Call for applications: Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming in Peace Operations and Missions Course

Call for applications: Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming in Peace Operations and Missions Course

Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) is organising a training on Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming in Peace Operations and Missions, which will take place in person at Jable Castle, Slovenia, from 21 March to 23 March 2023.

The training is intended for police, civilian and military personnel, who plan to join international missions and operations.  

Violent conflict disproportionately affects women and girls and intensifies pre-existing gender inequalities and discrimination. Women are also active agents of peace in armed conflict although their role as key players and agents of peace is still poorly recognized. Acknowledging and integrating different understandings, experiences, and capabilities of women into all aspects of peace operations is essential for the success of any peacekeeping efforts and for sustaining peace.

The lectures, workshops and participatory activities will cover the basic topics of gender mainstreaming. Participants will gain skills and knowledge that will help them engage all possible stakeholders regarding gender equality and include the perspectives of women in their efforts to build sustainable peace.

There are vacant seats still available, so we encourage everyone interested to apply here by the 26th of February 2023.

Additional information:

  • the training is free of charge.
  • Travel and accommodation costs are not covered by organizers. However, we will provide support and recommendations.
  • The working language is English.
  • Coffee breaks and lunch will be covered by the organisers.
  • Participants will be notified about the selection no later than the 28th of February 2023.
  • Location of the training: Jable Castle, Grajska Cesta 1, 1234 Mengeš, Slovenia

You may find more information about the training on the flyer above.

Contact [email protected] for any additional questions you might have.


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Bulgaria is the Scene of the Next EDDE Digital Strategic Communication Training

Bulgaria is the Scene of the Next EDDE Digital Strategic Communication Training

For the first time, government communicators from Bulgaria are attending the European Digital Diplomacy Exchange (EDDE) digital strategic communication training, which will take place next week, from the 30th to the 31st of January 2023, in Sofia. The event will bring together communicators from various ministries, agencies, and other state institutions.


The main focus of this in-country training is the conceptualization, development and implementation of digital strategic communication practices and campaigns identified as necessary together with the Diplomatic Institute to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria. Besides that, individual consultations will be offered to the participants in the following days to discuss specific communication items.


Since 2017 CEP and the U.S. Department of State have been conducting a digital diplomacy project titled European Digital Diplomacy Exchange (EDDE), an intergovernmental network of government communicators committed to increasing members’ collective capacities to operate within the digital information space more effectively. A fundamental offering of this network is hands-on government-to-government digital strategic communications guidance, training, and mentorship.


More information about the project can be accessed at the EDDE webpage:


This project is supported by the U.S. Department of State.


EUCTI Training Highlights so far

EUCTI Training Highlights so far

The traditional end-of-the-year video of EUCTI Training Highlights is here!

Since the beginning of the project back in 2021, the EUCTI Consortium, led by the EUCTI Secretariat located at the Centre for European Perspective (CEP), implemented 16 training courses and two activities focusing on training institutions from third countries. Eight project partners implemented training activities in seven countries – the Democratic Republic of Congo, Georgia, Kosovo, Mali, Niger, Somalia, and Ukraine.

The partners and subject matter experts who helped deliver the training invested 374 hours into training altogether 311 participants from 41 different countries. The gender balance of our participants improved in 2022 compared to 2021. Last year the EUCTI Consortium was able to train 127 women (41 %) and 182 men (59 %) (among those who identified as such).

Check out the video below to learn more!

CEP Activities within the Consortium


During the past two years, CEP delivered five training courses: two two-part Digital Communications training courses, one in Kosovo and one in Georgia, and one Protection of Civilians training adjusted to the needs of the staff of the EU Advisory Mission in Ukraine (EUAM Ukraine). Those five courses were attended by 81 participants altogether, who followed 91 hours of training.


With one year until the end of the project left, the Consortium is well on its way to reaching the set goals, among them to deliver up to 27 training courses and three activities focusing on training institutions from third countries.

CEP is happy to inform the readers that we will be able to contribute to reaching this goal in 2023 as well.

Background Information

  • To watch the 2021 EUCTI At Glance click HERE.
  • To watch the 2022 mid-year EUCTI At Glance click HERE.
  • To read more about the EUCTI project and its activities visit the EUCTI website by clicking HERE.

Work Programme 2023 is officially here

Work Programme 2023 is officially here

POTC’s Work Programme for 2023 has arrived and it is filled with trainings, courses and seminars that will enhance peace operations capacities in our region.

Klikni tukaj za branje prispevka v slovenskem jeziku. Slovenia on Apple iOS 11.2

All in all, we aim to deliver 11 diverse activities. Some are new such as the Climate Change, Peace and Security Pilot Training, while others are Work Programme musts such as the Gender Equality Training. Check out the whole list of planned activities for 2023 below:

  • Protection of Civilians Training
  • Disruptive Military Technologies Training
  • International Humanitarian Law – Module II
  • African Security and Defence Architecture Seminar
  • Engagement with the Local Community – Pilot Training
  • Stabilization and Reconstruction II
  • Training on Trafficking of Human Beings – International Operations and Missions Context – Train the Trainer (ToT)
  • Gender Equality
  • HEAT Slovenia – Hostile Environment Awareness Training
  • Climate Change, Peace and Security – Pilot Training
  • Basic training for Civilian experts

POTC aims to deliver valuable skills and knowledge with a diverse course/training schedule that will ensure a more peaceful and secure international environment.

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