INVITATION: National Participation Day Slovenia

INVITATION: National Participation Day Slovenia

EUSDR Priority Area 10 ˝Institutional Capacity and Cooperation˝ together with the  the Foster Europe Foundation, in Austria, and the Danube Civil Society Forum invite you to the second National Participation Day – Slovenia.

Civil Society, Academia, local authorities active in the realms of environment, participation, health, social care, social innovation, good governance, transparency, open data, tourism, culture, river and water management, transport energy, labour market and migration, education, youth, and other issues in Slovenia or in a trans-national cooperation or with a connection to the Adriatic -Ionian, Western Balkan, Alpine or Danube Region are welcome.

The event will take place on Thursday, 17th of November from 8:30 – 14:00 in Ljubljana (CITY Hotel, Dalmatinova ulica 15)

What is a National Participation Day?

A National Participation Day, NPD, is a regular (annual) meeting open to all interested active or potential stakeholders of the Danube Strategy in Slovenia. The NPDs specifically address civil society organisations and their networks, local actors from municipality level, academia, public authorities on the local and regional level, national institutions active in the EUSDR and EUSDR Priority Coordinators (PACs) based in the country, as well as the National Coordinator (NC). The NPDs are open to interested stakeholders from abroad, such as representatives from PACs, academia, umbrella organisations (CODCR, DCSF), and civil society. The NPD is an important link:

  1. between the national public actors (ministries, national agencies, NC, PACs, etc.) and the interested stakeholders active in the country,
  2. that gives stakeholders the possibility to meet and exchange information in view of possible cooperation on a macro-regional level,
  3. that gives stakeholders the possibility to inform themselves about ongoing projects, calls or other possible financing programs or instruments in the EUSDR between the supra-national activities of the EUSDR, at the Annual Fora and the annual Danube Participation Days.

Aims of a NPD

The NPD is a forum for stakeholders to report on their work concerning the Danube Strategy, experience, perspective, and planning on both state and non-state levels for mutual information and opinion building on a national level. Therefore, the respective national situation will be the priority in the thematic programming.

The NPD is open to stakeholders active in the realms of environment, participation, health, social care, social innovation, good governance, transparency, open data, tourism, culture, river and water management, transport energy, labour market and migration, education, and youth, nationally or in a trans-national cooperation.

The NPD creates with its state-actor – non-state-actor dialogue and the mutual information of either side a platform to build trust, share information and contribute to an informed and active EUSDR public in the country. This contributes to a capacity building of multi-sectoral and multi-level, trans-regional, trans-national cooperation on the local, regional, and national levels.


We will have an open dialogue and exchange on the Slovenian Presidency in the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, and the role of Slovenia in EU macroregional strategies in general.



Registration is open:

on the email [email protected]

And the online survey


For further questions please contact:     [email protected]

ANNOUNCEMENT: Digital Communications in Civilian Crisis Management

ANNOUNCEMENT: Digital Communications in Civilian Crisis Management

The Centre for European Perspective will implement a three-day training on Digital Communications in Civilian Crisis Management as a part of the European Union Civilian Training Initiative (EUCTI), which provides tailor-made training activities for individuals working in the EU’s CSDP and other international missions (OSCE, UN, AU and others). The training is designed to increase the awareness of mission communication experts on the efficient use of information technology to enhance missions’ communication performance.

To effectively communicate in a strategic manner, solely acquiring technological hardware and software is not enough. Missions need to recalibrate their communication efforts and address the question of “why to communicate” in greater detail, develop communication strategies based on their findings and make necessary organisational shifts, which ultimately lead to increased support of the domestic and foreign public towards the mission. Thus, the course aims to strengthen the overall performance of missions’ communication efforts, which enhance the mission’s legitimacy.

The upcoming training addresses the needs of EUMM Georgia with participation extended to experts serving in other international missions and organisations in Georgia. Due to Covid-19 related restrictions, the course has been designed in a two-module structure. The upcoming training, which will be held online between 16th and 18th November 2021 represents the first training module and will provide the participants with fundamental theoretical knowledge. The procured knowledge will provide participants with the basis to successfully participate in the training’s second module, which is more practically oriented.

Slovenian development cooperation with the Police of the Republic of Serbia continues successfully

Slovenian development cooperation with the Police of the Republic of Serbia continues successfully

The development cooperation of the Republic of Slovenia with the Republic of Serbia is proceeding successfully. It is expected that between 12 and 16 October 2021 a field visit of organizational units in the Bor, Pirot, Požarevac and Zaječar police administrations is planned in Serbia with the aim of facilitating the involvement in the use of patrol management systems, implementation of expert assistance in deployment and on-site counselling.

Patrol management is an important part of the police response to people’s needs when their lives, their safety or property are at stake, and the speed of response can save lives.

The project is part of the program activities of international development cooperation, financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior and the Police of the Republic of Slovenia.


