Slovenia welcomes sending of eInvoices in European standard to public service providers since 1 June 2018 – we are ready!

Slovenia welcomes sending of eInvoices in European standard to public service providers since 1 June 2018 – we are ready!

Slovenian budget users and public service providers who are not budgetary users, are now able to receive EU standardized e-Invoices. In Slovenia, conducting business with eInvoices in public procurement is now in accordance with the European Directive on Electronic Invoicing in Public Procurement (2014/55/EU). Slovenia is among leading countries in establishing conditions for eInvocing in public procurement andthereby reliable actor in strengthening the EU Digital Single Market.

In public procurement you can send an eInvoice to all Slovenian contracting authorities and to most contracting entities in UBL 2.1 or UN/CEFACT CII, the two syntaxes defined in the technical part of the European standard EN 16931. For contracting entities which are budget users, such eInvoice will be received throughupgraded Access Point at the Public Payments Administration of the Republic of Slovenia which will convert the eInvoice in UBL 2.1 or CEFACT CII syntax into national eSlog 2.0 syntax. eSlog2.0 also represents an upgrade of the previous national eInvocingstandard as it has been aligned with the core elements of the semantic model of the EN 16931. Contracting entities which are not budget users have the possibility to receive such eInvoice trough a newly established Access Point at enterprise ZZI d.o.o.

UBL 2.1 or CEFACT CII invoices can be send through AS4 or AS2 messaging protocol to both Access Points and end receivers since they became part of the European Commission’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eDelivery network which uses AS4 messaging protocol as well as OpenPeppol network where we use their AS2 messaging protocol.

The eInvoicing developments in Slovenia were financially supported by the EU through the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) instrument. Collective work of the Public Payments Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, enterprises ZZI d.o.o. and Mojdenar IT d.o.o., and Centre for European Perspective, shows that digital innovation brings benefits to the public administration, enterprises and to the European citizens as well.

The ROSE Action concluded with the meeting of all 56 actors, involved in the solution development. Consortium of partners from both public and private sector is already preparing new steps towards effective EU Digital Single Market.  

Booklet “e-Invoicing in Slovenia” just published

Booklet “e-Invoicing in Slovenia” just published

In the framework of awareness raising and educational activities, that accompany ROSE Action – »Readiness of Slovenian e-Invoicing«, conducted by the Public Payments Administration of the Republic of SloveniaChamber of Commerce and Industry of SloveniaZZI d.o.o., Mojdenar IT d.o.o. and Centre for European Perspective with the financial support from the European Union, a booklet titled “e-Invoicing in Slovenia” was published last week.

The booklet presents the current state of e-Invoicing in Slovenia and illustrates its benefits, but also puts the eBusiness in the wider European context. Through e-Invoicing Directive 2014/55/EU, further development of this field in the EU is described and interoperability and European semantic standard EN 16931 are underlined. The main part of the booklet presents the solutions, developed in the framework of ROSE Action, such as national database of eInvoice recipients and software solutions for eInvoice exchange both for budget users and for public procurement contractors other than budget users.

The publication emphasizes that it is very important for the efficient implementation of processes that the entire process from the issue, transmission, distribution, receipt, processing, payment and storage of the e-invoice is entirely electronic. As a result, e-commerce is currently being transferred from generally adopted e-invoices to other business documents that are used in supply and other business processes (e.g. purchase order, delivery note, etc.). In the near future, we can expect an additional increase in the exchange of electronic business documents in Slovenia and the European Union.

Read the booklet here.

Slovenia made a decisive step by implementing eInvoice in the EU standard

Slovenia made a decisive step by implementing eInvoice in the EU standard

Readiness of Slovenian eInvoicing – ROSE Action concluded today with a conference “e-Invoicing – Crucial factor of business digitalization” in Portorož. A year-long action, supported by the European Union’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), was presented by the implementors Public Payments Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, ZZI d.o.o., Mojdenar IT d.o.o. and Centre for European Perspective.

