Modul III of the EUSAIR Communication Academy concludes in Bled

Modul III of the EUSAIR Communication Academy concludes in Bled

Kliknite tu za branje novice v slovenščini.

We cannot not communicate, and pictures can tell us more than a thousand words. Two very important sentences that participants of the EUSAIR Communication Academy heard over and over again and started to understand at the Modul III of the EUSAIR Communication Academy.

Government communicators and key implementors, participants of the Academy, learned more about putting theoretical communication knowledge into practice. With Modul III, the last module, EUSAIR Communication Academy officially concluded. It was organised by the Centre for European Perspective in cooperation with EUSAIR Facility Point Lead Partner in Bled, Slovenia, from 26 to 28 October 2022.    

EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) is a macro-regional strategy striving to find solutions for common challenges in the common sea basins and its hinterlands. The Strategy joins 10 countries EU Member states and non-EU Member states working together as equal partners to further integrate Western Balkan countries. The countries aim to create synergies and foster coordination among all territories in the Adriatic-Ionian Region in the four thematic pillars: sustainable tourism, environmental quality, connecting the region, and blue growth. To do that, cooperation and effective communication are needed. That is the reason EUSAIR Communication Academy was created.

At the final modul, 26 participants from 9 countries joined us (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro, North Macedonia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovenia).

Academy started by conquering the fundamentals of communication, digital campaign developments, and trends of digital communication. On the first day, they evaluated the campaigns young participants created in the first two days. This gave them inspiration for their own projects they had to create on their last day. Before that, they acquired mobile videography and photography skills, public speaking and graphic design. On the last day, participants engaged in a simulation exercise and competed to find the best and the most creative solution to the problem addressed in the simulation. They had to include all knowledge and skills acquired in the three days of the Academy.

They also had some time for networking and fun social activities. They visited Ljubljana, learned about Slovene culture and sports, and had some time to explore Bled.


Young EUSAIR Communication Academy came to an end

Young EUSAIR Communication Academy came to an end

Kliknite tu za branje novice v slovenščini.

Three days-long third part of the Young EUSAIR Communication Academy for young participants came to an end. From 24 to 26 October 2022, we were joined by young students and professionals from different organisations and several countries at Bled. They came to conquer theoretical knowledge of communication and digital communication as well as acquire practical skills in those fields. They start to understand that most of the time, how we communicate is as important (or even more important) as what we are saying.  The Academy was organised by EUSAIR Facility Point Lead Partner and the Centre for European Perspective.  

EUSAIR (EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region) is a Macro-regional Strategy joining 10 countries EU members and non-EU countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, North Macedonia, San Marino, Serbia, and Slovenia) striving to find common opportunities and solutions for common challenges. The general objective of the EUSAIR is to promote economic and social prosperity and growth in the region by improving its attractiveness, competitiveness, and connectivity with focusing on sustainable tourism, environmental quality, connecting the region, and blue growth.

The Modul III, the final modul of the Young EUSAIR Communication Academy, was attended by 40 participants from 8 countries (Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Slovenia).

The experts from different countries gave lectures and workshops covering topics on the foundations of communication, trends in digital communication, digital campaign development, public speaking, graphic design, mobile photography, and mobile videography. The final goal was to create a digital communication campaign on a topic connected to EUSAIR. Participants formed eight groups, each with five team members. Each group created their own digital campaign in less than five hours! Regardless of the time limit, the campaigns amazed government communicators and key implementers who chose team blue as the final winner.

Besides that, there was also time for networking and connecting with other peers interested in communication from the region.


Announcement: EUSAIR Communication Academy Modul III

Announcement: EUSAIR Communication Academy Modul III

Kliknite tu za branje novice v slovenščini.

Communication is essential for the well-being of all. Great communication leads to good cooperation. That is why EUSAIR Communication Academy was launched in 2022. Good cooperation between the EUSAIR Facility Point Lead Partner and the Centre for European Perspective led to this new project.

EUSAIR Communication Academy aims to equip stakeholders with communication knowledge, skills, and tools to enable them to fulfil the mission of EUSAIR to promote together economic and social prosperity and growth of the Adriatic and Ionian Region, focusing on sustainable tourism, environment quality, connecting the region and blue growth. Stakeholders, from government communicators and key implementers to young participants, must have great theoretical and practical knowledge of internal and external communication to develop cooperation and address common challenges through a holistic approach.

To continue and finalise our capacity building program Modul III of EUSAIR Communication Academy will take place from 24 to 28 October in Bled. There will be 40 young participants joining us first three days and 30 government communicators and key implementers last three days. Participants will learn from practical experiences in the third module using the knowledge acquired in the previous two modules, meet great experts, and expand their network. They will attend several workshops and trainings. Participants will gain knowledge about the importance of consistent messaging, enhance rhetorical skills, and discover different tools for better (digital) communication. They will also gain knowledge in digital campaign development and digital communication trends.

EUSAIR (EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region) is a Macro-regional Strategy joining 10 countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, North Macedonia, San Marino, Serbia, and Slovenia) striving to find solutions for common challenges in the common sea basins and its hinterlands.


