Študentsko delo na CEP

Študentsko delo na CEP

CEP išče nove študentske okrepitve!

Sektor Mednarodnega razvojnega sodelovanja CEP se ukvarja z vodenjem projektov v državah Zahodnega Balkana in evropske soseščine. Naše aktivnosti so osredotočene na reforme v okviru predpristopnega procesa k EU, na povojno obnovo in trajnostni razvoj, kjer gre za opolnomočenje državnih in tudi lokalnih oblasti, nevladnih organizacij, mladih ter drugih družbenih skupin. Sodelujemo  z ostalimi slovenskimi ustanovami – izvajalkami razvojne pomoči, EU institucijami, multilateralnimi in mednarodnimi organizacijami ter veleposlaništvi RS.

Tvoje naloge bodo obsegale:

  • pomoč pri pripravi in izvedbi mednarodnih dogodkov;
  • podporo pri pripravi poročil, analiz, projektnih predlogov in prispevkov za javnosti,
  • podpora vodji sektorja pri načrtovanju, koordinaciji, pripravi zahtevnih pisnih prispevkov;
  • soustvarjanje projektov, ki izpolnjujejo potrebe držav v razvoju.

Iščemo komunikativno, samoiniciativno, motivirano, zagnano osebo z željo po vsakodnevnem učenju vsebin in osvajanju novih veščin. 

Zaželeno je:

  • odlično znanje angleškega jezika, vključno s pisanjem zahtevnih besedil (razgovor bo vključeval kratek pisni test znanja),
  • napredno znanje dela s programi MS Office,
  • poznavanje družbenih omrežij,
  • timska naravnanost, zanesljivost, organizacija časa in sposobnost postavljanja prioritet;
  • odlične komunikacijske sposobnosti.

Ker smo locirani na obrobju Ljubljane na gradu Jable, je zaželeno, da se do nas lahko pripelješ z lastnim prevozom.

Prednost bodo imeli študenti/ke 2. stopnje ali absolventi/ke študija družboslovnih smeri (mednarodnih odnosov, evropskih študij, obramboslovja, varnostnih ved in podobnih smeri):

  • z izkušnjami z delom v mednarodnem okolju,
  • s poznavanjem projektnega menedžmenta,
  • z znanjem enega od jezikov ciljnih regij (B/C/M/S ali ukrajinščine)
  • s poznavanjem relevantnih politik EU in ciljnih regij.

Postani del mladega in zagnanega kolektiva, kjer nudimo zanimivo, raznoliko in fleksibilno delo, odprto izmenjavo mnenj, veliko priložnosti za učenje ter udejstvovanje v mednarodnem okolju.

Če te predstavljeno delo zanima in se vidiš v naši ekipi, pošlji svoj življenjepis in motivacijsko pismo na elektronski naslov [email protected], v katerem nam poveš, zakaj si želiš delati pri nas.

Rok za prijavo je 22. 10. 2024. Upoštevane bodo vse prijave, ki bodo pravočasno prispele na zgoraj navedeni naslov. Razpis najdeš tudi na študentskem servisu – tukaj.

Third Training on International Humanitarian and Criminal Law Successfully Completed

Third Training on International Humanitarian and Criminal Law Successfully Completed

The third edition of the training on International Humanitarian Law was held at Jable Castle on 7 and 8 October. The training on International Humanitarian and Criminal Law was organised in cooperation with the Slovenian Armed Forces Legal Department.

Kliknite tukaj za branje članka v slovenskem jeziku.

The training covered the basic principles of international humanitarian law in contemporary conflicts, the status and protection of aid personnel, and the relationship between IHL and human rights law. Participants also covered the military chapters of the law of the sea, and with cooperation of experts from the Supreme State Prosecutor’s Office discussed topics of jurisdictional issues, forms of participation, the Special Part of the Criminal Code, and evidence from the battlefield. The training offered an in-depth insight into the legal frameworks and operational challenges in this field.

We would like to thank all participants, speakers and the staff of the SAF Legal Service. The POTC team looks forward to the next edition of this important training, which brings together legal experts from different fields.

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Panel Vloga Slovenije v globalnem razvoju

Panel Vloga Slovenije v globalnem razvoju

Center za mednarodno sodelovanje in razvoj (CMSR) in Center za evropsko prihodnost (CEP) vas vljudno vabita na panelno razpravo z naslovom

Vloga Slovenije v globalnem razvoju: Ali vemo, kaj za Slovenijo pomeni mednarodna razvojna pomoč?


Četrtek, 17. oktober 2024, ob 15:00

Eurostars uHotel, dvorana Orhideja


Ko globalne razmere postavljajo nova vprašanja o vlogi mednarodne razvojne pomoči, je ključno razmisliti, kaj te aktivnosti pomenijo za Slovenijo in njen položaj v svetovni skupnosti. Panel bo obravnaval strateški pomen razvojnih projektov za Slovenijo, ki prispevajo k stabilizaciji in razvoju ciljnih držav in regij, krepitvi dvostranskih odnosov in ustvarjanju priložnosti za slovensko gospodarstvo.

