Bosna in Hercegovina – Približevanje EU
Projekt z usposabljanji za izbrana poglavja pravnega reda EU podpira BiH v približevanju evropskim integracijam. Namen usposabljanj je dvigniti splošno raven znanja in kompetenc pristojnih javnih uslužbencev pri izpolnjevanju različnih zahtev evropske integracije.
Fourth workshop of “Supporting BiH on its way to the EU” successfully concluded
by Ingrid Omahna | November 19, 2020 | BIH - Supporting the way to the EU, PR | 0 Comments
Fourth workshop of “Supporting BiH on its way to the EU” project
by Ingrid Omahna | November 13, 2020 | BIH - Supporting the way to the EU, PR | 0 Comments
The third workshop in the scope of the project “Supporting BiH on its way to the EU” successfully concluded
by Ingrid Omahna | November 11, 2020 | BIH - Supporting the way to the EU, PR | 0 Comments
Continuation of activities of “Supporting BiH on its way to the EU” project
by Ingrid Omahna | November 2, 2020 | BIH - Supporting the way to the EU, PR | 0 Comments
CEP supports BiH on its way to the EU
by Jernej Grahor | September 12, 2019 | BIH - Supporting the way to the EU, PR | 0 Comments
ANNOUNCEMENT: CEP supports BiH on its way to the EU
by Jernej Grahor | September 5, 2019 | BIH - Supporting the way to the EU, PR | 0 Comments
CEP training for BiH civil servants focused on freedom of movement for workers
by Jernej Grahor | May 30, 2019 | BIH - Supporting the way to the EU, Development (ODA), PR | 0 Comments
CEP supports BiH on its way to the EU
by Jernej Grahor | May 23, 2019 | BIH - Supporting the way to the EU, Development (ODA), PR | 0 Comments