22. 1. 2021 | Bled Strategic Forum, PR
British Embassy Ljubljana, Centre for European Perspective – CEP and Bled Strategic Forum – BSF are pleased to invite you to the third event in the FUTURE PERFECT series titled:
NATO – Ready for 2030?
Thursday 4 February 2021, 12.00 p.m. to 13.00 p.m. (CET)
NATO is 71 years old – when it was founded, jet aircraft were a recent innovation. Since 1949, the world has changed beyond recognition. The next decade will bring still more radical change. In an age of hybrid threats, challenges in cyber space, autonomous vehicles and developments in AI – how can NATO continue to evolve and keep allies safe?
As the world continues to address the immediate challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, what kind of threats do states need to be preparing for over the next ten years and what role will NATO play in mitigating these threats?
In the latest of our Future Perfect series, the British Embassy Ljubljana and Centre for European Perspective are, alongside the Bled Strategic Forum, hosting a discussion with policymakers and security experts to ascertain how ready NATO is for the security threats of the 2020s and what this means for defence policy.
- Uroš Zorko, Director-General of the Defence Policy Directorate at Slovene Ministry of Defence
- Daniel Drake, Head of Euro-Atlantic Security Partnership at UK Ministry of Defence
- Marta Dassù, Senior Director of European Affairs at The Aspen Institute; Member of NATO Reflection Group
- Dr Božo Cerar, Former State Secretary at Slovene Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Former Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Slovenia to NATO
Moderator: Katja Geršak, Executive Director, Centre for European Perspective
Please join us via Zoom at the link below.
This will be the third event of the FUTURE PERFECT event series, organized by the British Embassy in Ljubljana, in cooperation with CEP and BSF. The FUTURE PERFECT series will gather experts to ask big questions about our post-COVID future.
For more about the series, follow CEP on Facebook and Twitter or Bled Strategic Forum on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram or follow the hashtag #FuturePerfectSeries.
22. 1. 2021 | EUCTI, PR, Security
The activities of the new EU funded project coordinated by CEP have begun at the beginning of the year. The Secretariat of the project, the European Union’s Civilian Training Initiative (EUCTI), is located at CEP.
The overall objective of the EUCTI is to improve the EU position as a peace actor.
EUCTI aims to improve the life of people living in the conflict-affected societies by enhancing the quality of training provided to individuals joining the crisis management missions – either civilian crisis management missions or missions consisting of civilian, police and military elements (integrated missions).
CEP has been active in the field of civilian crisis management for a decade. During this time, a large part of the related activities was implemented through an EU funded Europe’s New Training Initiative for Civilian Crisis Management (ENTRi).
As a part of ENTRi, CEP delivered a variety of training activities including Training of Trainers, Monitoring, Mentoring and Advising, Pre-deployment Training for various missions, Hostile Environment Awareness as well as mission administration and support-training. Moreover, CEP lead and contributed to several working groups developing standards on evaluation, online learning tools and packages of training materials that were made accessible for everyone interested. Furthermore, CEP was active in several other projects related to the civilian crisis management such as Improving the Effectiveness of Capabilities in EU Conflict Prevention (IECEU) and Law Enforcement Training for Capacity Building (LET4CAP) just to name few. Based on its experience and engagement, CEP was recognized by its international counterparts as capable and suitable for hosting the secretariat with four people for the new multi-annual EUCTI project.
EUCTI consortium consists of eight renowned training institutions with sound knowledge and expertise in designing and delivering civilian crisis management training. Apart from Slovenia, the other consortium members are located in the following EU member states: Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Sweden.
In practical terms, EUCTI will organize tailor-made training activities for individuals working in the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) -and other international missions, support third countries in their endeavours to develop efficient training materials and activities, design new course curriculums based on the needs of the missions, work on standardization of the training activities offered and develop new methodologies that will maximize the outcomes of the learning processes.
Further information about the project can be found here and more will be made available soon on new EUCTI web site – stay tuned!

4. 1. 2021 | Macedonia - corruption, Macedonia - Finance, Macedonia - Resources, North Macedonia - RoL, PR
End of 2020 active to strengthen the capacities of the Republic of Northern Macedonia for financial investigations.
More about the project in Slovenian language.
For all those in charge of financial investigation in the Republic of North Macedonia, as well as for Slovenian representatives of the Police, the Financial Administration and the State Prosecution the end of 2020 was even more busy than usual.
On 29 December 2020, an online workshop was held with the purpose of presentation and discussion on a feasibility study to increase the availability of data, which are needed to conduct financial investigations. What is needed for an effective financial investigation of proceeds of crime and also the property which can be subject to extended confiscation for which the suspects of serious crime, punishable by imprisonment of a minimum of 4 years or set catalogueally cannot prove it was gained from legal income, that is to say, in a lawful way?
Study shows in detail investigators need to be supported with an appropriate legal basis that allows them access to data they need in the financial investigation. They must also have at their disposal up-to-date, complete and accurate data available from various data holders who exchange data with different efficiency within the established interoperability platform in North Macedonia. Furthermore, the obtained data are useful to us only if we know how to evaluate them correctly and determine proceeds of crime and volume of property, which could be of illegal origin. With the help of the study and the workshop, concrete possibilities for increasing the availability of data for financial investigations have been identified, which is an important step towards their realization.
The activities of the presentation workshop of the feasibility study on increasing the availability of data in the field of financial investigations successfully complete the two-year development assistance in the field of financial investigations in the period 2019-2020. At the same time, it opens a new two-year period of development aid 2021-2022, when Slovenian support to North Macedonia in the field of financial investigations continues.
The project is part of programme activities of Slovenia’s Development Cooperation Programme financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and carried out together with the State Prosecution, Financial Administration, Ministry of Interior and Police of the Republic of Slovenia.
Further information:
Andreja Dolničar Jeraj
Programme Director