Klikni tukaj za več o projektu v slovenščini
In pursuit of the interest to conduct financial investigations effectively, after the adoption of the National Strategy for Financial Investigations in July 2021, the competent Macedonian authorities are in the process of developing and interdepartmental coordination of standard operating procedures. Harmonized standard operating procedures will more specifically define the course, characteristics and cooperation in financial investigations of the authorities, which in North Macedonia carry out financial investigations (Ministry of the Interior, Financial Police Directorate, Customs Administration and the State Prosecutor’s Office). In doing so, Macedonian institutions rely largely on Slovenian experience and advice.
In the period between 30.11. and 3 December 2021, in the framework of the project of international development cooperation of the Republic of Slovenia, Assistance in Chapter 24 – financial investigations, consultations were held in Skopje in the field of standard financial investigation procedures. On 30 November 2021, Slovenian advice was first provided interdepartmentally, at a meeting convened on the initiative of the Ministry of the Interior. Subsequent consultations were conducted tête-à-têtes, with the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Financial Police, the Customs Administration and the Ministry of the Interior / Police. Consultations are to be continued.
The project is part of the program activities of international development cooperation, financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and implemented in cooperation with the State Prosecution, Financial Administration, Ministry of the Interior and the Police of the Republic of Slovenia.
Further information:
Programme Director
Centre for European Perspective