ceplogorgbIn the period of legislation adaptation for accession to the EU, Chapter 9 – Financial Services, Montenegro needs to pay special attention to technical assistance to the Central Bank of Montenegro.

In the framework of the project: “Assistance to Montenegro in negotiations on accession to the EU-2016” a workshop for the staff of Central Bank of Montenegro will be conducted on 3 and 4 October. The workshop will base on the training of civil servants in the scope of the bank risk management, especially with supervisory requirements and practices of the EU. Seminar participants will learn about the development of European regulations in this area, particularly with the CRD IV and the Guidelines of the European Banking Authority as well as familiarize with many practical examples of functioning of banks and supervisors.

The workshop will be conducted by Rotovnik Thomas, consultant of the Bank of Slovenia.

The project is part of the CEP program activities financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the scope of international development cooperation.

mrss znak manjsiPomoč Črni gori pri pogajanjih o pristopu k EU 2016 poglavje 9 – Finančne storitve

Črna gora mora v obdobju prilagajanja zakonodaje zaradi pristopa k EU v poglavju 9 – Finančne storitve posebno pozornost nameniti tehnični pomoči Centralni banki Črne gore.

V okviru projekta CEP »Pomoč Črni gori pri pogajanjih o pristopu k EU-2016« se bo 3. in 4. oktobra izvedla delavnica za zaposlene v Centralni Banki Črne Gore. Delavnica bo namenjena usposabljanju javnih uslužbencev z upravljanjem rizikov v bankah, še posebej z nadzornimi zahtevami in praksami EU. Udeleženci seminarja se bodo seznanili z razvojem evropskih predpisov na tem področju zlasti z direktivo CRD IV in Smernicami Evropskega bančnega organa, ter pri tem spoznali številne praktične primere delovanja bank in nadzornikov.

Delavnico bo izvajal Tomaž Rotovnik, svetovalec Banke Slovenije.

Projekt je del programskih aktivnosti CEP, ki jih financira Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve iz sredstev za mednarodno razvojno sodelovanje.