28. 3. 2024 | Peace and security, POTC, PR
Varnostno usposabljanje za diplomatsko osebje se bo odvilo 29. maja na Gradu Jable
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Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) v sodelovanju z Oddelkom za varnostno načrtovanja v Službi za varnost, nepremičnine in logistiko organizira pilotno Varnostno usposabljanje za diplomatsko osebje. Usposabljanje bo potekalo v sredo, 29. maja 2024 na Gradu Jable.
Varnostno usposabljanje je namenjeno vsem profesionalnim diplomatom, ki jih RS napotuje v države z nizko stopnjo varnostnega tveganja in nimajo predhodnega znanja s področja zagotavljanja osebne varnosti.
Po uspešno zaključeni udeležbi bodo udeleženci sposobni prepoznati različne varnostne grožnje, razumeti osnove varnostnih postopkov in protokolov na DKP, poznati osnove ravnanja v spremenjenih varnostnih razmerah na DKP in na poti, prepoznavati aktivnosti nadzora, uporabljati ukrepe za zmanjšanje varnostnih tveganj ter uporabiti ukrepe in metode za zmanjševanje stresa v visoko stresnih situacijah.
Registracija je obvezna. Registrirate se TUKAJ najkasneje do 19. maja 2024.
Vse dodatne informacije o usposabljanju lahko preberete TUKAJ.
Če imate dodatna vprašanja, nas kontaktirajte preko [email protected].
Za več informacij o usposabljanju in še več nas lahko spremljate na družbenih omrežjih:
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26. 3. 2024 | HEAT, POTC, PR
The Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) is organising a Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT). The course will take place at the Gotenica Police Training Centre in Slovenia from Sunday, 2nd to Friday, 7th, June, 2024.
Kliknite tukaj za branje članka v slovenskem jeziku.
HEAT’s purpose is to train professionals to deal effectively with risk-associated and emergency/critical situations while deployed in hostile environments abroad.
Up to 25 professionals with different backgrounds who work or aim to work with national or international (non)governmental organizations, the academic or private sector, are eligible to apply for participation in the training.
The participants will join an experienced group of Slovenian and foreign trainers for a five-day intensive course in the southwestern part of Slovenia. The training is designed to:
- improve participants’ knowledge about multiple threats present in hostile field environments and learn how to deal with them in an effective manner.
- rehearse and practice safety and security procedures according to specific threats,
- and develop skills and behaviours to deal with different stressful situations.
Activities include lectures, guided discussions, role-playing, simulations, and a complex field training exercise. Trainees will be addressing deployment in hostile environments (threat awareness, management of various threats, etc.), medical help, orientation, communications, mobility, etc.
You can find all the information regarding the registration process and the training delivery here.
Apply to HEAT here: Application Form (open until May 5th – extension to May 15th)
For more information about the training and more, you can follow us on social media:
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22. 3. 2024 | POTC, PR
Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC), in cooperation with the European Security and Defence College (ESDC), successfully delivered the training activity “A Comprehensive Approach to Gender in Operations.” It ran from March 19-21 at Jable Castle, with an extra day of self-paced eLearning.
Kliknite tukaj za branje članka v slovenskem jeziku.
During the course, participants learned about integrating a gender perspective into peace operations and understanding legal frameworks related to gender equality. The programme targeted civilian experts, police, and military personnel involved in international missions. The POTC Team was satisfied with enthusiastic and engaged participants, making the sessions lively and dynamic. The extracurricular activities in Ljubljana also provided valuable insights into the topic at hand.
In the end, 24 participants received a certificate for successfully completing the training. Special thanks go to the excellent trainers, with special appreciation to the ESDC Policy Officer/Training Manager, whose help was essential in making this training run smoothly.
20. 3. 2024 | EUCTI, POTC, PR
Last week, the Gender Mainstreaming in Peace Operations and Missions training programme, held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, from March 11-15, 2024, came to an end. Organised by the Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) and supported by the European Union Civilian Training Initiative (EUCTI), the intensive programme aimed to enhance the effectiveness of peace missions with regard to the gender perspective.
