The Centre for European Perspective (CEP), together with the U.S. Department of State, and the support from the Moldovan State Chancellery and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova, is organizing a two-day training for Moldovan government communicators within the scope of “European Digital Diplomacy Exchange (EDDE)” project. The training will take place on 5 – 6 March in Government House in Chișinău.

Today’s public sphere is shaped by the proliferation of digital communication channels that are constantly bringing new challenges for governments. Government communicators are required to be active on social networks, but this role is too often taken for granted. In order to ensure successful communication, they constantly need to expand their knowledge, experience, different abilities and skills.

This training will cover a range of topics from public relations and public diplomacy theory to the practical application of digital tools, conducted by experienced public and private sector communicators in this emerging media environment.