Advanced Training on Digital Strategic Messaging in Mengeš, Slovenia

Advanced Training on Digital Strategic Messaging in Mengeš, Slovenia

Mengeš, Slovenia – 4–6 September 2024

In an era where digital communication is both a powerful tool and a formidable challenge, government communicators must adapt to a rapidly changing landscape. To support these efforts, the U.S. Department of State and Centre for European Perspective (CEP) are hosting a specialized three-day training on the topic of “Advanced Digital Strategic Messaging.”

This event, which will take place in Mengeš, will bring together government communicators from 19 different countries to enhance their skills in digital strategic messaging. The training is designed to equip participants with cutting-edge tools and techniques needed to navigate today’s complex communication environment.

Participants will engage in intensive sessions led by esteemed international experts from different fields. The training will cover various topics, including digital presence in the digital society, support for the connection through engaging dialogue, focusing on opportunities for podcast creation, possibilities of cooperation with influencers, and theoretical and practical knowledge on integrating advanced visuals and multimedia elements into messaging.  In addition to technical skills, the program will address critical areas such as crisis communications and strategies to counteract disinformation—key components for maintaining credibility and trust in governmental messaging.

The project is the result of cooperation between the U.S. Department of State and the Centre for European Perspective, in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, in the scope of the programme of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid.

Further information:
Ingrid Omahna

Head of Programme, Strategic Communication

Centre  for European Perspective


Napredno usposabljanje o digitalnem strateškem komuniciranju v Mengšu, Slovenija

Mengeš, Slovenija – 4. do 6. september 2024

Živimo v času hitrih sprememb, kjer digitalna komunikacija igra ključno volgo in lahko predstavlja tako prednost kot tudi izziv. Vladni komunikatorji se morajo konstantno prilagajati in izobraževati, da sledijo hitro se spremnjajočim trendom. V ta namen Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Združenih držav Amerike (U. S. Department of State) in Center za evropsko prihodnost (CEP) organizirata tridnevno usposabljanje z naslovom »Napredno digitalno strateško komuniciranje«.

Dogodek, ki bo potekal v Mengšu med 4. septembrom 2024 in 6. septembrom 2024, bo povezal vladne komunikatorje iz 19 različnih držav z namenom izboljšanja veščin digitalnega strateškega komuniciranja. Usposabljanje je zasnovano z ciljem, da udeležencem zagotovi orodja in tehnike, potrebne za uspešno delovanje v kompleksnem komunikacijskem okolju.

Udeleženci bodo sodelovali na več predavanjih in aktivnostih, ki jih bodo vodili priznani mednarodni strokovnjaki z različnih področij. Program usposabljanja bo zajemal ključne teme, kot so vzpostavljanje digitalne prisotnosti v digitalni družbi, izgradnje vključujočega dialoga, vloga umetne inteligence pri krepitvi strateških komunikacij, uporabo podkastov in možnosti sodelovanja z digitalnimi vplivneži ter vključevanje naprednih vizualnih in multimedijskih elementov v komuniciranje. Poleg pridobivanja tehničnih veščin, bodo udeleženci sodelovali v krepitvi institucionalnega znanja o pomembnih področjih, kot so krizno komuniciranje in strategije za boj proti dezinformacijam, ki sta ključni za ohranjanje verodostojnosti in zaupanja v vladno komuniciranje.

Projekt je rezultat sodelovanja Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Združenih držav Amerike (U. S. Department of State) in Centra za evropsko prihodnost v partnerstvu z Ministrstvom za zunanje in evropske zadeve Republike Slovenije v okviru programa Razvojnega sodelovanja in humanitarne pomoči.



The Mirage of Truth: Complexities and Challenges of Disinformation in the Western Balkans

The Mirage of Truth: Complexities and Challenges of Disinformation in the Western Balkans

Today, the Centre for European Perspective is launching a new publication, »The Mirage of Truth: Complexities and Challenges of Disinformation in the Western Balkans«, in the scope of the Strengthening Societal Resilience and Countering Foreign-Perpetrated Disinformation in 6 Western Balkan Countries project.

The publication is the last activity upon the conclusion of this project as of June 30th, 2024. It touches upon the following topics: governments’ capacities to tackle disinformation, legislative venues for counter-disinformation tactics, regulation of the digital space, adaptations to education curricula, and possibilities and limits to whole-of-society cooperation mechanisms.