Kliknite tukaj za branje članka v slovenskem jeziku.
20 participants from Mongolia gained valuable insights into integrating gender perspectives into peacekeeping strategies, preventing conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence, and navigating international legal frameworks promoting gender equality.
The training programme concluded with a renewed commitment to building inclusive, effective, and sustainable peace efforts worldwide. Moving forward, continued investment in such initiatives is essential to ensuring that gender considerations remain at the forefront of peace operations, fostering a future of inclusive peace and security for all.
POTC would like to thank all involved: the Mongolian State personnel, EUCTI, and the trainers who helped make this training activity on the other side of the world a success.
For more information about our training activities and more, you can follow us on social media:
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20. 2. 2024 | POTC, PR
In a concerted effort to strengthen the effectiveness of peace missions and operations, the Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC), in cooperation with the Mongolian State and supported by the European Union Civilian Training Initiative (EUCTI), will host a 4-day training programme on “Gender Mainstreaming in Peace Operations and Missions” in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, from March 11-15, 2024.
Klikni tukaj za branje prispevka v slovenskem jeziku.
This intensive Gender Mainstreaming programme targets personnel currently deployed or preparing to deploy on peace missions and operations. Through a combination of theoretical and practical sessions, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of:
- Gender concepts and frameworks: Examining the impact of gender on conflict dynamics and how analysis informs effective peacekeeping strategies.
- Protection of women and girls: Delving into best practices for preventing and responding to conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence (CRSV).
- UN Security Council Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security: Navigating the international legal framework promoting gender equality in peacekeeping operations.
- Communication and advocacy: Developing skills to communicate effectively about gender issues within missions and with local communities.
By equipping peacekeepers with the necessary knowledge and skills about gender mainstreaming, this training programme represents a crucial step towards building more inclusive, effective, and sustainable peace efforts.
For more information about our training activities and more, you can follow us on social media:
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20. 2. 2024 | POTC, PR
POTC’s Work Programme for 2024 is here, and this year, our ambitions and those of our Ministries are as resolute as ever.
Klikni tukaj za branje prispevka v slovenskem jeziku.
The 2024 scheduled Work Programme contains 15 activities, all aimed at the enhancement of peace operations skills and knowledge of our peace personnel and that of our allies. View the whole list of activities below.
1. |
Training of Trainers – Namibia |
8. – 12. 1. 2024 |
2. |
Gender Mainstreaming in UN Peace Operations and Missions Training |
11. – 15. 3. 2024 |
3. |
A Comprehensive Approach to Gender in Operations |
18. 3. – 21. 3. 2024 |
4. |
Cultural Heritage Protection Workshop (EUM Armenia & EUMM Georgia) |
25. 4. 2024 |
5. |
Climate Change, Peace and Security Training |
20. – 22. 5. 2024 |
6. |
Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) |
2. – 7. 6. 2024 |
7. |
Trafficking of People – Training of Trainers (ToT) |
10. 9. 2024 |
8. |
Environmental Peacebuilding Training (with the Geneva Water Hub) |
30. 9. – 4. 10. 2024 |
9. |
Disruptive Military Technologies and Practices Training |
10. |
Sahel Region: Peace and Security Perspective Seminar |
11. |
Engagement with the Local Community Training |
12. |
Strategic Communication in Peace Operations Training |
13. |
Personal Security Training for MFA Personnel23 |
23. 5. 2024 |
14. |
Comprehensive Protection of Civilians Training |
15. |
International Humanitarian Law Training |
In these trying times, POTC aims to deliver valuable skills and knowledge to peace personnel with diverse training activities and a comprehensive Work Programme that will ensure a more peaceful and secure Slovenia, our region and the globe.
For more information about our training activities and more, you can follow us on social media:
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