EDDE Capacity Building training in Chișinău (Moldova) Successfully Implemented

EDDE Capacity Building training in Chișinău (Moldova) Successfully Implemented

Governmental communicators, digital diplomats, and other institutional representatives engaged in public outreach from the Republic of Moldova joined capacity-building activities of the EDDE training organised on the 24th and 25th of June 2024 in Chisinau (Moldova). The event supported the exchanges of good practices among participating government departments and ministries stakeholders and organised discussions with expert speakers in the field. The activities contributed to developing joint capacities for increased digital engagement and supporting societal resilience against the challenges of foreign-perpetrated disinformation.

With the advancement of technical opportunities such as social media and digital communication networks that support citizens to actively participate in the public sphere with equal opportunities, creating effective and engaging societal dialogue in policy-making is increasingly important within our societies. Governments are responsible for establishing successful communication networks with their citizens and, through active interaction, establish foundations for transparent information sharing, all contributing to inclusive and efficient policy development based on the needs of citizens. Interactive cooperation among the stakeholders also contributes to a higher degree of trust building in institutions, a foundation for democratic resilience and societal health that is essential in times of crisis (such as natural disasters and challenges) and everyday democratic processes. The expansion of opportunities for access to information has furthermore expanded the space for the proliferation of misinformation and disinformation narratives, a societal challenge that needs to be addressed through the cooperation of stakeholders from all spheres.


The implemented activities are supported and funded by the U.S. Department of State’s grant and implemented by the Centre for European Perspective, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, within the scope of Slovenia’s Development Cooperation.

The Mirage of Truth: Complexities and Challenges of Disinformation in the Western Balkans

The Mirage of Truth: Complexities and Challenges of Disinformation in the Western Balkans

Today, the Centre for European Perspective is launching a new publication, »The Mirage of Truth: Complexities and Challenges of Disinformation in the Western Balkans«, in the scope of the Strengthening Societal Resilience and Countering Foreign-Perpetrated Disinformation in 6 Western Balkan Countries project.

The publication is the last activity upon the conclusion of this project as of June 30th, 2024. It touches upon the following topics: governments’ capacities to tackle disinformation, legislative venues for counter-disinformation tactics, regulation of the digital space, adaptations to education curricula, and possibilities and limits to whole-of-society cooperation mechanisms.

Disinformation is about intent. More specifically, intent to manipulate. Information is not accidentally skewed; the context is not taken out of the equation by chance. The source of disinformation carefully tailors the product following its aims and targets. It is a long-term, coordinated action seeking to undermine another society’s values, cohesion and institutions. In other words, disinformation is not a phenomenon – it is a threat, and even more, a security threat. It is a direct manifestation of foreign interference in domestic affairs, and it should be treated as such. The easiest and most vulnerable targets of disinformation are countries still developing their democratic and economic capacities with a recent history of conflict, like the Western Balkans. Disinformation that targets this region is a threat to the idea of Europe and we must, and we will resist – together.

The publication does not pretend to offer answers or an overview of all the challenges each Western Balkan country is struggling with. However, it does encourage future researchers and practitioners to think about the issue more comprehensively and to consider how disinformation affects the entire societal ecosystem, from security and foreign policy to governance, media, and education. Moreover, it also urges calls for an expansion of the comparative perspectives for which, at this time, we lacked sufficient space.

We would like to thank the following authors for their contribution to the publication: Kristina Voko (BIRN Albania), Vuk Vučetić (University of East Sarajevo), Kreshnik Gashi (Kallxo.com and Birn Kosovo), Marko Banović (Digital Forensic Centre / Digitalni forenzički centar – DFC), Bardhyl Jashari (Metamorphosis Foundation) & Tijana Femić (Novi Sad School of Journalism).

As the project concludes, our commitment to this cause remains unwavering. We will continue our efforts in this area, recognizing that change is only possible with consistency. It would be a disservice to the four years of hard work not to carry it forward in other ways.


The Project Strengthening Societal Resilience and Countering Disinformation in the Western Balkans is funded by the National Endowment for Democracy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia through development cooperation funds.

Read the publication HERE.

First EDDE Training for Slovenian government communicators has concluded

First EDDE Training for Slovenian government communicators has concluded

In an era where digital communication is of most importance, the European Digital Diplomacy Exchange (EDDE) Training held at the Jable Castle in Slovenia aimed to bolster the capabilities of government communicators in the digital realm. Hosted by the Centre for European Perspective (CEP), the two-day intensive training underscored the critical need for strategic digital messaging in combating disinformation and enhancing social cohesion. The event, titled “Improving Digital Strategic Messaging,” brought together almost thirty key stakeholders from Slovenian state institutions – from 10 ministries and 4 other state institutions, offering a robust agenda filled with expert-led sessions and practical exercises. The training’s objective was to equip participants with the tools and strategies necessary to navigate the complexities of digital communication effectively.