The key outcome of the Action – readiness of Slovenia to receive eInvoices in EU standard – not only ensures compliance with the EU Directive on eInvoicing in Public Procurement 2014/55/EU, but also opens new opportunities for eBusiness, improves Slovenia’s connectivity in the Digital Single European Market, and eliminates market and trade barriers that are a result of different national rules and technical standards.

The conference brought together over a hundred representatives of public sector, business, civil society and other stakeholders that are involved in the e-Invoicing processes. Solutions presented simplify eBusiness in the EU at large.

Participants were first greeted by the Digital Coalition Managing Board President Igor Zorko. Jorgo Bertalanič of the Public Payments Administration presented the National Forum for eInvoices and Dušan Zupančič from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia illustrated the State of eInvoicing in Slovenia. Among the Action’s solutions, Alan Ružič of ZZI presented eSlog 2.0, Dr Rok Bojanc of ZZI introduced the national database of eInvoice recipients and Darinka Arh Pilih of PPA presented eVozlišče that enables users to receive eInvoice. The presenters also explained how newly developed approaches and tools improve business and digital competitiveness of Slovenia. Sabina Carli from the Centre for European Perspective, the coordinating institution, addressed future development of Action’s results and presented the potential of experiences gained during solution development for the countries of the Western Balkans.

Guest speaker Andreja Kajtaz, representative of FINA – Financial Agency, presented implementation of eInvoicing in Croatia. Usability of solutions for incoming and outgoing invoices and supply chain is crucial for the final users – user experience and good practice examples were presented by Luka Koper, Famm Co and Kemofarmacija.

In the conclusion, a round table discussion took place, where eBusiness development was discussed by Aleksandra Miklavčič, Director General of the Public Payments Administration; Dušan Zupančič, Director of the Association for Informatics and Telecommunications at the Chamber of Commerce; Aleksander Bastl, President of the ERP Section at the Association for Informatics and Telecommunications; Tomaž Okorn, Board Member of the Chamber of Accounting Services; and Darja Murkovič Žigart, Director, Sector for Informatics at Pošta Slovenije d.o.o.

ROSE Final Conference

Final conference of the ROSE Action: eInvoicing – Crucial Factor of Business Digitalization

Final conference of the ROSE Action: eInvoicing – Crucial Factor of Business Digitalization

Slovenia made a decisive step by implementing eInvoices in the EU standard.
25 May 2018, Grand Hotel Bernardin – Portorož

The conference aims to present new opportunities in eBusiness and connectivity on the EU’s Single Digital Market in accordance with the goals of the EU Directive on eInvoicing in Public Procurement 2014/55/EU, such as elimination of market and trade barriers that are a result of different national rules and technical standards and implementation of the European eInvoice standard EN 16931. With the approaches, standards and tools for their inclusion in the business processes, we can ensure faster transfer of goods and procurement process and improve the money flows.

The partners of the ROSE Action – Readiness of Slovenian eInvoicing will present the solutions for simple electronic commerce within the EU. New upgraded standard eSlog 2.0, national database of eInvoice recipients and other solutions for eInvoicing will be presented.

Integral solutions for e-commerce contribute to efficient business environment and better business and digital comparative advantage of Slovenia.

The reason for joining us are the new solutions and tools, useful advices and examples of good practices from the Slovenian market.

The conference is organized in the framework of the ROSE Action – Readiness of Slovenian eInvoicing and is free of charge for all participants. Registration is mandatory.



8:45 – 9:10 – Arrival and registration

9:10 – 10:30

Introductory remarks
Dr. Nejc Brezovar, State Secretary, Ministry of Public Administration

National Forum for eInvoices
Jorgo Bertalanič, Public Payments Administration

State of eInvoicing in Slovenia
Dušan Zupančič, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Association for Informatics and Telecommunications
Implementation of eInvoicing in Croatia

Andreja Kajtaz, Sector for Commercial Digital Solutions, FINA – Financial Agency

10:30 – 10:45 – Break

10:45 – 12:15

ROSE Action and Development of e-SLOG 2.0
Dušan Zupančič, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Association for Informatics and Telecommunications

e-SLOG 2.0
Alan Ružič, ZZI d.o.o.

