International staff often operates in unstable and dangerous environments: armed conflict, organised crime, theft, assault, hostage taking, etc. The most important duty of care of states and organisations, sending their personnel to dangerous environments, is to assure their safety and security. Hostile environment awareness training (HEAT) presents a fundamental training for anyone working in risk-associated, insecure or hostile environment.


CEP is this year again organising an intensive three-day course that aims to train professionals to effectively deal with risks-associated and emergency/critical situations while deployed in hostile environments abroad. The training provides a comprehensive approach to the relevant issues in this area and is designed to put participants in stressful situations, preparing them for worst-case scenarios. Simulations of real-life situations complement essential classroom theory. The course is designed for people who are or will be working in a conflict area to understand the required behavioural requirements.


HEAT intends to:

  • improve participants’ knowledge about multiple threats present in hostile environments as well as how to deal with them in an effective manner;
  • rehearse and practice safety and security procedures accordingly with the specific threat;
  • trigger individual skill dealing with different stressful situations;
  • trigger group dynamics dealing with multiple stressful situations.


The training consists of five modules. Activities include lectures, guided discussions, role plays and simulations. Trainees will be talking about being deployed in hostile environment (threat awareness and management of various threats, etc.), medical help (vaccinations, personal hygiene, and first aid), orientation, communications (GPS, radio, satellite phone) and off road vehicles driving. Practical activities and field simulations will be dedicated to practicing newly gained skills and will intentionally expose trainees to situations they are likely to encounter on a mission.


Training is organised by the Centre for European Perspective in cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenian Police and Slovenian Armed Forces.



Training will be held between 16 and 18 October 2018 at the Police Training Centre Gotenica located in the south-eastern part of Slovenia, 60 km from Ljubljana Airport. Gotenica is a training village with the capacity of hosting 150 people with all needed training facilities as well as full board accommodation for all participants.



Please register by using the application form below to Nina Čepon ([email protected]).

Note: All participants need to have a valid driving license in order to drive 4×4 vehicles.

In order to acquire more information please contact Ivana Boštjančič Pulko ([email protected]; +386 (0)1 560 86 03).



Training fee: 1.500,00 € (tuition fees, course material, full board accommodation).

Local transportation to Gotenica for trainees from other countries will be organised by CEP.

Logistical information HEAT 30-08-2018

HEAT_CEP Application Form 2018

HEAT 2018 CEP Declaration of Exclusion of Liability