For the third year in a row, Centre for European Perspective offers its support to the young entrepreneurs from Bosnia and Herzegovina and youngsters with entrepreneurial ideas, who want to develop and launch their projects. In order to do so, we organize a call for applications in cooperation with the leading regional start up conference PODIM, that takes place every May in Maribor, Slovenia.
The call helps us select the best entrepreneurial ideas and pitches and we offer 20 young entrepreneurs (the members of the teams and their mentors) the transportation to the conference, accommodation and the ticket to the PODIM Conference. We widen their knowledge about entrepreneurship and give them an insight into the process of development of the project from the initial idea to the launch, we offer them an opportunity to meet potential investors and last but not least, the entrepreneurs with the same mindset from the whole Alps-Adriatic region.
Following the PODIM Conference, the participants will visit Centre for European Perspective at Grad Jable, where a representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will explain more about the Slovenian foreign policy efforts in the Balkan region and the EU-wide Positive Agenda for Youth that recognizes youth in the Balkan region as essential actors in regional cooperation, friendship and reconciliation. Their visit in Slovenia will conclude with a peek into the Slovenian start-up environment and co-working scene at the ABC Accelerator in Ljubljana. The good practices from Slovenia will help transmit one of the key messages of the project – cooperation leads first to small changes in the start-up environment, but not giving up and raising the voice of youth can lead to the system-wide reforms.
Youngsters have to present their entrepreneurial idea in the application, that is reviewed by the expert commission. Since we realized during the previous years that the presentations of the ideas and the pitches could be prepared even better, we decided to organize a startup workshop, where our participants get to know the call for applications and PODIM conference. The workshop, where the young entrepreneurs also get the opportunity to prepare a preliminary presentation and get the immediate feedback from their colleagues and our experts, will take placeon Wednesday, March 22, 2017, in Networks Sarajevo, Sarajevo, BiH. Apply here.
The project is part of our program activities, financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Slovenia in the framework of Slovenia’s development cooperation.
Spodbujanje podjetništva med mladimi v BiH
CEP že tretje leto nudi podporo mladim bosanskim podjetnikom in mladim s podjetniškimi idejami, ki bi radi svoje ideje razvijali, nadgrajevali. V ta namen v sodelovanju z vodilno regionalno start up konferenco PODIM, ki poteka vsako leto meseca maja v Mariboru, organiziramo natečaj, preko katerega izberemo najboljše podjetniške ideje in predstavitve. 20 mladim podjetnikom (članom ekip in njihovim mentorjem) bomo tako omogočili prevoz, namestitev in vstopnico za konferenco PODIM. Tako razširjamo njihovo znanje o podjetniških korakih, jim ponudimo možnost srečanja s potencialnimi investitorji in nenazadnje, z enako mislečimi iz celotne regije Alpe-Adria.
Po konferenci PODIM bodo udeleženci obiskali tudi Center za evropsko prihodnost na gradu Jable, kjer jim bo predstavnik Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve RS povedal več o slovenskih prizadevanjih na področju zunanje politike na Balkanu in o Pozitivni agendi za mlade, ki na nivoju Evropske unije prepoznava mlade na Balkanu kot ključne akterje pri regionalnem sodelovanju, prijateljstvu in spravi. Njihov obisk v Sloveniji se bo zaključil z vpogledom v slovensko start-up okolje in sodelo (co-working) v ABC pospeševalniku v Ljubljani. Dobre prakse iz Slovenije bodo pomagale prenašati eno izmed ključnih sporočil projekta – sodelovanje najprej vodi do majhnih sprememb znotraj start-up okolja, vztrajnost in angažiranost mladih pa lahko vodita do širših reform na sistemski ravni.
Mladi morajo za prijavo na natečaj oddati predstavitev svoje podjetniške ideje, ki jih nato pregleda strokovna komisija. Ker smo v preteklih letih zaznali, da bi lahko mladi predstavitve pripravili še bolje, organiziramo delavnico, kjer bodo mladi izvedeli vse o natečaju, konferenci in na svojo predstavitev dobili takojšen komentar strokovnjakov in kolegov. Delavnica bo potekala v sredo, 22. marca 2017, v Sarajevu v prostorih Networks Sarajevo, prijava je možna na povezavi tukaj.
Projekt je del programskih aktivnosti CEP, ki jih financira Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije iz sredstev za mednarodno razvojno sodelovanje.