Institutional Capacity and Cooperation in the Danube Region

“Enhancing coordination between stakeholders and supporting policy development in the Danube region.”

Institutional Capacity and Cooperation in the Danube Region (PA10) is one of the priorities of the EU Strategy for Danube Region that was adopted by European Commission in 2010.

Its main aim is to promote cooperation between the 14 countries (Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Moldova and Ukraine) for enhancing sustainable development and competitiveness of this part of Europe. Coordination of the priority area 10 – Institutional Capacity and Cooperation – is in the hands of City of Vienna, Austria and CEP, Slovenia.

At CEP, we are focusing on involvement of youth into the policy processes, facilitating discussions and dialogues on all levels and supporting projects that contribute to administrative capacity-building.

This project is co-funded by the European Union (ERDF, IPA, ENI).


Invitation – Conference “Towards Knowledge-driven Society and Professions of the Future”

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Last TalentMagnet newsletter out!

The TalentMagnet consortium is happy to present the last eNewsletter of the project! Two years of the project have already gone by in a flash, and the consortium has created important outputs, completed their pilot actions, tried out the tools prepared in the scope of...

Slovenia takes over the EUSDR Presidency

With the Opening event held on 1 December 2022 at Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia begins its year of the Presidency of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR). The event’s participants were welcomed by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Marko...

INVITATION: National Participation Day Slovenia

EUSDR Priority Area 10 ˝Institutional Capacity and Cooperation˝ together with the  the Foster Europe Foundation, in Austria, and the Danube Civil Society Forum invite you to the second National Participation Day – Slovenia. Civil Society, Academia, local authorities...

TalentMagnet final conference on November 9 in Ptuj

The consortium of the TalentMagnet project (Interreg Danube) is delighted to invite you to the project conference: TalentMagnet in practice: Together for Talent-Friendly Cities on November 9th 2022. Is your city experiencing brain drain? Do bright, talented people...

Third TalentMagnet newsletter out!

The TalentMagnet consortium is happy to present the third eNewsletter of the project! Fifteen months of the project have already gone by and the consortium has created important outputs and achieved great progress with the Practical Guide to Talent attraction and...

Spoznajte projekte, ki spreminjajo vsakdan v Podonavju

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15th PA10 Steering Group Meeting in Prague, CZ

Centre for European Perspective is with City of Vienna coordinating one of 12 thematic priorities of the EU Strategy for the Danube region - priority 10: institutional capacity and cooperation. One of the most important tasks of the priority area coordinators is to...

First national Danube participation day in Slovenia

FIRST NATIONAL DANUBE PARTICIPATION DAY IN SLOVENIA The Danube region brings together 14 countries and some of them are very close to Slovenia (geographically, also culturally and historically) and some of the most important economically important ones, as well as...

Danube National Day

Do you know Danube macro region? And all the projects that Slovenian partners lead and co-create in the region? Danube is connecting a number of countries that are close to us (geographically, culturally and historically), but also some very important economic...