25. 10. 2024 | Peace and security, POTC, PR
From 3 to 6 December 2024, we will hold the first edition of the training on strategic communication (StratCom) in the context of international operations and missions at Jable Castle, Slovenia.
Kliknite tukaj za branje članka v slovenskem jeziku.
Technological advances over the past decades have introduced new mechanisms, tactics, techniques and means (weapons, tools) into warfare and, consequently, into international operations and missions, not only in all five domains (land, sea, air, cyber, space), but also and especially in the areas of cognition, information generation and information flow. Through this, geographically bounded phenomena enter individual consciousness, shape thinking and started to influence the values, attitudes and behaviour of target audiences globally in real-time through different information channels. In such an environment, the once limited security processes require a whole-of-society approach that is holistic and synchronised among all actors. Understanding this idea and its implementation has an impact on the end goal and the effectiveness of the impact of our actions in the field of national and international security. Participants who will be present throughout the training will receive a certificate of successful participation at the end of the training, which will aid them in future career engagements.
The StratCom training will take place from 3 to 6 December 2024 at Jable Castle, Grajska cesta 1, 1234 Mengeš. Participants are expected to wear business casual or work uniforms for Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF) representatives. The whole training programme will be available after registration closes. Participation is free of charge, and all participants will be provided with lunch and refreshments during breaks.
Registrations for the training will be accepted until 24 November inclusive at the following link:
REGISTRATION (deadline: November 24)
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18. 10. 2024 | POTC, PR
From November 18 to 29, 2024, POTC will hold a comprehensive training activity at Jable Castle in Mengeš, Slovenia, on gender mainstreaming designed for the Mongolian Armed Forces as they prepare for deployment in UN peace missions and operations.
Kliknite tukaj za branje članka v slovenskem jeziku.
Organised by the Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC), this 10-day program will focus on gender mainstreaming in peacekeeping operations, equipping participants with the necessary tools and knowledge to effectively integrate gender considerations in mission environments.
This training is a testament to the growing cooperation between Slovenia and Mongolia in advancing international peace and security. The program will offer Mongolian personnel valuable field-based insights into gender dynamics, conflict-related sexual violence, and strategies for promoting gender equality within peace missions and operations settings. The participants will engage in expert-led lectures and hands-on exercises aimed at fostering a deeper understanding of the critical role gender plays in peacekeeping and humanitarian missions.
We look forward to further strengthening this growing partnership with the Mongolian Armed Forces, enhancing capabilities and ensuring well-preparedness for the complex challenges of international peace operations. This collaboration underscores our shared commitment to building more inclusive, effective, and resilient peace operations worldwide and is already the second collaboration between POTC and Mongolia in 2024.
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16. 10. 2024 | POTC, PR
After two successful outings, the Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) is organising the third edition of the activity on disruptive military technologies and practices. The seminar will take place on November 27, 2024, at Jable Castle in Mengeš.
Kliknite tukaj za branje članka v slovenskem jeziku.
The programme includes lectures on advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, Slovenian-made drones, cybersecurity, neuroscience and its implications for modern warfare, as well as space technologies.
Participants will gain valuable insights into the security challenges of the future and have the opportunity to discuss new security approaches with leading experts.
Those who attend the entire seminar will receive an official certificate of participation. Registrations are open until November 10, 2024, and participation is free of charge. Lunch and coffee breaks will be provided.
Register here.
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9. 10. 2024 | POTC, PR
The third edition of the training on International Humanitarian Law was held at Jable Castle on 7 and 8 October. The training on International Humanitarian and Criminal Law was organised in cooperation with the Slovenian Armed Forces Legal Department.
Kliknite tukaj za branje članka v slovenskem jeziku.
The training covered the basic principles of international humanitarian law in contemporary conflicts, the status and protection of aid personnel, and the relationship between IHL and human rights law. Participants also covered the military chapters of the law of the sea, and with cooperation of experts from the Supreme State Prosecutor’s Office discussed topics of jurisdictional issues, forms of participation, the Special Part of the Criminal Code, and evidence from the battlefield. The training offered an in-depth insight into the legal frameworks and operational challenges in this field.
We would like to thank all participants, speakers and the staff of the SAF Legal Service. The POTC team looks forward to the next edition of this important training, which brings together legal experts from different fields.
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7. 10. 2024 | POTC, PR
We are pleased to announce the successful conclusion of the »Law, Policy and Science in Environmental Peacebuilding Training« co-organised with the Geneva Water Hub and delivered in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovenia. The event, held from September 30 to October 4 at Jable Castle, gathered diverse professionals from various peace-related fields to explore the vital intersection between the environment and peacebuilding.
Kliknite tukaj za branje članka v slovenskem jeziku.
Throughout the training, participants engaged in dynamic discussions and gained practical insights into the role of environmental factors in preventing conflicts and promoting sustainable peace. The program focused on key topics, including environmental governance, natural resource management in conflict-affected areas, and the importance of integrating environmental considerations into peace processes.
The training also aligned with Slovenia’s priorities in the United Nations Security Council, where the country emphasises the importance of environmental issues in global peace and security efforts. By building capacity in environmental peacebuilding, this initiative strengthens the ability of stakeholders to navigate the complexities of environmental challenges in fragile contexts, contributing to long-term peace.
We would like to thank all the participants and partners for making this training a success and above all the excellent speakers: Dr. Mara Tignino of the Geneva Water Hub, Ambassador at Large for Water Diplomacy Tanja Miškova, Faculty of Law Professor and Member of the UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee Vasilka Sancin, Director of International Programs at the Environmental Law Institute Carl Bruch, Senior Policy Adviser at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Stephen Robinson, Conflict Sensitivity Lead at the PeaceNexus Foundation Heloise Heyer, Former President of the Republic of Slovenia and Chair of the Global High Level Panel on Water and Peace Professor Danilo Türk, and Dr Caroline Pellaton and Dr Tadesse Kebebew of the Geneva Water Hub. Their contributions were instrumental in fostering an enriching learning environment and advancing the agenda of environmental peacebuilding.
We are confident that this training will help mainstream environmental issues in the peacebuilding arena, and we look forward to future collaboration with our partners to continue advancing this important work.
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19. 9. 2024 | POTC, PR
2. decembra 2024 bo na Gradu Jable v Mengšu potekal seminar namenjen predstavnikom Slovenske vojske, Policije in nevladnih organizacij.
Click here to read this article in English.
Osrednja tema seminarja je sodelovanje z lokalnimi skupnostmi, kar je ključnega pomena za uspešno izvajanje mirovnih operacij in misij. Na seminarju bo 6 strokovnjakov seznanilo udeležence z najboljšimi praksami, metodami in mehanizmi vključevanja lokalnih deležnikov ter poudarilo pomen vključevanja skupnosti v procese ohranjanja miru.
Cilji seminarja so podpiranje odpornosti in odgovornosti skupnosti ter razvoj spretnosti za učinkovito sodelovanje z lokalnimi skupinami. Udeleženci bodo pridobili dragocena znanja, ki bodo prispevala k njihovi večji uspešnosti na terenu.
Ne zamudite priložnosti za poglobitev vaših veščin in sodelovanje z izkušenimi strokovnjaki.
Registracija je obvezna, zadnji rok je 27. oktober 2024. Seminar bo potekal v slovenskem jeziku, udeležba pa vam bo omogočila pridobitev certifikata.
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