoje: državljanstvo države članice Evropske unije, najmanj visoka strokovna (prva stopnja) izobrazba ekonomske smeri, najmanj eno (1) leto delovnih izkušenj s področja financ ali računovodstva, poznavanje računovodskih procesov v skladu z računovodskimi standardi in zakonodajo, vozniški izpit B kategorije, tekoče ustno in pisno znanje angleškega jezika (C1), usposobljenost za delo z računalnikom, sposobnost delovanja v mednarodnem okolju, visoka natančnost, visok standard za kakovostno opravljeno delo, samostojnost, samoiniciativnost in timska naravnanost.

Prednost bodo imeli kandidati, ki imajo izkušnje s financami na EU projektih, pri ustanovah ali  neprofitnih organizacijah.

Delo na razpisanem delovnem mestu obsega:

  • Izvajanje finančnega poslovanja organizacije,
  • Vodenje računovodskih evidenc,
  • Priprava finančnega in likvidnostnega načrta organizacije,
  • Priprava projektnih finančnih poročil in letnih zaključnih poročil
  • Redno usklajevanje z računovodskim servisom

Kandidat mora ob prijavi predložiti: Življenjepis in motivacijsko pismo iz katerih mora biti razvidno, da kandidat izpolnjuje pogoje. Kandidati naj pošljejo prijavo z ustreznimi dokazili v zaprti ovojnici z oznako »NE ODPIRAJ – Prijava na razpis delovnega mesta Finančno administrativni referent I« na naslov:

Ustanova–Center za evropsko prihodnost
Grajska cesta 1

1234 Mengeš

Oziroma po elektronski pošti na naslov: [email protected] z jasno oznako – »Prijava na razpis delovnega mesta – Finančno administrativni referent I «.

Upoštevane bodo vse prijave, ki bodo pravočasno prispele na zgoraj navedeni naslov ali bodo najpozneje zadnji dan roka  za prijavo 28.9.2020 poslane s priporočeno pošto, oziroma po elektronski pošti.

V besedilu objave uporabljeni izrazi, napisani v moški slovnični obliki, so uporabljeni kot nevtralni za ženske in moške. Kandidati bodo o izbiri obveščeni v roku 15 dni po odločitvi o izboru.

Za več informacij o delovnem mestu obišči spletno stran ZRSZ.

CEP išče nove sodelavce: Razpis za delovno mesto Projektni vodja IV.

CEP išče nove sodelavce: Razpis za delovno mesto Projektni vodja IV.

Razpis za delovno mesto Projektni vodja IV.

Ustanova – Center za evropsko prihodnost (CEP) razpisuje delovno mesto:
PROJEKTNI VODJA  IV ( 1 delovno mesto) – M/Ž

Projektni vodja opravlja naloge pomoči priprave projektov, samostojno oblikuje manj zahtevna gradiva, ter opravlja druge naloge v skladu z navodili.

Trajanje zaposlitve: 1 leto in pol s poskusno dobo šestih mesecev in možnostjo podaljšanja na nedoločen čas

Na razpisano delovno mesto bo imenovan kandidat, ki izpolnjuje naslednje pogoje:

  • državljanstvo države članice Evropske unije,
  • najmanj visoka strokovna (prva stopnja) izobrazba družboslovne smeri,
  • najmanj sedem (7) mesecev delovnih izkušenj,
  • poznavanje področja mednarodnih odnosov in področij EU,
  • vozniški izpit B kategorije,
  • tekoče ustno in pisno znanje angleškega jezika (C1),
  • usposobljenost za delo z računalnikom (delo s urejevalniki besedil, delo s preglednicami, delo z bazami podatkov, poznavanje računalniških omrežij, poznavanje operacijskih sistemov).
  • sposobnost delovanja v mednarodnem okolju,
  • organizacijske in komunikacijske sposobnosti,
  • sposobnost postavljanja prioritet,
  • natančnost,
  • visok standard za kakovostno opravljeno delo,
  • sposobnost samostojnega komuniciranja in predstavljanja,
  • samostojnost,
  • samoiniciativnost
  • timska naravnanost.

Zaželeno je tudi znanje hrvaškega/bosanskega/srbskega/črnogorskega jezika. Prednost pri izbiri bodo imeli kandidati z izkušnjami pri vodenju EU in drugih projektov.

Delo na razpisanem delovnem mestu okvirno obsega:

  • Vodenje projekta
    • Samostojno planiranje projektnih aktivnosti
    • Koordinacija z deležniki na ravni vladnih organov, civilne družbe in predstavnikov medijev
    • Konceptualna zasnova in vodenje delavnic z deležniki
    • Pridobitev strokovnjakov za izvedbo delavnic


  • Administrativno delo
    • Organizacija aktivnosti, koordinacija logistike potrebne za izpeljavo aktivnosti
    • Pisanje poročil
  • Upravljanje s projektnim proračunom
    • Aktivno upravljanje s stroški povezanimi z implementacijo aktivnosti
    • Vodenje proračuna projekta v skladu z zahtevami donatorja
    • Pomoč pri pripravi finančnih poročil

Dober kandidat ima izkušnje iz vseh zgoraj omenjenih področij dela.

