Montenegro strengthens the capacity and role of helicopter operations with the help of Slovenia

Montenegro strengthens the capacity and role of helicopter operations with the help of Slovenia

Click here to read more about the project in Slovenian language. Slovenia on Apple iOS 11.2

Montenegro, with the help of Slovenia, strengthens the capacity and role of helicopter operations of the Ministry of the Interior in providing public services

On 18 November 2020, a video-conference will be held with the Montenegrin inter-sectoral working group on the development of the role of the Montenegrin Ministry of Interior’s helicopter unit in providing key public services provided by helicopter operations and essential for human safety and health in Montenegro. By exchanging experiences in the field of the helicopter police operation and helicopter emergency medical services, Slovenian experts are contributing to the efforts of Montenegrin colleagues to bring Montenegro up to EU standards in this field.


The project is part of programme activities of Slovenia’s Development Cooperation Programme financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and carried out together with the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Health and Police of the Republic of Slovenia.



Further information:

Andreja Dolničar Jeraj

Programme Director

Centre for European Perspective

Establishing inter-ministerial dialogue in Montenegro for the formulation of helicopter public service systems

Establishing inter-ministerial dialogue in Montenegro for the formulation of helicopter public service systems

Click here to read more about the project in Slovenian language. Slovenia on Apple iOS 11.2

From 18th to 19th June 2020, a workshop and meetings were held in Montenegro with the aim of establishing the inter-ministerial dialogue needed to formulate strategic decisions and a long-term plan to bring public service systems operated by helicopter operations in line with EU standards.

The purpose of the visit – encouraging inter-ministerial dialogue in Montenegro for the establishment of helicopter emergency medical service (HHMP) and helicopter police operations (HPO) systems – was achieved as during the visit a draft document, aimed at developing a plan and strategy for the development of helicopter-based public service systems with a focus on helicopter emergency medical service (HHMP) and helicopter police operations (HPO) and thus the role of the Directorate of Aviation Units of Montenegro and other organizational units of the public administration of Montenegro included in this system, was developed.

The interdepartmental group consists of representatives of the Police Administration of Montenegro, the Institute for Emergency Medical Aid of Montenegro, the Civil Aviation Agency of Montenegro, led by the Ministry of the Interior of Montenegro.


The project is part of programme activities of the Slovenia’s Development Cooperation Programme financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and carried out together with the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Health and Police of the Republic of Slovenia.



Further information:

Andreja Dolničar Jeraj

Programme Director

Centre for European Perspective

Montenegro continues to strengthen the capacity of helicopter operations of the Ministry of the Interior with the support of Slovenia

Montenegro continues to strengthen the capacity of helicopter operations of the Ministry of the Interior with the support of Slovenia

Click here to read more about the project in Slovenian language. Slovenia on Apple iOS 11.2

In June, after the inclusion of Montenegro on the list of epidemiologically safe countries, development assistance to Montenegro in developing the role of the helicopter unit of the Ministry of the Interior of Montenegro in the provision of key public services through established methods of implementation continues.

From 18th to 19th June 2020, workshop and meetings will be held in Montenegro to establish the inter-ministerial dialogue needed to formulate strategic decisions and a long-term plan to bring public service systems operated by helicopter operations in line with EU standards.


The project is part of programme activities of the Slovenia’s Development Cooperation Programme financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and carried out together with the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Health and Police of the Republic of Slovenia.



Further information:

Andreja Dolničar Jeraj

Programme Director

Centre for European Perspective


Slovenia’s development assistance for establishing Montenegro’s system of public services provided by helicopter operations of Ministry of Interior

Slovenia’s development assistance for establishing Montenegro’s system of public services provided by helicopter operations of Ministry of Interior

Click here to read more about the project in Slovenian language. Slovenia on Apple iOS 11.2

With the development assistance of Slovenia, Montenegro is building a system of helicopter police operations and helicopter emergency medical services, and enhancing the role of the Ministry of the Interior in this system.

Expertise of Flight Police Unit and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia is primarily used to assist Montenegrin Interdepartmental Working Group in establishing expert interdepartmental dialogue. Interdepartmental Working Group discussed Slovenian experience for steps of Montenegrin system development between 11 and 12 March 2020 in Podgorica.

It consulted on the preparation of a strategic document to guide the development of a new system of public services provided by helicopter operations of the Ministry of Interior, particularly relevant to the safety, health and lives of residents and visitors of Montenegro. Its importance and importance of enhancing efficiency of public administrations was emphasised also by the Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to Montenegro Gregor Presker who opened the working gathering together with Program Director Andreja Dolničar Jeraj. Slovenian representatives also held a working meeting on specifics of helicopter police operations planning on 13 March 2020 at the Police Administration of Montenegro.


The project is part of programme activities of the Slovenia’s Development Cooperation Programme financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and carried out together with the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Health and Police of the Republic of Slovenia.



