5. 8. 2024 | POTC, PR
Kliknite tukaj za branje članka v slovenskem jeziku.
This course focuses on the protection of civilians (PoC), by addressing the responsibilities of states, international organizations, and other actors to safeguard individuals, particularly non-combatants, from harm during armed conflicts, natural disasters, and other forms of violence. PoC includes shielding individuals from physical violence, forced displacement, sexual violence, and denial of essential resources and services. The principles of PoC are rooted in international humanitarian and human rights laws and are vital for upholding human dignity during conflicts and crises.
The Comprehensive Protection of Civilians course is primarily designed for police and civilian personnel, including decision-makers, members of non-governmental organisations and individual civilian experts, who are to be deployed to international missions and operations or who are working in civilian crisis management, with no prior knowledge or skills in preventing or responding to violence against civilians. Working language of the course is English and participants are expected to be fluent in English (C1 level or higher).
The aim of the course is for the participants to understand the conceptual, legal and operational framework in protection of civilians, and to provide the participants with understanding of PoC practice in UN and EU missions and operations, effective tools used in practice, skills and knowledge for working in missions with a PoC mandate, understanding of the basic legal framework and documents, and an understanding of UN, EU and NATO operational concepts for PoC.
The residential part of the course will take place between 21 and 25 October 2024 at Jable Castle in Loka pri Mengšu, Slovenia. Participants will also have to complete the mandatory e-learning modules prior to arriving in Slovenia.
Attendance is free of charge for all selected participants. The POTC will also cover:
- accommodation costs in a designated hotel for the entire duration of the training travel costs;
- reimbursement of plane/train tickets for arrival and departure to and from Slovenia in the maximum amount of 1.000,00 € per participant;
- local transport costs between the airport and the hotel;
- local transport between the hotel and the course venue;
- lunch, beverages and other refreshments provided during the training course at Jable castle
More information can be found in the INVITATION LETTER.
A tentative course programme can be found here.
Participants can apply to the course through the registration form via this link.
For any additional questions feel free to contact Danaja via email: [email protected]
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10. 7. 2024 | POTC, PR
Click here to read this article in English.
POTC v sodelovanju z Ministrstvom za notranje zadeve organizira usposabljanje o nevarnostih trgovine z ljudmi pred odhodom na operacije in misije v podporo miru, ki se bo odvilo 10. septembra 2024 na Gradu Jable v Mengšu.
Cilj usposabljanja je seznaniti udeležence z aktualnimi vsebinami s področja boja proti trgovini z ljudmi ter jih ozavestiti o njihovih dolžnostih, ko gre za zaznavo tovrstnih kaznivih dejanj. Poleg tega bo poudarek na zmanjševanju povpraševanja po storitvah in blagu, ki jih običajno izvajajo žrtve trgovine z ljudmi, v kontekstu samih mirovnih operacij.
Enodnevno usposabljanje je namenjeno uslužbencem Ministrstva za obrambo in pripadnikom Slovenske vojske pred njihovim odhodom na mednarodne mirovne operacije in misije.
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12. 6. 2024 | EUCTI, PR
After three and a half years, the European Union Civilian Training Initiative (EUCTI) project is nearing its end. The EUCTI Secretariat, held at the Centre for European Perspective (CEP), decided to host its Final Conference on Thursday, 6 June, at BluePoint in Brussels. The Final Conference was divided into two parts: a panel discussion in the morning and a partner meeting in the afternoon. All Consortium partners attended it, as well as representatives of individual European police and gendarmerie organisations, EU stakeholders, and others interested in hearing about EUCTI and its achievements throughout the years.
The morning session of the conference was enriched by the insights shared by the esteemed panellists: Mrs Mihaela Matei from CPCC.1, Ms Anna-Karin Häggeborg from PCM.1, and Ms Tetiana Babiichuk from EUAM Ukraine. They provided a comprehensive view of the project and its connection with the EU CSDP training policy and architecture. The panellists underscored the importance of flexibility, agility, quick responsiveness, and need-based, tailor-made, and integrated approaches to training. These, they emphasized, are the key elements that equip such initiatives to effectively bridge the existing gaps. The afternoon session further delved into these insights, presenting key lessons learned and takeaways from the project in an informal and engaging manner.
The project has not only met but surpassed the objectives it set out in January 2021, a source of great joy for the whole Consortium. Partners have implemented 41 training courses and activities, among them seven workshops for members of training institutions from countries not (yet) contributing to EU Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) missions. We have trained almost 700 participants, mostly staff of civilian EU CSDP crisis management missions who were joined by personnel of other international peace support organisations, a testament to the project’s wide-reaching impact. Two working groups—the Working Group on Standardisation and Methodology and the Working Group on Evaluation—made conducting all these activities possible by creating a solid quality assurance framework.