Kandidat mora ob prijavi predložiti:

  • življenjepis in motivacijsko pismo iz katerih mora biti razvidno, da kandidat izpolnjuje pogoje.


Kandidati naj pošljejo prijavo z ustreznimi dokazili v zaprti ovojnici z oznako »NE ODPIRAJ – Prijava na razpis delovnega mesta Projektni vodja IV« na naslov:

Ustanova–Center za evropsko prihodnost
Grajska cesta 1

1234 Mengeš

Oziroma po elektronski pošti na naslov: [email protected] z jasno oznako – »Prijava na razpis delovnega mesta Projektni vodja IV«.


Rok za prijavo je do 25. 9. 2020. Upoštevane bodo vse prijave, ki bodo pravočasno prispele na zgoraj navedeni naslov ali bodo najpozneje zadnji dan roka za prijavo poslane s priporočeno pošto, oziroma po elektronski pošti. V besedilu objave uporabljeni izrazi, napisani v moški slovnični obliki, so uporabljeni kot nevtralni za ženske in moške.

Kandidati bodo o izbiri obveščeni v roku 15 dni po odločitvi o izboru.

Več informacij o delovnem mestu je mogoče poiskati tudi na spletni strani ZRSZ. 

ANNOUNCEMENT: European Digital Diplomacy Exchange Steering Board and Symposium on Government Communication during COVID-19 Pandemic

ANNOUNCEMENT: European Digital Diplomacy Exchange Steering Board and Symposium on Government Communication during COVID-19 Pandemic

Click here to read more about the project in Slovenian language. Slovenia on Apple iOS 11.2

The Centre for European Perspective, together with the U.S. Department of State and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia is organizing a Steering Board meeting and Symposium on Government Communication during COVID-19. The Steering Board Meeting & Symposium, hosted via Zoom, will start on Monday, 28. September, and will finish on Friday, 2. October 2020.

The COVID-19 pandemic pushed the world in the grip of a crisis that stands unprecedented in living memory. Challenged with uncertainty about the development of the virus and its impact on society, governments and other institutions are under enormous pressure to communicate and introduce policy initiatives under extraordinary circumstances, accompanied by an “infodemic”, with flooding misinformation and disinformation.

This symposium aims to provide an overview of how governments have responded in relation to COVID-19 and to reveal the digital dark side of the pandemic. The event will consist of several engaging sessions with different stakeholders, ranging from government structures to non-government organizations, think-tanks, academia, and tech companies.

The project is a result of a joint cooperation between the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Embassy in Ljubljana, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia in the scope of the International Development Cooperation and the Centre for European Perspective.




Digital training finished successfully – Learning Compass

Digital training finished successfully – Learning Compass

Centre for European Perspective, Center for Communication, Hearing and Speech, Portorož, NGO Association for psihosocial and pedagogical assistance and education – REZJA (Združenje za psihosocialnu I pedagošku podršku I edukaciju – REZJA) , Northern Macedonia have organised a three day training titled “Learning Compass – teacher training for work with children with disabilities”.

The event included the participation of three Slovenian trainers (Mr. Marko Strle, Mrs. Anica Mikuš Kos and Mrs. Tamara Velikonja), who prepared presentations and discussions on various topics for 25 participants, teachers and special educators from North Macedonia. All the activities took place from September 9th to September 11th in a digital platform, that enabled all the participants and trainers to exchange ideas, best practices and their experience.

The topics of the first day included two lectures by Mr. Marko Strle, presenting Inclusion as a speciality of normality and problem-based learning as a starting point for collaborative learning. The afternoon sessions included the presentations prepared by Mrs. Anica Mikuš Kos on School failure and it´s impact on children, followed by an open discussion concerning the activation of resources for helping children with school disabilities.

The program activities of the second day began with a presentation on Specific learning difficulties and their psychosocial accompaniments, followed by a lecture on Hyperactivity & Attention Disorders (ADHD), both presented by Mrs. Anica Mikuš Kos. The afternoon sessions included a open discussion prepared by Mr. Marko Strle on the topic Adaption of learning and teaching in educational work with children with special needs, followed by a lecture prepared by Mrs. Tamara Velikonja on the origins and role of conflict in the psychosocial development of children and adolescents.

The topic of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on the school system was involved in the overall discussions of the training as well as the training format that enforced the use of digital resources. The third and final day also included specific topics, presented first by Mrs. Anica Mikuš Kos discussing Childreen and school in time of Coronavirus disease, followed by a presentation by Mr. Marko Strle on Distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The continuation of the days program included an open discussion on Individualized Educational plans, identifying and addressing anxiety in learning and a lecture on creativity as an element of an inclusive society presented by Mr. Marko Strle. The last discussion of the training was prepared by Mrs. Tamara Velikonja on the topic of Supportive school environment.

The training officially ended on Friday, with closing remarks and a certificate ceremony that was implemented in an innovative digital manner, whereas the ties and connections among teachers and experts from North Macedonia and Slovenia will continue in a network that will enable them to share best practices and work experience in the future.

The Learning Compass program will also continue with an informative meeting for decision makers in North Macedonia (school principals, local/regional/national school system representatives and other guest speakers) and a training implemented with teachers in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the following weeks.

Project is part of CEP’s program activities financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia in the framework of Slovenia’s Development Cooperation.