Further information:

Andreja Dolničar Jeraj

Programme Director

Centre for European Perspective





Slovensko razvojno sodelovanje s Policijo Republike Srbije se uspešno nadaljuje

Razvojno sodelovanje Republike Slovenije z Republiko Srbijo uspešno poteka. Predvidoma med 12 in 16. oktobrom 2021 je v Srbiji načrtovana izvedba terenskega obiska organizacijskih enot na področju policijskih uprav Bor, Pirot, Požarevac in Zaječar s ciljem spremljanja vključevanja uporabe sistema za upravljanje patrulj, izvajanja strokovne pomoči pri uvajanju in svetovanja na licu mesta.

Upravljanje patrulj je pomemben del odziva policije na potrebe ljudi, ko je ogroženo njihovo življenje, njihova varnost ali premoženje, hitrost odziva pa lahko reši življenje.


Projekt je del programskih aktivnosti mednarodnega razvojnega sodelovanja, ki ga financira Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije in ga izvajamo v sodelovanju z Ministrstvom za notranje zadeve in Policijo Republike Slovenije.




Več informacij:

Andreja Dolničar Jeraj

Programska direktorica

Center za evropsko prihodnost


The future of Europe through the Eyes of Youth

The future of Europe through the Eyes of Youth

From August 29th 2021 until August 31st 2021 , Bled (Slovenia) was once more the meeting point for young leaders, who in the scope of the Young Bled Strategic Forum and Bled Strategic Forum framework joined forces, shared their creativity and ideas in order to contribute their piece of the puzzle (as active citizens) to the challenges (or rather said) opportunities of today and tomorrow, that civil society, decision-makers, private sector, members of academia and all members of society will need to address jointly, with strong voices and decisive actions, to secure a prosperous Future of Europe.

A group of 40 participants, trainers and organisers from the countries of Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, France, Hungary, Ireland, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine and the United States of America participated in an intensive programme of capacity building and exchange of ideas through workshops, panel discussions, networking and other interactive activities the Young BSF is known for. The Programme was prepared in close cooperation with an international group of trainers and experts, who have extensive experience in the field of European Union policy, regional cooperation and the perspective of the Western Balkans region, economy and employability, resilience and recovery (in the scope of the COVID-19 pandemic), climate change and green transformation, civil society engagement in decision making and other topics.

Young participants contributed their voices and vision through the preparation of a joint declaration on the Future of Europe they desire, deserve and wish to help create, that will be further supported and promoted within the Conference on the Future of Europe and the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

The Young BSF programme began on Sunday 29th of August at Bled (Slovenia) with introductory remarks presented by Mr. Peter Grk, Secretary-General of the Bled Strategic Forum, Ms Katja Geršak, Executive Director of the Centre for European Perspective, Mr Jernej Grahor, BSF Project Manager (Responsible for Young Bled Strategic Forum) and Ms Dafina Peci, Young Bled Strategic Forum Master of Ceremony.

On Monday, 30th of August 2021 the programme continued with workshops structured on decisive elements of creating an inclusive and engaging environment for the active participation of youth, and discussions on global challenges where perspectives (ideas) of youth need to be further supported. The first session was prepared by Ms Krisela Hackaj, Western Balkans Youth Cooperation Platform Executive Director and Ms Gresa Smolica, Cooperation and Development Institute Project Officer. Participants explored different initiatives, strategies and projects on the topic of economy and development, leading to the drafting of recommendations on how to take action towards youth participation in sectoral policymaking. Mr Jan Kulenović, Regional Youth Cooperation Office Director of Programs continued with a workshop on the topic of diversity, working on the important roles and opportunities of actors within society in the process of advancing the implementation of tolerance and inclusivity. Building on the broad experience and knowledge of V4SDG on the topic of climate change and green transformation, Ms Lilla Judit Bartuszek, V4SDG Secretary-General, engaged the participants in a discussion on the potential for cooperation, joint opportunities and responsibilities of promoting sustainability through cross-sectoral opportunities and actions towards a long term vision. The evening programme of Young BSF Day one was devoted to a structured approach towards the drafting of a joint Young BSF declaration, and an evening Night owl session presented by Mr Matt Jacobs, Digital Coordinator at the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs of the U.S. Department of State and Coordinator of the European Digital Diplomacy Exchange Programme. An open discussion tackled the challenges of successful digital communication and social listening, that within the opportunities of the digital environmental space, hold the opportunity of further bridging the gap between decision-makers (or institutions they represent) and civil society, the opportunity to in effect contribute to the safeguarding of digital resilience and information integrity protection.