National Database of eInvoice Recipients
Dr. Rok Bojanc, ZZI d.o.o.

eVozlišče – Receipt of eInvoice in EU Standard
Darinka Arh Pilih, Public Payments Administration 

Future of the ROSE Action

Andreja Dolničar Jeraj, Centre for European Perspective

12:15 – 13:15 Lunch

13:15 – 14:15

User Experience – good practice example (incoming invoices)
Martina Lovrečič, Luka Koper d.d. 

User Experience – good practice example (outgoing invoices)
guest speaker (TBC)

User Experience – good practice example (supply chain)
Zoran Lemut, Kemofarmacija d.d.

14:15 – 15:15

Round Table Discussion
mag. Aleksandra Miklavčič, Director General, Public Payments Administration
Dušan Zupančič, Director, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Association for Informatics and Telecommunications
Aleksander Bastl, President of the ERP Section, Association for Informatics and Telecommunications
Tomaž Okorn, Board Member, Chamber of Accounting Services
Darja Murkovič Žigart, Director, Sector for Informatics, Pošta Slovenije d.o.o.

eSLOG 2.0 now supported by documentation in Slovenian and English language

eSLOG 2.0 now supported by documentation in Slovenian and English language

Steering Board of the “Readiness Of Slovenian E-Invoicing” (ROSE) Action published a comprehensive manual for the upgraded Slovenian national eInvoicing standard eSLOG 2.0. The manual is available in Slovenian and English language and serves the software solution and service providers who will now be able to integrate the new eSLOG into their solutions. The upgraded standard is compatible with the European Standard and in accordance with the e-Invoicing Directive 2014/55/EU.

Dušan Zupančič of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, who is among the partners of the Action, explains: “In the framework of the ROSE Action we prepared a new version of the eSLOG standard 2.0, which complies with the European standard EN 16931. The final step was reached last week with the publishing of the manual that enables understanding, implementation and use of eSLOG in the software solutions.”

All solutions developed in the framework of ROSE Action will be presented at the final conference “eInvoices as important factor of business digitalization” on Friday, 25 May 2018 in Portorož. Additional details about the conference are available here:

The developments were presented at the 11th Steering Board meeting of the ROSE Action, Connecting European Facility Action, co-financed by the European Union and implemented by the Public Payments Administration of the Republic of SloveniaChamber of Commerce and Industry of SloveniaZZI d.o.o., Mojdenar IT d.o.o. and Centre for European Perspective.

ROSE launches a national eInvoice recipients’ entity database

ROSE launches a national eInvoice recipients’ entity database

 “Readiness Of Slovenian E-Invoicing” (ROSE) Action launched a newly developed technical solution, that will serve eInvoicing processes in Public Procurement in Slovenia in accordance with the e-Invoicing Directive 2014/55/EU. The milestone solution is based on the eInvoice recipients’ entity database, which contains structured information about recipients of eInvoices and their method for receiving documents. The entity database is open and allows connectivity with other systems, which enables greater automation of the eInvoicing process. The entity database manager is the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia.

Rok Bojanc, ZZI d.o.o., explains: “By registering into the national entity database, an organization will publicly announce that it is capable to receive eInvoice and this information will be available for all eInvoice issuers. In this way, all information about the recipients of the eInvoice will be available in one place, including their technical solution provider and the way they receive the eInvoice. Introduction of the database will enable better automation of the processes on the issuer’s side as a result of connectivity with other software solutions (such as accounting software and ERP solutions).”

The milestone were presented at the 10th Steering Board meeting of the ROSE Action, a Connecting European Facility Action, co-financed by the European Union and implemented by the Public Payments Administration of the Republic of SloveniaChamber of Commerce and Industry of SloveniaZZI d.o.o., Mojdenar IT d.o.o. and Centre for European Perspective.