Centre for European Perspective is organizing international conference „Experience Exchange in Opening of Public Sector Data“, which will take place on Wednesday, 28 February 2018 in Belgrade, Hotel Zlatnik, Dobanovačka 95. A dynamic conference in an interesting format is organized in the framework of the Official Development Cooperation between the Republic of Slovenia and Republic of Serbia in order to present the best experiences and practices from both countries.

Data in the public sector are a newly discovered drivers of development. In Europe, there is a growing awareness of the fact that the public sector generates a large amount of data that are not useful only within the state administration system, but bring multiple benefits to the economy, science and society as a whole. Among its key priorities, the European Union has set the goal to increase the exchange of information and knowledge, to open up public data and facilitate cooperation among public bodies while creating and delivering public services. This will make public administration more efficient and offer user-friendly and tailored public services at a lower cost and with less administrative difficulties. The strategy of opening up public administration and its data is related to citizens’ participation in the public processes and decision-making. Such approach is embedded both in the strategic documents of Slovenia and Serbia.

While implementing the policies of opening the public sector data, the states go through different development stages of readiness and preparedness – from access to public information and data, governance and data exchange within the Government, e-Government, opening and publishing data for reuse and to various applications that use public sector data or so-called open data portals; all for the stages aiming to provide good public services for citizens and business. The ultimate goal is a free flow of all public data across Europe.

The purpose of the conference is to enable a comprehensive exchange of thoughts, experiences and practices between all interested parties (representatives of government, independent institutions, experts from the public administration, representatives of business sector, the media, academic institutions and civil society). The format of the conference will serve as a tool to obtain new ideas for encouraging an open, transparent and inclusive public administration, which is an important aspect of the endeavour for the EU membership, with a goal to strengthen the public sector data opening.

The conference is part of the CEP program activities financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia in the scope of international development cooperation.

Read this article in Serbian or Slovenian.