On Tuesday, 31st of March the intensive programme continued with presentations of partnering organisations. The first session foresaw the implementation of the Third Fundamental Rights Dialogue, organised by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights in the form of a live event streamed on social media and online platforms. Participants cooperated with Mr Michael O´Flaherty, Director of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, in an open discussion on topics of fundamental rights protection and advancement. The discussion was moderated by Ms Dafina Peci, Young BSF Master of Ceremony. Dr Staša Mesec, Government Office for Development and Cohesion Policy and European Union Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) and Mr Jernej Grahor, European Union Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) Priority Area 10 Coordinator continued the programme of the day, and engaged the participants in a workshop on civil society engagement in decision making. Young leaders began by exploring the opportunities for cooperation and work within the established structures of the Macroregional strategies, moving towards group work on specific topics closely supported by the Danube and Adriatic-Ionian region, discussing opportunities for closer engagement of civil society and youth in decision making on a local, regional and transnational level. The first-afternoon session was prepared in cooperation with the Regional Cooperation Council and the Western Balkans Youth Lab, presented by Ms Petra Balažič, Regional Cooperation Council Political Advisor. The discussion included the opportunities for better cooperation on a regional level as within the Western Balkans six economies and a bridge between regions as the WB6 together with the European Union, with a strong emphasis on economical cooperation, mobility and other cross-cutting topics that contribute to the creation of a more prosperous environment for youth, as well as contribute to progress and advancement of the region as a whole. The final session of the day included a panel discussion organised in cooperation with the Youth Council of Slovenia. Participants discussed the topic of youth participation in the European Union and exchanged their ideas with the session moderator Mr Patrik Bole, National Youth Council of Slovenia Vice President for International Cooperation, Ms Lucija Karnelutti, United Nations Youth Delegate of Slovenia, Mr Jaša Levstik, Project Manager of the 94th International Session of European Youth Parliament – Ljubljana 2021 and Ms Tjaša Božič representing the Institute for Political Management.

The programme of the Young BSF continued with the participation of young leaders in the proceedings of the Bled Strategic Forum as active participants of the workshops, panel discussions and meetings taking place between September 1st and September 2nd 2021.

The Young Bled Strategic Forum and Bled Strategic Forum platform once more wish to express gratitude and admiration to the sponsor and partner organisation, who contributed their expertise, knowledge and trust in the creation of a comprehensive programme. The organisation of the Young Bled Strategic Forum would not be possible without the support of the Regional Cooperation Council programme co-funded by the European Union, The Danube Transnational Programme, Triglav d.d. and the Central European Initiative.

Young Bled Strategic Forum Opening

Young Bled Strategic Forum Day 1

BSF 2021 - Young Bled Strategic Forum opening
Young Bled Strategic Forum 2021 - Day 1

Young Bled Strategic Forum Day 2

Third Fundamental Rights Dialogue

Young Bled Strategic Forum 2021 - Day 2
Learning compass booklet is now available

Learning compass booklet is now available

Klikni tukaj za branje prispevka v slovenskem jeziku. Slovenia on Apple iOS 11.2

Learning Compass is a regional project aimed at improving the situation of elementary children with special needs through the education of primary school teachers in more remote places of four Western Balkan countries (Albania, Kosovo, Northern Macedonia, Bosnia and Hercegovina).

The project that was implemented in two years and took place in four countries was formed to reach the following goals:

  • Contribute to improving the situation of children with special needs in primary education;
  • Contribute to the development of the school systems of the countries involved;
  • Strengthen links and cooperation between teaching staff and educational institutions (involved in the project) of the Western Balkan countries and contributed to the peaceful coexistence in the region.

The project implemented all the envisaged activities and involved the members of the current Learning compass community in the following events:

  • Implemented 3 day training for experts from Albania and Kosovo (organised in September 2019 in Drač, Albania)
  • Implemented informative meeting for decision makers (ministries, responsible authorities, school directors, headmasters and other representatives) in Pristina, Kosovo
  • Implemented three day virtual training for Experts in North Macedonia (organised in September, 2020)
  • Implemented a three day virtual training for Experts in Bosnia and Herzegovina (organised in November, 2020)

The Learning Compass project successfully reach the initially set goals, and contributed to:

  • 160 trained profesionals (teachers, special educators, other ecperts) in Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Bosnia and Hercegovina in the field of education for childreen with special needs, achieved through the mutual exchange of best practices.
  • Additionally trained experts, as workshop participants passed the received knowledge and experience to more than 400 coworkers (in Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Bosnia and Hercegovina) in a structured learning process training of trainers, implemented in their schools.
  • Establishment of a virtual platform in cooperation with the institution The established platform enables the sharing of knowledge established within the project and further enlargemen of the Learning compass network.

The final activity within the project envisaged the preparation of a project booklet, that would at the same time offer an insight in the most pressing challenges educational systems for children with special needs are facing in the Western Balkans. The publication presents the learning compass project, covers the sharing of best practices on different topics related to education of childreen with special needs and offers the sharing of best practices discussed and developed within the Learning compass training. The publication is available on this web connection Booklet Learning compass

The project is part of programme activities of Slovenia’s Development Cooperation Programme supported by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve RS.