10. 10. 2018 | Development (ODA), Montenegro - EU Accession, PR
In the framework of the bilateral technical assistance project “Assistance to Montenegro in negotiations on accession to the EU” of the Centre for European Perspective (CEP) a three-day experts’ visit in the field of Chapter 10: Information Society and Media will be concluded today in Podgorica. Some 12 public servants of the Montenegrin Ministry of Economy, Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services and Ministry for sustainable development participate at the expert consultation.
Expert assistance is provided by the expert from Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia (AKOS) Mark Pohar. It focuses on implementation of EU broadband cost reduction rules in national legislation of Montenegro and sharing experience on state-aid financed projects for broadband roll-out in Slovenia.
The project is part of the CEP program activities financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the scope of international development cooperation.
2. 10. 2018 | Development (ODA), Montenegro - EU Accession, PR
In the framework of the bilateral technical assistance project “Assistance to Montenegro in negotiations on accession to the EU” the Centre for European Perspective (CEP) will provide assistance to the Montenegrin Ministry of Economy (Directorate for Electronic Communications, Postal Services and Radio – Spectrum) in the field of Chapter 10: Information Society and Media.
Three days expert advice from 8 to 10 of October 2018 will be provided by the expert from Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia (AKOS) Mark Pohar. Technical assistance will mainly focus on implementation of EU broadband cost reduction rules in national legislation of Montenegro and sharing experience on state-aid financed projects for broadband roll-out in Slovenia.
The project is part of the CEP program activities financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the scope of international development cooperation.
19. 7. 2018 | Development (ODA), Montenegro - EU Accession, PR
In the framework of the bilateral technical assistance project “Assistance to Montenegro in negotiations on accession to the EU” the Centre for European Perspective (CEP) provides assistance to the Montenegrin Securities and Exchange Commission. Two days expert advice that will conclude today, is provided by three experts from Slovene Securities Market Agency (ATVP). ATVP experts focus their consultations on the capital market, different rules on investment firms and investment intermediaries (Negotiating Chapter 9 – Financial services). The project is part of the CEP program activities financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the scope of international development cooperation.

Strokovnjaki ATVP v okviru bilateralne tehnične pomoči svetujejo kolegom iz Črne gore
V okviru projekta ‘Pomoč Črni gori pri pogajanjih o pristopu k EU’ izvaja Center za evropsko prihodnost (CEP) v Podgorici tehnično pomoč sodelavcem črnogorske Komisije za trg vrednostnih papirjev. Dvodnevno svetovanje, ki se zaključuje danes, izvajajo trije strokovnjaki Agencije za trg vrednostih papirjev (ATVP). Slovenski strokovnjaki kolegom iz Črne gore svetujejo v okviru pogajalskega Poglavja 9 – Finančne storitve in sicer na temo kapitalskega trga, investicijskih družb in posredništva pri naložbah. Projekt je del programskih aktivnosti CEP, ki jih financira Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve iz sredstev za mednarodno razvojno sodelovanje.

10. 7. 2018 | Development (ODA), Montenegro - EU Accession, PR
In the framework of the bilateral technical assistance project “Assistance to Montenegro in negotiations on accession to the EU” the Centre for European Perspective (CEP) will provide assistance to the Montenegrin Securities and Exchange Commission. Two days expert advice will be provided by three experts from Slovene Securities Market Agency (ATVP) on 18 and 19 July 2018.
ATVP experts will focus their consultations on the capital market, different rules on investment firms and investment intermediaries (Negotiating Chapter 9 – Financial services).
In December 2017 ATVP’s experts have hosted their counterparts from Montenegrin Securities and Exchange Commission on a two day study visit in Ljubljana.
The project is part of the CEP program activities financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the scope of international development cooperation.
21. 12. 2017 | Montenegro - EU Accession, PR
In the framework of the CEP’s bilateral technical assistance project “Assistance to Montenegro in negotiations on accession to the EU 2017” experts from Slovene Securities Market Agency (ATVP) host their counterparts from Montenegrin Securities and Exchange Commission on a two day study visit.
The participants were welcomed by Miloš Čas, Director of ATVP, who presented the experience of the Agency in the process of adapting and implementing of the EU legislation in the field of financial services. Three experts from the Agency will present different EU directives that regulate the field of financial services to Montenegrin colleague. On Friday, they will visit the management company KD Skladi.
ATVP experts provide their counterparts consultations and exchange of Slovene experience in negotiating Chapter 9 – Financial services in the securities market.
The project is part of the CEP program activities financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the scope of international development cooperation.
Read Slovene article here.
14. 12. 2017 | Development (ODA), Montenegro - EU Accession
In the framework of the CEP’s bilateral technical assistance project “Assistance to Montenegro in negotiations on accession to the EU 2017” experts from Slovene Securities Market Agency (ATVP) will on 21 and 22 December 2017 host their counterparts from Montenegrin Securities and Exchange Commission on a two day study visit.
ATVP experts will provide their counterparts consultations and exchange of Slovene experience in negotiating Chapter 9 – Financial services in the securities market.
The project is part of the CEP program activities financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the scope of international development cooperation.
Read this article in Slovene language.