Disinformation is about intent. More specifically, intent to manipulate. Information is not accidentally skewed; the context is not taken out of the equation by chance. The source of disinformation carefully tailors the product following its aims and targets. It is a long-term, coordinated action seeking to undermine another society’s values, cohesion and institutions. In other words, disinformation is not a phenomenon – it is a threat, and even more, a security threat. It is a direct manifestation of foreign interference in domestic affairs, and it should be treated as such. The easiest and most vulnerable targets of disinformation are countries still developing their democratic and economic capacities with a recent history of conflict, like the Western Balkans. Disinformation that targets this region is a threat to the idea of Europe and we must, and we will resist – together.

The publication does not pretend to offer answers or an overview of all the challenges each Western Balkan country is struggling with. However, it does encourage future researchers and practitioners to think about the issue more comprehensively and to consider how disinformation affects the entire societal ecosystem, from security and foreign policy to governance, media, and education. Moreover, it also urges calls for an expansion of the comparative perspectives for which, at this time, we lacked sufficient space.

We would like to thank the following authors for their contribution to the publication: Kristina Voko (BIRN Albania), Vuk Vučetić (University of East Sarajevo), Kreshnik Gashi ( and Birn Kosovo), Marko Banović (Digital Forensic Centre / Digitalni forenzički centar – DFC), Bardhyl Jashari (Metamorphosis Foundation) & Tijana Femić (Novi Sad School of Journalism).

As the project concludes, our commitment to this cause remains unwavering. We will continue our efforts in this area, recognizing that change is only possible with consistency. It would be a disservice to the four years of hard work not to carry it forward in other ways.


The Project Strengthening Societal Resilience and Countering Disinformation in the Western Balkans is funded by the National Endowment for Democracy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia through development cooperation funds.

Read the publication HERE.

Conclusion of the ‘Strengthening Societal Resilience and Countering Foreign Perpetrated Disinformation in the Western Balkans’ project

Conclusion of the ‘Strengthening Societal Resilience and Countering Foreign Perpetrated Disinformation in the Western Balkans’ project

The final act of the ‘Strengthening Societal Resilience and Countering Foreign Perpetrated Disinformation in the Western Balkans’ project unfolded as a comprehensive three-day regional training held online from April 9 to April 11, 2024. This event served as a platform for civil society, media, and government representatives from the six Western Balkan countries to collaborate on addressing and combating the extensive issue of disinformation in the region.

The conference began with an address by Ingrid Omahna (CEP), setting the stage for subsequent discussions. After that, on the first day, we had experts from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Global Engagement Centre (GEC) and European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) with us. Craig Matasick (OECD) emphasised the importance of robust governance measures and institutional frameworks in safeguarding the information space’s integrity; Iva Nenadić (EDMO) talked about actionable insights for combating disinformation, and experts from GEC presented a Framework to Counter Foreign State Information Manipulation, new tool addressing the challenge of disinformation.

On the second day, the focus was on best practices to counter disinformation. The Elves, a Lithuanian civil society initiative, joined us, presenting the perspective of non-governmental organisations on disinformation. The governmental viewpoint was discussed by the Czech Centre against Hybrid Threats. The media’s perspective was discussed with Joscha Weber from Deutsche Welle. He highlighted the media’s role and the importance of responsible journalism in countering disinformation effectively. The program offered a comprehensive understanding of disinformation from diverse stakeholder perspectives. On the final day, they showcased case studies from Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia, addressing different aspects of disinformation. They revealed distinct challenges and strategies.

The group work sessions were a pivotal aspect of the training, providing attendees with the opportunity to engage in collaborative discussions and exchange ideas. These interactive sessions were not just about preparing national proposals to counter external disinformation but also about recognising the crucial role of each participant in this process.

Overall, the regional training was not just a platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing but also a source of empowerment. Led by leading experts in the field, it equipped participants with practical tools, methodologies, and best practices to address the multifaceted challenge of disinformation effectively.

The Project Strengthening Societal Resilience and Countering Disinformation in the Western Balkans is funded by the National Endowment for Democracy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia through development cooperation funds.

The third and final Regional Capacity-Building Training of the ‘Strengthening Societal Resilience and Countering Foreign Perpetrated Disinformation in the six Western Balkan Countries’ Project

The third and final Regional Capacity-Building Training of the ‘Strengthening Societal Resilience and Countering Foreign Perpetrated Disinformation in the six Western Balkan Countries’ Project

Več o projektnih aktivnostih v slovenskem jeziku najdete tu.

Our Strengthening Societal Resilience and Countering Foreign Perpetrated Disinformation in the Western Balkans project is slowly coming to an end. We are organising the last event, the third regional capacity-building training, in this project’s circle. It will take place online next week, from April 9 to 11, 2024. As usual, it will gather civil society, media, and government representatives from all six Western Balkan Countries, who will together address the issue of disinformation in the region and work on how to counter it.

