Last week the European External Action Service (EEAS) published the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) Annual Report that provides an overview on how CSDP operations and missions are operating related to the priorities they are focused on.
An important aspect of the activities in the framework of the CSDP are also the civilian missions and the support that is provided to the mission staff, who are the backbone of the missions and ensure to deliver the missions’ mandates. Establishing and maintaining such missions is an enormous task for the EU. In order for the CSDP missions to function professionally, trainings are of crucial importance. Pre-deployment trainings are provided in Brussels each month through the European Security and Defence College (ESDC). One of the providers in the ESDC’s network of training organisations is also the Centre for European Perspective (CEP).
CSDP Annual Report, published 16 March 2017 is available here.