Centre for European Perspective kindly invites you to our Annual Policy Discussion “Central and Eastern Europe at the Crossroads” and Pre-New Year’s Reception on Wednesday, 12 December 2018, starting at 11 am, followed by a reception at 1 pm, at Jable Castle (Grajska cesta 1, 1234 Loka pri Mengšu, Slovenia).

The policy discussion will address the current state of affairs in the Central and Eastern Europe – the growing split between the East and West, the discrepancies between the EU member states and the non-member states and the new reality of the constellation of global powers in the region.

Welcome address:
Ms Špela Lajmiš
President of the Executive Board, Centre for European Perspective

Mr Matej Marn
Political Director/Director General,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia
Ambassador Iztok Mirošič
BSF Programme Director,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia
Ms Nina Pejič
Faculty of Social Sciences, East Asia Resource Library and THINK Initiative Researcher

Active listener:
Mr Ingo Mayr-Knoch
CEO, WBE Think Initiative

Ms Katja Geršak

Executive Director, Centre for European Perspective

The discussion will be followed by a Pre-New Year’s Reception, hosted by the Centre for European Perspective.

RSVP by 10 December here: