Strengthening Societal Resilience and Countering Foreign Perpetrated Disinformation                                                       in 6 Western Balkans Countries Capacity Building Program

European Union Civilian Training Initiative (EUCTI)

European Union Police and Civilian Services Training (EUPCST)

Capacity Building Program

Capacity Building Program

European Digital Diplomacy Exchange (EDDE) Capacity Building Program
Bled Strategic Forum: The Rule of Power or Power of Rules? Conference
Young Bled Strategic Forum 2022 Conference
European Strategy for the Danube Region: Priority Area 10 – Institutional Capacity and Cooperation Coordination
Support to Serbia: Management of Patrols Development Assistance
Support to North Macedonia in Accession to the EU in the Chapter 24 – Financial Investigations Development Assistance
Support to North Macedonia in Accession to the EU – Communication in the Chapter 24 Development Assistance
EU Civilian Training Group (EUCTG) Research and Analysis
Transformative Power of Digital:                                                                                                                                            Central and Eastern Europe’s leap towards greater prosperity, innovation and resilience Research and Analysis
Developing Labs to Facilitate Home Care Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Danube Region                                 (D-Care-Labs) Research and Capacity Building
Improved Institutional Capacities and New Multilevel Governance for Talent Attraction and Retention                           in the Danube Region (TalentMagnet) Research and Capacity Building
Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) Training Centre


Strengthening Societal Resilience and Countering Foreign Perpetrated Disinformation                                                       in 6 Western Balkans Countries Capacity Building Program

European Union Civilian Training Initiative (EUCTI)

European Union Police and Civilian Services Training (EUPCST)

Capacity Building Program

Capacity Building Program

European Digital Diplomacy Exchange (EDDE) Capacity Building Program
Bled Strategic Forum: Future of Europe Conference
Young Bled Strategic Forum: Future of Europe – Youth at the Centre Conference
European Strategy for the Danube Region: Priority Area 10 – Institutional Capacity and Cooperation Coordination
Support to Serbia: Management of Patrols Development Assistance
Support to North Macedonia in Accession to the EU in the Chapter 24 – Financial Investigations Development Assistance
Support to North Macedonia in Accession to the EU – Communication in the Chapter 24 Development Assistance
Strengthening the Transparency of Electoral Bodies in Albania Development Assistance
EU Civilian Training Group (EUCTG) