Klikni tukaj za več o projektnih aktivnostih v slovenskem jeziku
In order to enter the negotiation process well prepared, North Macedonia is training its future working group for Chapter 24 also with Slovenian development assistance.
A significant impact on the efficiency in the negotiation process in Chapter 24, in addition to implementing rule of law reforms or the alignment with the EU acquis, will also have the ability of the working group to communicate within itself, with the public and, of course, with the European Commission.
In this context a second practical and interactive workshop for members of the future working group will be held from 28 to 31 March 2022 in North Macedonia. Workshop will be organized with the aim of improving communication capacity of the working group for the contents of Chapter 24 and will be attended by representatives of Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of justice, Secretariat for European Affairs, State Prosecutor’s Office, Customs Administration, Agency for National Security and Financial Police Office.
The project is part of the programme activities of Slovenia’s Development Cooperation Programme financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia.
Further information:
Programme Director
Centre for European Perspective