Discover our Perspectives, which is a compilation of policy papers and analytical pieces from various policy experts, academics and practitioners. We are grateful for their invaluable contributions.
Centre for European Perspective (CEP) has had a standing commitment to fostering diverse perspectives and exchange of views in the field of security, foreign policy and economy ever since its foundation. As we are entering an era of increased global instability and insecurity, the policy decisions we make today will impact the lives of our future generations. Prosperity, security, natural resources and freedom should not be taken for granted. Slovenia, as an international actor, needs to have a clear vision of the future it wants and it needs to be shrewd about pursuing policies which will bring that vision to life, the success of which much depends on external forces and trends.
It is therefore crucial that we recognize the challenges ahead as well as seize opportunities. Perspectives (Perspektive) offer just that – perspectives of developing global geopolitical, security and economic trends as well as specific policy recommendations on how to address them. They are meant to provoke critical thought and enhance discussions on these important issues which will shape our common future.
You are kindly invited to read our March 2019 edition and encouraged to contribute to Perspectives (Perspektive) in the future.