Besides hosting the Secretariat (already a humongous task), CEP implemented nine training activities. Seven of them targeted personnel of EU Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) civilian crisis management missions: EULEX Kosovo, EUAM Ukraine, EUMM Georgia and EUM Armenia. Two of them targeted members of training institutions in Namibia and Mongolia.
Although this project is ending, CEP is continuing its activities in civilian crisis management at the European Union level and is currently preparing for a new, even bigger, and more ambitious project. Stay tuned for more soon!
10. 6. 2024 | POTC, PR
HEAT 2024 – in the first week of June, the Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC), operating within the Centre for European Perspective, held the Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT). The intense training took place at the Gotenica Police Training Centre.
Kliknite tukaj za branje članka v slovenskem jeziku.
The Hostile Environment Awareness Trainings (HEAT) are well-established trainings organised worldwide by different non-profit and for-profit organisations. For more than 10 years CEP, and now POTC, in close cooperation with Slovenian Police and Slovenian Armed Forces, has been a consistent provider of HEAT in Slovenia.
The general aim of HEAT is to train individuals to deal effectively with risk-associated and emergency/critical situations while deployed in hostile environments abroad. The latest training was attended by 17 participants: 12 from Slovenia (participants were mostly referred by the three partner institutions: Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and Ministry of Interior of Slovenia) and 5 participants from abroad (Ivory Coast, France, Romania). Participants either already work in hostile environments or plan to apply for positions that require a certificate of HEAT attendance, such as positions in peacekeeping missions and operations.
The training was a mix of interactive lectures that covered a wide range of topics, among others: how to provide for your own personal security, how to plan movements and what to do at (il)legal checkpoints, radio communication and orientation, movement during mass gatherings, surviving kidnap situations, stress management, improvised explosive devices, and basic life support. The training culminated in a day-long simulation exercise during which the participants were faced with many stressful situations that required appropriate responses.
The participants all successfully completed the course, expressing their satisfaction with the new knowledge, techniques, and experience that will, if needed, benefit their current or future work postings.
For more information about the training, you can follow us on social media:
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30. 5. 2024 | POTC, PR
Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) je v sodelovanju z Ministrstvom za zunanje in evropske zadeve, Oddelkom za varnostno načrtovanja v Službi za varnost, nepremičnine in logistiko uspešno izvedel pilotno Varnostno usposabljanje za diplomatsko osebje, ki je potekalo 29. maja 2024 na gradu Jable.
Click here to read this article in English.
Center za izobraževanje in usposabljanje za napotitev v mirovne operacije in misije (POTC) je izvedel prvo varnostno usposabljanje, namenjeno vsem profesionalnim diplomatom, ki jih RS napotuje v države z nizko stopnjo varnostnega tveganja in nimajo predhodnega znanja s področja zagotavljanja osebne varnosti.
Skupno 22 udeležencev se je usposabljalo na področju prepoznavanja različnih varnostnih groženj, razumevanja osnov varnostnih postopkov in protokolov na DKP, poznavanju osnov ravnanja v spremenjenih varnostnih razmerah na DKP in na poti, prepoznavanja aktivnosti nadzora, uporabe ukrepov za zmanjšanje varnostnih tveganj ter metod zmanjševanja stresa v visoko stresnih situacijah.
POTC se zahvaljuje Ministrstvu za zunanje in evropske zadeve Republike Slovenije, udeležencem ter strokovnim trenerjem usposabljanja, ki so poskrbeli, da je bilo usposabljanje uspešno. Veselimo se nadaljnjega razvoja vsebine usposabljanja na podlagi pridobljenih povratnih informacij in izkušenj.
Za več informacij o usposabljanju in še več nas lahko spremljate na družbenih omrežjih:
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24. 5. 2024 | POTC, PR
Slovenia reaffirmed its commitment to global peace efforts with the successful conclusion of the “Climate Change, Peace and Security” training programme held between May 20 and 22 at Jable Castle.
Kliknite tukaj za branje članka v slovenskem jeziku.
The Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) successfully rolled out the second edition of this climate security training programme aimed to equip personnel involved in peace missions and operations with a deeper understanding of the complex challenges that climate change poses to global peace and security.
The Slovenian centre welcomed participants from 13 countries from all corners of the globe, each differently experiencing the effects of climate change. The participants enhanced their knowledge and gained a comprehensive insight into climate security-related topics such as the 9 planetary boundaries, water security, climate risks and vulnerabilities, the international legal framework on climate change, the UN and EU approach to climate security in peace operations, human migration linked to climate change and the gender perspective of climate security, among others.
At the conclusion of the training, Slovenian Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon personally awarded certificates to the participants at Jable Castle on May 22nd.
POTC would like to express gratitude to Minister Fajon, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Slovenia, the driven participants, and the expert trainers who made the training an overall success. We look forward to the further development of the training content with the feedback gained and lessons learned.
Click the following link to view more photos from the training conclusion: POTC Flickr
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