The first regional training, held in November 2022, focused on identifying and understanding disinformation and its impact. The second one, held in June 2023, focused on equipping participants with tools and tactics to help them detect and, timely and effectively react to disinformation; the third one will focus on response methodologies and partnership building. Throughout the program, participants will work on defining national response methodology and learn about opportunities and obstacles with the aim of drafting national proposals to counter disinformation. Next, they will discover ways of building partnerships to ensure long-term success in combating disinformation. We will also talk about worldwide known good practices and dedicate one full day to focus on the specific challenges in the region – country by country. Led by leading experts in this space, the sessions will include practical exercises to provide tangible, workable solutions for participants.

The project will conclude almost all its activities with this regional capacity-building training. The only one left is publication, which is already in its final stage and will be published next month!

The Project Strengthening Societal Resilience and Countering Disinformation in the Western Balkans is funded by the National Endowment for Democracy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia through development cooperation funds.

Digital Diplomacy in Action: Another Successfully Concluded EDDE Training Bled

Digital Diplomacy in Action: Another Successfully Concluded EDDE Training Bled

In 2024, the power of strategic communication holds and will hold unprecedented significance for the future of humankind. Over 4 billion individuals, representing half the planet’s population, will exercise their right to vote. It will not be just about countering disinformation; it will be about preserving democracy. In this pivotal moment, digital communication emerges as one of the essential tools poised to shape the course of events and uphold the values of democratic governance. Digital communication has the ability to reach a large audience, communicate more effectively and efficiently and connect people all over the world. It also enables immediate and real-time interaction, which will be crucial in facing all global crises, especially in the election year.

This year, our EDDE training that just successfully concluded was as relevant as ever. It was the 24th training since the launch of a project in 2016. The topic of this year’s edition was Enhancing Digital Strategic Messaging. We were joined by 46 government communicators from 20 countries and by nine international experts from CEP, DigiTips, META and the US State Department.

The four-day EDDE training took place in Bled from 27 February to 1 March 2024. It provided a comprehensive exploration of the critical intersection between government affairs and digital engagement. It offered participants a diverse display of speakers and activities aimed at enhancing their understanding and skills in this rapidly evolving field. The topics ranged from the evolution of the digital society to audience analysis, strategic marketing, and practical sessions on videography and photography techniques. The lectures also delved into graphic design principles, digital media monitoring, AI, and strategies for combatting digital disinformation. They culminated in a simulation exercise where attendees applied their knowledge in real-time scenarios. The final day showcased a dynamic simulation activity, challenging participants to create digital strategic communications campaigns for authentic case scenarios. This hands-on approach provided invaluable insights and skills, empowering attendees to navigate the complex landscape of digital engagement in government affairs.

In addition to educational sessions, our event emphasised fostering connections and strong bonds among participants. We organised different engaging activities. The highlight was a dinner in Ljubljana, attended by esteemed ambassadors, promoting meaningful exchanges in an informal atmosphere.


The project is a result of cooperation between the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Embassy in Ljubljana, and the Centre for European Perspective.

You can check out more photos with a click on the photo below.


Countering the threat of disinformation in the context of global challenges

Countering the threat of disinformation in the context of global challenges

Mengeš, 22 February 2024 – Today, Jable Castle hosted a panel discussion on the topic of Countering the threat of disinformation in the context of global challenges. Joining us to open the discussion officially was Ms Nataša Pirc Musar, President of Slovenia.

The event participants were welcomed by the Project Manager of the Centre for European Perspective, Ms Ingrid Omahna, who provided a few opening remarks. Following Ms Omahna, Ms Nataša Pirc Musar gave an introductory speech remarking on the importance of fighting disinformation to protect our democracies. She emphasized the significance of the current year marked by numerous elections across 70 countries.

The moderator of the discussion was Ms Neelu Shanker, Chargée d’affaires of the Embassy of Canada. The panellists were Mr Jean-Christophe Boucher, Associate Professor of the School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary, Canada and Ms Miriam Možgan, Foreign Policy Adviser to the President of the Republic of Slovenia.

The panel discussion revolved around addressing the global threat of disinformation, particularly its impact on elections and democratic processes. Discussions included the urgency of combating disinformation, upcoming legislative measures in the EU, and the evolving response of tech corporations. Presentations focused on AI-driven approaches to analyze and counter disinformation and the societal impacts of misinformation, emphasizing the need for proactive measures and media literacy to combat this challenge effectively.


The event was organised in partnership with the Embassy of Canada in Hungary, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.