Further information:

Andreja Dolničar Jeraj

Programme Director

Centre for European Perspective


Slovenia’s development assistance for establishing Montenegro’s system of public services provided by helicopter operations of Ministry of Interior

PRESS RELEASE: Slovenian development assistance for establishing a system of public services in Montenegro provided by helicopter operations of Ministry of Interior

Click here to read more about the project in Slovenian language. Slovenia on Apple iOS 11.2

In 2020, Slovenia continues to implement development assistance to Montenegro, which is aimed at strengthening the role of the helicopter unit of the Ministry of Interior of Montenegro within the establishment of a system of helicopter emergency medical services and helicopter police operations. Montenegro does not yet provide these public services systematically. An interdepartmental working group has been established to set up the system and will use Slovenian experience in its work and in inter-sectorial dialogue. For this purpose, in Podgorica, during 11–12 March 2020, 22–24 April 2020 and 3–5 June 2020, workshops and working meetings will be held and assisted by the experts from Slovenian Police and Ministry of Health.


The project is part of programme activities of the Slovenia’s Development Cooperation Programme financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and carried out together with the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Health and Police of the Republic of Slovenia.


Further information:

Andreja Dolničar Jeraj

Programme Director

Centre for European Perspective

PRESS RELEASE: Slovenia supports Montenegro in establishing a system of public services provided by helicopter operations of Ministry of Interior

PRESS RELEASE: Slovenia supports Montenegro in establishing a system of public services provided by helicopter operations of Ministry of Interior

From 3 to 6 December 2019, as part of the implementation of the international development cooperation of the Republic of Slovenia with Montenegro, a working group of government representatives of Montenegro, led by the Ministry of the Interior of Montenegro, paid a working visit to get familiarized with the system of provision of public services provided in Slovenia in cooperation with the Helicopter Unit of the Police of Republic of Slovenia. In Montenegro, in the case of certain vital or safety-related public services such as emergency helicopter medical assistance and helicopter police operations, there is no system in place yet and the role of the Montenegrin Aviation Helicopter Unit of the Ministry of Interior of Montenegro in the system that responds adequately to the needs of all residents and visitors of Montenegro in accordance with EU countries standards is not properly established.

Montenegrin delegation visited several public services providers, including Helicopter Police Unit, Police Administration Ljubljana and Operational Communication Centre, Brnik Helicopter Emergency Medical Assistance Unit, University Medical Centre.   While observing how Slovenian system functions, Montenegrin representatives emphasized the value of the Slovenian experience, which, due to the comparable scope of needs for such public services, given the similar geographical and demographic characteristics of the two countries, the size of the country and distances, the systematic starting points from which current operations have developed and the similar challenges for developing such a system, which will be particularly useful in setting up the system in Montenegro. As part of the activities, inter-ministerial dialogue will continue with the Slovenian support in the next six months to establish a system for helicopter emergency medical assistance and helicopter police operations in Montenegro.

The project is part of programme activities of the Slovenia’s Development Cooperation Programme financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and carried out together with the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Health and Police of the Republic of Slovenia.

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST: Slovenija podpira Črno goro pri vzpostavljanju sistema javnih storitev, ki se zagotavljajo s helikopterskimi operacijami Ministrstva za notranje zadeve

V času od 3. do 6. decembra 2019 je bila v okviru izvajanja mednarodnega razvojnega sodelovanja Republike Slovenije s Črno goro na delovnem obisku v Sloveniji medresorska delovna skupina vladinih predstavnikov Črne gore pod vodstvom Ministrstva za notranje zadeve (MNZ) Črne gore, ki se je spoznavala s sistemom izvajanja javnih storitev, ki jih v Sloveniji zagotavljamo ob sodelovanju Letalske policijske enote Policije Republike Slovenije. V Črni gori v primeru nekaterih življenjsko ali varnostno pomembnih javnih storitev kot so helikopterska nujna medicinska pomoč in helikopterske policijske operacije, še ni vzpostavljenega sistema in ustrezno umeščena vloga Avio-helikopterske enote MNZ Črne gore v sistemu, ki bi se ustrezno odzival na potrebe vseh prebivalcev in obiskovalcev Črne gore, v skladu s standardi držav EU.

V času obiska je črnogorska delegacija obiskala več izvajalcev javnih storitev v Sloveniji, med njimi tudi Letalsko policijsko enoto, Policijsko upravo Ljubljana in Operativno komunikacijski center, Helikoptersko nujno medicinsko pomoč Brnik, Univerzitetni klinični center. Med opazovanem delovanja slovenskega sistema, so črnogorski predstavniki izpostavili dragocenost slovenskih izkušenj, ki bodo zaradi primerljivega obsega potreb po tovrstnih javnih storitvah glede na podobne geografske in demografske lastnosti obeh držav, velikosti države in razdalj, sistemskih izhodišč, iz katerega se je razvilo trenutno delovanje in soočanja Slovenije s podobnimi izzivi razvoja tovrsstnega sistema, ki bodo posebej koristne pri vzpostavljanju sistema v Črni gori.  V okviru aktivnosti se bo v naslednjih pol leta ob slovenski podpori nadaljeval medresorski dialog za vzpostavitev sistema helikopterske nujne medicinske pomoči in helikopterskih policijskih operacij v Črni gori.

Delovni obisk je del programskih aktivnosti mednarodnega razvojnega sodelovanja, ki ga financira Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije in ga izvajamo v sodelovanju z Ministrstvom za notranje zadeve, Ministrstvom za zdravje in Policijo Republike Slovenije.