During its 16 years of existence, CEP has successfully implemented over 150 projects throughout the Central and Eastern Europe and Eastern Partnership countries. We’ve been especially active in the Western Balkans, providing assistance and support to the countries’ economic, social and political development.
We’ve been actively involved in capacity building of public institutions, public services and civil servants in the Western Balkans countries, and worked on strengthening the civil society in the Western Balkans through thematic workshops. Some of our activities focused on the private sector development, with the establishment of an integrated start-up system in the WB that supported over 400 young entrepreneurs from the region.
The Central and Eastern Europe and Eastern Partnership countries represent a bridge between the EU and the broader region of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, while the Western Balkan countries are located in the heart of Europe and represent a strategic gateway to the Balkans and beyond. Cooperation with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Eastern Partnership contributes to regional stability, economic development, and the promotion of shared values and principles. For Slovenia, the countries are important strategic partners, given its geographical proximity and historical ties.
Slovenia has been an active supporter of the EU’s enlargement and integration efforts, advocating for the inclusion of its neighbors in the EU and has been focused on promoting economic development, enhancing cooperation in the areas of energy, transport, and the environment, and civil society engagement.
Slovenian Development Cooperation
CEP is currently (2023-2024) implementing three Slovenian development aid projects in Ukraine, Serbia and North Macedonia. The development cooperation projects are financed by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovenia.
EUSDR Priority Area 10 “Institutional Capacities & Cooperation”
CEP co-coordinates Priority Area 10 (PA 10) of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) aimed at stepping up institutional capacity and cooperation as a precondition for shaping a sustainable, resilient and prosperous future.
Meeting of EUSDR National Coordinators
Development Aid training - North Macedonia
Project kickoff in North Macedonia
Yesterday, 12th February, a new project in the field of digitalization in North Macedonia was launched in Skopje. The State Secretary at the...
Green transition in Ukraine webinar series
Centre for European Perspective is delighted to invite you to the webinar series on green transition! The green transition refers to the shift...
Pripravljena analiza izobraževalnega sistema za medicinske sestre in babice v Republiki Severni Makedoniji
V okviru projekta “Spodbujanje izobraževanja in poklicev v zdravstveni negi in babištvu v Republiki Severni Makedoniji” je nastal dokument z...