The training began with opening remarks from Michael Marble, the U.S. Embassy in Slovenia, Petra Bezjak Cirman, the Slovenian Government Communication Office, and Nina Čepon, the (CEP), highlighting the importance of strategic communication in the digital era. The first day of the training featured lectures on the theoretical aspects of strategic communication, including its role in fostering social unity, digital technologies driving social change, development of a strategic communication plan and components of a digital communication ecosystem. We also hosted a panel discussion providing comparative insights into strategic communication centralisation models from the U.S., North Macedonia, and Slovenia. On the second day, we touched upon the essential elements of designing a digital communication campaign, techniques for identifying and understanding the target audience, crafting policy messages and using digital media analytics. We also discussed ways to improve social media presence with concrete examples of Slovenian State Institutions. Lastly, we talked about countering disinformation with the use of strategic communication. 

Participants had quite a few practical activities going on as well. They had to develop strategic communication centralisation assessment and improvement, build a digital strategic communication strategy and design a digital strategic communication campaign.

The EDDE Training provided a learning experience for all attendees. The combination of experts’ insights, practical activities, and collaborative discussions ensured that participants left with a comprehensive understanding of digital strategic messaging. The training underscored the crucial role that strategic communication plays in fostering social cohesion, countering disinformation, and enhancing the overall effectiveness of government messaging.

The project is a result of cooperation between the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Embassy in Ljubljana, and the Centre for European Perspective.

European Digital Diplomacy Exchange Training in Slovenia: Empowering Government Communicators for the Digital Landscape

European Digital Diplomacy Exchange Training in Slovenia: Empowering Government Communicators for the Digital Landscape

19 June – 20 June 2024, Grad Jable, Slovenia – In an era marked by rapid technological advancements and the pervasive spread of disinformation worldwide, the necessity for robust and effective communication strategies has never been more pressing. As digital platforms play an increasingly pivotal role in the dissemination and perception of information, government communicators are tasked with the critical challenge of ensuring their messages remain authentic and trusted amidst a sea of disinformation.

Recognizing the paramount importance of these skills, the U.S. Department of State and the Centre for European Perspective are organizing a comprehensive two-day training bringing together government communicators from Slovenian state institutions to enhance their skills and expertise in the realm of digital strategic messaging. The training, that will be the first training organised solely for Slovenian communicators, will take place on June 19   and 20, 2024, against stunning landscape of Jable castle (Slovenia).

Themed “Improving Digital Strategic Messaging,” the training focuses on equipping participants with essential skills to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape. Led by leading experts, sessions delve into techniques for audience analysis, segmentation, and persuasive communication strategies tailored to specific demographics. Attendees will gain insights into the integration of visuals and other elements to bolster messaging effectiveness alongside practical exercises providing tangible solutions for implementation within their ministries. With an emphasis on strategic thinking and practical solutions, participants will leave armed with a roadmap for future digital communication endeavours.

The project is a result of cooperation between the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Embassy in Ljubljana, and the Centre for European Perspective.

Uspodabljanje Evropske izmenjava aktivnosti digitalne diplomacije v Moldaviji: Krepitev kompetenc vladnih komunikatorjev za nove izzive v digitalnem okolju

Uspodabljanje Evropske izmenjava aktivnosti digitalne diplomacije v Moldaviji: Krepitev kompetenc vladnih komunikatorjev za nove izzive v digitalnem okolju

V dobi hitrih tehnoloških sprememb in vseprisotnih globalnih dezinformacij so zanesljive in učinkovite komunikacijske strategije pomembnejše kot kadarkoli prej. Digitalne platforme imajo ključno vlogo pri širjenju informacij in oblikovanju percepcije, vladni komunikatorji pa se soočajo z izzivom, kako zagotoviti, da bodo njihova sporočila avtentična in zaupanja vredna v morju dezinformacij.

Da bi okrepili te veščine, Ameriško zunanje ministrstvo (U. S. State Departement) in Center za evropsko prihodnost (CEP) organizirata dvodnevni trening v Moldaviji, ki bo potekal 24. in 25. junija 2024 v Kišnjevu. Dogodek bo združil vladne komunikatorje iz različnih institucij z namenom izboljšanja veščin na področju digitalnih strateških komunikacij.

Tema treninga je »Izboljšanje digitalnih strateških komunikacij«, s poudarkom na opolnomočenju udeležencev z znanji kako se spopasti s kompleksnostmi digitalnega okolja. Vodilni strokovnjaki bodo predavali o analizi občinstva, in kako tehnike komunikacij prilagoditi različnim demografskim skupinam. Udeleženci bodo pridobili vpogled v integracijo vizualnih elementov, ki povečujejo učinkovitost sporočil, ob tem pa bodo sodelovali tudi v praktičnih aktivnostih, ki jim bodo omogočile implementacijo pridobljenih veščin v lastnih institucijah.

Projekt je rezultat sodelovanja med Ministrstvom za zunanje zadeve ZDA in Centrom za evropsko prihodnost v partnerstvu z Ministrstvom za zunanje in evropske zadeve Republike Slovenije v okviru programa Razvojnega sodelovanja in humanitarne pomoči.