Young Bled Strategic Forum 2022 to discuss the challenges our democracies face

Young Bled Strategic Forum 2022 to discuss the challenges our democracies face

11th edition of the Young Bled Strategic Forum, held between 26 and 28 August entitled ‘Democracy fit for the new age’, will focus on the discussions regarding challenges our democracies face in response to the transformation of our societies.

Thirty-six young people from 20 different countries participating in this year’s conference will be joined by 20 speakers, panellists and workshop facilitators.

As every year, the conference has a particular leitmotif – this time it is covered by the title ‘Democracy fit for the new age’. Democracy is not a static term or a form of governance – it evolves to correspond with the transformations of our societies, our understanding of what it means to be democratic, and in response to the changing environments. There has been no shortage of societal disruption in recent years – from the Covid-19 pandemic, the return of war in Europe, and pervasive technological developments to a growing polarisation within our societies.

Are our democracies catching up with these changes? Are we capable of providing answers to the challenges we are facing within our current systems of governance? Are they fit for the new age? These are just some of the questions that the participants will address through the prism of four content pillars, which will focus on 1) the search for joint international solutions to international challenges (transnational cooperation), 2) prosperity through diversity, 3) the advantages and disadvantages of democracies; and 4) the role of the media and disinformation.

The three-day conference will begin on Friday, 26 August with the visit of the National Assembly of the Republic where the President of the National Assembly, mag. Urška Klakočar Zupančič will open Young BSF 2022 and join an interactive discussion on the topic of challenges and opportunities of democracies, with speakers Ms Katja Geršak, Executive Director of Centre for European Perspective, Ms Lucija Karnelutti, EU UN Youth Delegate 2022/23 and Ms Dolores Kores, Director Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth.

The following two days will explore democracies through the prism of four thematic pillars: I) Media literacy and information society; II) Prosperity through diversity; III) Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?; IV): Joint solutions for joint challenges; with participants engaging in discussions and a diverse evening programme.

Young BSF is made possible with the contribution of the Interreg ADRION Programme and the EUSAIR Facility point, supported by the European Union and cooperating within the European Union Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian region; Danube Transnational Programme and Priority Area 10 ´Institutional capacity and cooperation´ Supported by the European Union, that are engaged within the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region; Central European Initiative (CEI) and Triglav d.d.

Module II of EUSAIR Communication Academy concludes

Module II of EUSAIR Communication Academy concludes

In the first week of June, Module II of EUSAIR Communication Academy took place. The Academy was launched in April to equip different EUSAIR stakeholders with communication knowledge, skills, and tools. You can read more about Module I here. In essence, the knowledge attained at the Academy will help participants in communicating their work to the outside world and in navigating the ever-changing landscape of digital communication.

Module II, like Module I, took place online and was attended by three groups of participants – EUSAIR key implementers and EUSAIR government communicators on 31 May and 1 June. On 2 and 3 June, the Academy was attended by youth participants that share an interest in EUSAIR and macro-regional cooperation and strive to improve their communication skills.

The topics covered at the Academy included lessons on (technical) storytelling, how to behave online (from wits to manners), how to spot disinformation and verify information, how to develop a digital campaign, what technological developments await us in the future and how to adapt, how to use data to improve our social media performance, how to apply the principles of rhetoric to digital communication and many other useful (digital) communication tips and tricks.  

The Academy will continue in October with an in-person Module III where the participants will attend some additional workshops and will at the end of the training be a part of a simulation exercise where they will apply their knowledge to a practical example. Whereas online trainings are much more flexible and enable the participation of more people, they are not a perfect replacement for in-person events. We all agreed that nothing beats face-to-face interaction.

The EUSAIR Communication Academy is organized in cooperation with EUSAIR Facility Point Lead Partner.


EUSAIR Communication Academy starts!

EUSAIR Communication Academy starts!

Photos by Marko Arandjelović


Communication is an intrinsic part of our life, be it professional or personal. It is not only about transferring information, but it is an interactive process that requires knowledge and specific skills. To effectively communicate, stakeholders need to attain in-depth and applicable communication knowledge, skills, and tools. This is the main goal of EUSAIR Communication Academy which started last week.  

EUSAIR Communication Academy is a capacity building programme for EUSAIR Government communicators, EUSAIR Key implementers, and youth participants. The Academy is composed of three modules that will take place in 2022. The project is a result of cooperation between the EUSAIR Facility Point Lead Partner and the Centre for European Perspective.

EUSAIR (EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region) is a Macro-regional Strategy joining 10 countries striving to find solutions for common challenges in the common sea basins and its hinterlands. The Strategy joins EU Member states and non-EU Member states working together as equal partners. In this process, cooperation is not only one of the main objectives but is a means to achieve the Strategy’s aims. Cooperation cannot take place without communication.

Between 19 and 22 April Module I of EUSAIR Communication Academy took place online. On the first two days, it was attended by 50 participants: government communicators from EUSAIR states and EUSAIR key implementers. On the following two days, it was attended by a group of 25 youth participants from the EUSAIR countries that share an interest in EUSAIR and macroregional cooperation and strive to improve their communication skills. Each day the participants attended several different workshops and trainings focused on the foundations of communication. They learned about key aspects of communication, the main principles of good internal communication, the importance of digital communication, the difference between traditional media tools and new media tools and much more.  


The Academy will continue with online Module II in the last week of May and conclude with an in-person training in October.