Razprava bo osvetlila koristi razvojne pomoči za Slovenijo, vključno z izboljšano globalno varnostjo in večanjem mednarodnega ugleda naše države. Poleg tega bo izpostavljen pomen vključevanja zasebnega sektorja, sodelovanja Slovenije z mednarodnimi partnerji ter ozaveščanja javnosti o pomenu mednarodnega razvojnega sodelovanja.


·        g. Matevž Frangež, državni sekretar, MGŠT

·        ga. Urška Cvelbar, generalna direktorica Direktorata za finančni sistem, MF

·        g. Edvin Skrt, generalni direktor Direktorata za razvojno sodelovanje in humanitarno pomoč, MZEZ

·        ga. Jelka Klemenc, vodja sektorja za mednarodno razvojno sodelovanje, CEP

·        g. Dejan Prešiček, direktor, CMSR

Razpravo bo moderirala zasl. prof. dr. Maja Bučar, znanstvena svetnica

Veseli bomo, če se boste udeležili našega dogodka, ki ga soorganiziramo v sklopu »12. Slovenskih razvojnih dnevov«. Vljudno vabljeni tudi na neformalno druženje, ki bo sledilo po zaključku panela (predvidoma od 16:30 dalje).


Vljudno prosimo, da za potrditev udeležbe izpolnete prijavni obrazec TUKAJ.


Za vsakršna dodatna vprašanja se, prosimo, obrnite na [email protected].

Sustainable Peace: Environmental Peacebuilding Training Ends

Sustainable Peace: Environmental Peacebuilding Training Ends

We are pleased to announce the successful conclusion of the »Law, Policy and Science in Environmental Peacebuilding Training« co-organised with the Geneva Water Hub and delivered in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovenia. The event, held from September 30 to October 4 at Jable Castle, gathered diverse professionals from various peace-related fields to explore the vital intersection between the environment and peacebuilding.

Kliknite tukaj za branje članka v slovenskem jeziku.

Throughout the training, participants engaged in dynamic discussions and gained practical insights into the role of environmental factors in preventing conflicts and promoting sustainable peace. The program focused on key topics, including environmental governance, natural resource management in conflict-affected areas, and the importance of integrating environmental considerations into peace processes.

The training also aligned with Slovenia’s priorities in the United Nations Security Council, where the country emphasises the importance of environmental issues in global peace and security efforts. By building capacity in environmental peacebuilding, this initiative strengthens the ability of stakeholders to navigate the complexities of environmental challenges in fragile contexts, contributing to long-term peace.

We would like to thank all the participants and partners for making this training a success and above all the excellent speakers: Dr. Mara Tignino of the Geneva Water Hub, Ambassador at Large for Water Diplomacy Tanja Miškova, Faculty of Law Professor and Member of the UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee Vasilka Sancin, Director of International Programs at the Environmental Law Institute Carl Bruch, Senior Policy Adviser at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Stephen Robinson, Conflict Sensitivity Lead at the PeaceNexus Foundation Heloise Heyer, Former President of the Republic of Slovenia and Chair of the Global High Level Panel on Water and Peace Professor Danilo Türk, and Dr Caroline Pellaton and Dr Tadesse Kebebew of the Geneva Water Hub. Their contributions were instrumental in fostering an enriching learning environment and advancing the agenda of environmental peacebuilding.

We are confident that this training will help mainstream environmental issues in the peacebuilding arena, and we look forward to future collaboration with our partners to continue advancing this important work.

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Project on Advancing Nursing and Midwifery Education in North Macedonia continues with a fact-finding visit

Project on Advancing Nursing and Midwifery Education in North Macedonia continues with a fact-finding visit

We are continuing the activities in the scope of the project “Advancing nursing and midwifery education and establishing the system for the recognition of professional qualifications in the Republic of North Macedonia (2024–2025),” which aims to support and advance nursing and midwifery education in North Macedonia.

The project, launched in June 2024, continues with a fact-finding visit to Skopje, where from 20 to 22 October, several workshops, presentations by Slovenian experts and group interviews with Macedonian experts will be held. The visit will take a cross-pillar approach, focusing on regulation, legislation and education, and will unite representatives of faculties and schools where nursing and midwifery studies are conducted, WHO Office in Skopje, Institute for Public Health, representatives from the Ministry of Higher Education covering legislation related to higher education, and representatives from the Ministry of Health, as well as representatives from the government recognized the national nursing and midwifery organizations.

Project is implemented with the support of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia through the International Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid Programme and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of North Macedonia.

CEP at 12th Slovenian Development Days

CEP at 12th Slovenian Development Days

Ljubljana, 15-22 October 2024The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs is organising the 12th Slovenian Development Days, held from 15 to 22 October 2024 under the title For a World without Hunger. The events will kick off on 15 October with a National Conference on Slovenia’s Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid, which will take stock of the achievements of Slovenia’s 20 years as an Official Development Aid (ODA) donor.

On 21 October 2024, CEP is organising a panel with CMSR focusing on the importance and effectiveness of Slovenia’s Development Aid, so join us at 14.00 at Edvard (Igriška 5, Ljubljana)!