Green transition in Ukraine webinar series

Green transition in Ukraine webinar series

Centre for European Perspective is delighted to invite you to the webinar series on green transition!

 The green transition refers to the shift towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices in all sectors of society, including energy, transportation, and industry. The European Union (EU) has been at the forefront of these efforts through policies like the European Green Deal, REPowerEU, and the Fit for 55 package. These initiatives aim to reduce carbon emissions, promote renewable energy, and foster a circular economy. Understanding these policies is important for local governments as they seek to align with EU standards, secure funding, and implement green practices at the municipal level.

Despite the ongoing conflict, the reconstruction process has started – with Ukraine working towards a sustainable reconstruction. Learning more about the possibilities the EU offers is helpful for local authorities involved in the reconstruction and recovery process.

This webinar series, organised with expert support from the Štajerska Chamber of Commerce, will provide you with the basics of green transition and EU policies, funding opportunities, and practical strategies for green public procurement for Ukrainian municipalities.


Webinar Series Programme

  1. Green Deal, REPowerEU, Fit for 55, Circular Economy Action Plan
    –  What is it all about?
    –  What does it have to do with Ukraine?
    Date: 30 January 2025, 10:00 – 12:00 CET
  2. EU Funding for Green Transition – Where, How, and What?
    –  Opportunities for Ukraine
    –  List of Relevant Calls for Application
    Date: 6 February 2025, 10:00 – 12:00 CET
  3. Green Public Procurement I
    –  Basics
    –  Challenges & Opportunities
    Date: 13 February 2025, 10:00 – 12:00 CET
  4. Green Public Procurement II
    –  Good Practice Examples
    –  How to Implement in Ukraine
    Date: 20 February 2025, 10:00 – 12:00 CET





The activities are funded by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs through the Slovenian Aid and Partnerships.

Pripravljena analiza izobraževalnega sistema za medicinske sestre in babice v Republiki Severni Makedoniji

V okviru projekta “Spodbujanje izobraževanja in poklicev v zdravstveni negi in babištvu v Republiki Severni Makedoniji” je nastal dokument z naslovom Analysis of the existing higher education programs for nurses and midwives in North Macedonia according to the requirements of the European Directive for regulated profession. Dokument analizira izobraževalne sisteme za medicinske sestre in babice v Republiki Severni Makedoniji, pri čemer se osredotoča na primerljivost znanja, veščin in izobraževalnih vsebin študijskih programov v skladu z Direktivo 2005/36/EC in njenimi spremembami iz leta 2013 in 2024.

Analiza vključuje primerjavo izobraževalnih programov ter prepoznavanje razlik med izobraževalnimi ustanovami v državi. Cilj dokumenta je zagotoviti, da so izobraževalne vsebine usklajene in omogočajo kakovostno ter primerljivo izobraževanje, ki ustreza evropskim smernicam.

Avtorica dokumenta je prof. dr. Brigita Skela Savič, raziskovalna svetnica in strokovnjakinja za izobraževanje medicinskih sester na Fakulteti za zdravstvo Angela Boškina v Sloveniji.

Projekt je del Slovenskega mednarodnega razvojnega sodelovanja, financiran s strani Ministrstva za zunanje in evropske zadeve in podprt s strani Ministrstva za zdravje Severne Makedonije.

Celoten dokument je na voljo spodaj:

Journey of BiH’s Visionary Voices in 2024

Journey of BiH’s Visionary Voices in 2024

Za novičko v slovenskem jeziku kliknite tu.

From December 8 to 13, 2024, the first forum titled “BiH’s Visionary Voices: Leading the Change” was held in Portorož as part of the development project Enter Change. The forum brought together future young leaders from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Through lectures, workshops, and discussions, the forum addressed key topics such as:
✔️ Leadership competencies and effective communication
✔️ Challenges and opportunities for the Western Balkans on the path to EU integration
✔️ Strategic communication and combating disinformation
✔️ Diversity in the business world, gender equality, and the role of women in politics
✔️ Youth engagement in driving social change

The event’s highlights included contributions from esteemed speakers such as Alexander Kasanof, Peter Grk, Dr. Danica Purg, and Borut Pahor and interactive workshops that enabled participants to develop concrete solutions for future challenges.

The forum was a significant step in empowering young future political leaders from BiH and fostering positive change in the region. It was organized by the Centre for European Perspective (CEP) with the support of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and the U.S. Embassy in Slovenia. In 2025, we will continue our work with future leaders and look forward to the second forum in Slovenia, scheduled for late August. This forum will be aligned with the framework of the Bled Strategic Forum.