In the framework of the project ‘Assistance to Albanian municipalities in the preparation of the EU and other international projects’ between 23 and 26 May 2017 Centre for European Perspective (CEP) will conduct the second workshop in Tirana. The workshop is continuation of the first workshop that was held in April in Albanian Vlora. Same participants will continue with the preparation of their project ideas.

In the four weeks that have passed since the first workshop the participants prepared a logical frameworks for their project ideas. The logical frameworks were submitted to the trainers who have checked them and will continue to work on them with the participants next week. The main objective of the second workshop is that each group of participants prepare an outline of the project proposal that could successfully compete on a concrete call.

CEP is preparinga training in cooperation with the Balkan Center for Cooperation and Development (BCCD), the American development agency USAID and the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Tirana.

The project is part of the CEP program activities financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the scope of international development cooperation.