Click here to read more about the project in Slovenian language. Slovenia on Apple iOS 11.2

In the 2019-2020 period, Slovenia helps Serbia with the upgrade of development potentials on a case of enhancing capabilities for better management of patrols. The assistance is part of the reform processes in the area of rule of law and good governance that is among priority conditions for the membership of Serbia in the EU since this is of vital importance for citizens and precondition for reforms that follow. The project is conceptualized as a trilateral process of development learning, which will provide new capacities and experiences that can be used in future development projects. Within the framework of their international development cooperation programs, Slovenia and Switzerland cooperate in providing this official development assistance to Serbia. After a series of preparatory activities, the operational activities in Serbia will commence with the meeting, which will be organised on 5 September 2019 in Belgrade.

The project is part of programme activities finances by Development Cooperation Programme of Slovenia and Switzerland and carried out together with Ministry of Interior/ Police of the Republic of Slovenia as well as CVS Mobile.