30. 3. 2022 | POTC, PR
Along with organizing and conducting training courses, Peace Operations Training Centre’s (POTC) regular activities also include monitoring trends in demand for new training content. We identified a number of potential new topics and have consulted national, European, and UN institutions on the most urgent and relevant training needs. We decided to develop a new comprehensive training on the protection of civilians (PoC) after consulting a number of stakeholders.
According to the Security Council Report on the protection of civilians in armed conflict, armed conflict is continuously accompanied by high levels of civilian death, injury and psychological trauma, sexual violence, torture, and disappearance, as well as damaged and destroyed homes, schools, markets, hospitals and essential civilian infrastructure, such as electrical and water systems. Protection of civilians is a responsibility that includes military, police, and civilian functions within a peacekeeping mission and many missions have a mandate that includes PoC.
Personnel, deployed to peace operations and missions have consistently demonstrated a lack of understanding of their missions’ PoC mandates and the same lack of understanding is applicable to the core PoC tasks. We have hence developed a training format that will equip participants with a basic understanding of the PoC concept and its applications in peace operations and missions.
We are now inviting police and civilian personnel deployed or waiting to be deployed in IOM to our Protection of Civilians Training Course between 19 and 21 April 2022. The participants will address the PoC concept, elaborate on how conflict affects civilians and will identify different types of threats, perpetrators, and protection actors. They will also address the international legal framework on PoC, different tiers and/or operational phases of PoC, vulnerable groups, and special mechanisms for their protection. Check out the training program for more information.
Fill out the registration form to apply for participation before 12 April or contact [email protected] for any additional information on the new training.
24. 3. 2022 | POTC, PR
The Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) has successfully concluded the Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming in Peace Operations Training that took place online from the 21st to the 24th of March 2022.
Participants from several EU countries’ military and police structures have joined trainers from POTC, UN Women, International Committee of the Red Cross, Slovenian Armed Forces, European External Action Service – EEAS, The Slovenian Police and CMC Finland to address gender issues.
We addressed the international legal framework on gender equality with a special focus on EU legislation, the issue of gender concerning human dignity in international operations, and the impact of conflict on gender-related issues. The participants gained insight into concrete situations and issues in experience sharing sessions with experts from the field.
Shared knowledge and skills will enable participants to contribute effectively to sustaining peace by recognizing the experiences and capabilities of women that are contributing to all aspects of peace operations and are vital for building sustainable peace.
As one of the participants put it: “It was a great training on the topic. It’s good that it’s addressed in such context that we really become more conscious.”
24. 3. 2022 | EUCTI, PR
Between 30 March and 1 April 2022 CEP will conduct the second module of the Digital Communications in Civilian Crisis Management training within the scope of the EU Civilian Training Initiative (EUCTI). The module will be carried out in a residential format in Georgia. It is designed for the communication experts working in EU Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM Georgia), but also in other international organizations working in the field.
CEP has already delivered the first module of the training in November 2021 in an online format due to the Covid-19 restrictions. According to the participants and trainers, it was a great success. The 3-day long second module, finally happening in person, will strengthen the participants’ already gained knowledge and skills and strive to put them into practice.
Lead experts and practitioners in the field of (digital) communication will among other topics talk about the importance of infographics, visual storytelling, and information verification. There will of course be time for a rhetoric session as well. All this nowadays invaluable knowledge will be tested throughout the training course while participants can also look forward to the grand finale – a simulation exercise.
(Digital) communication, especially in the civilian crisis management environment, can significantly increase credibility, transparency, public support, and trust in the mission. Consequently, this leads to a higher rate of successfully achieved mission mandates.
CEP is proud to be able to contribute to and support the EUCTI project by delivering tailor-made training based on the needs of in-mission personnel.
18. 3. 2022 | Macedonia - Finance, PR
Klikni tukaj za branje prispevka v slovenskem jeziku. 
In accordance with its strategic goal and the desire to achieve the criteria for EU membership, North Macedonia is seriously committed to making progress and increasing efficiency in the fight against organized crime and corruption. Slovenia has been helping North Macedonia on this path in the field of financial investigations through international development assistance since 2017.
Within the framework of this support, Slovenian experts will this time pass on their knowledge to their Macedonian colleagues by advising them on the development of procedures for the implementation of the Common Guidelines for Financial Investigations, which were adopted in 2019 by the Macedonian institutions responsible for financial investigations, based on Slovenian experience.
The consultation will take place on 28-29 March 2022 in North Macedonia, and will be attended by representatives of the authorities, which in North Macedonia carry out financial investigations: Ministry of the Interior, Customs Administration, Financial Police Office and the State Prosecutor’s Office.

The project is part of the program activities of international development cooperation, financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and implemented in cooperation with the State Prosecution, Financial Administration, Ministry of the Interior and the Police of the Republic of Slovenia.
Further information:
Andreja Dolničar Jeraj
Programme Director
Centre for European Perspective
18. 3. 2022 | North Macedonia - Communication, PR
Klikni tukaj za več o projektnih aktivnostih v slovenskem jeziku 
In order to enter the negotiation process well prepared, North Macedonia is training its future working group for Chapter 24 also with Slovenian development assistance.
A significant impact on the efficiency in the negotiation process in Chapter 24, in addition to implementing rule of law reforms or the alignment with the EU acquis, will also have the ability of the working group to communicate within itself, with the public and, of course, with the European Commission.
In this context a second practical and interactive workshop for members of the future working group will be held from 28 to 31 March 2022 in North Macedonia. Workshop will be organized with the aim of improving communication capacity of the working group for the contents of Chapter 24 and will be attended by representatives of Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of justice, Secretariat for European Affairs, State Prosecutor’s Office, Customs Administration, Agency for National Security and Financial Police Office.

The project is part of the programme activities of Slovenia’s Development Cooperation Programme financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia.
Further information:
Andreja Dolničar Jeraj
Programme Director
Centre for European Perspective