Military attachés visit Jable Castle: »POTC is linking us together for future activities«

Military attachés visit Jable Castle: »POTC is linking us together for future activities«

Kliknite tukaj za branje prispevka v slovenskem jeziku

This Wednesday, February 22nd, Jable Castle was visited by military attachés accredited to or working in Slovenia. The visit was organised by the Defence Policy Directorate of the Ministry of Defence.

Nina Čepon, CEP Acting Executive Director, and Markko Kallonnen, EUCTI Project Coordinator, both presented the work of POTC, EUCTI and CEP in a productive and insightful visit of military attachés. They mentioned both the activities of CEP as a whole as well as the civilian crisis management sectors, concretely EUCTI and POTC. The presentations concluded with a fruitful Q&A session where questions were answered and opinions were shared.

At the end of the presentations, Colonel Mitja Miklavec of the Bilateral and Multilateral Affairs Division of the Defence Policy Directorate from the Slovenian MOD gave some concluding remarks, thanked the hosts, and highlighted the refreshing work that POTC is doing, combining the visions of the three ministries. He also shared his thought that »POTC is linking us together for future activities« in the sense that attaché networking benefits all partner countries moving forward.

The visit formally concluded with a networking coffee break.


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Call for applications: Climate Change, Peace and Security; April 24-26, Jable Castle, Slovenia

Call for applications: Climate Change, Peace and Security; April 24-26, Jable Castle, Slovenia

Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) is organising its newest pilot training course titled »Climate Change, Peace and Security«, which will take place back-to-back with the 12th Africa Day International Conference between 24-26 of April in Slovenia.

Climate change is a security issue and a global threat multiplier. While climate change does not directly cause violent conflict, its impacts can exacerbate its drivers. Climate change can undermine livelihoods, increase mass migration, and weaken the governance and stability of states, particularly conflict-affected fragile states and territories. The European Union (EU), NATO and the UN have actively been calling for peace operations to assess climate risks and establish management strategies that incorporate these risks. With this in mind, POTC developed a comprehensive training programme that covers different aspects of the environmental peacebuilding, climate and security nexus at an introductory level. After its successful completion, the participants will be able to understand and analyse climate-related security risks and be better prepared to contribute to crisis prevention and sustaining peace.

The enrollment procedure is now open, so we encourage everyone interested to apply here by the 24th of March, 2023.

Due to the visa obtainment process, participants from African countries should apply by February 26th, 2023.

Additional information:

  • The training is free of charge.
  • Organisers do not cover travel and accommodation costs. However, we will provide support and recommendations.
  • The working language is English.
  • The organisers will cover coffee/tea breaks and lunch.
  • Participants will be notified about the selection no later than March 31st, 2023.
  • Location of the training: Jable Castle, Grajska Cesta 1, Mengeš, Slovenia.

The draft agenda of the training course can be viewed here.

Contact [email protected] for any additional questions you might have.

For more information about the 12th Africa Day International Conference, please view the following link: 12th Africa Days International Conference

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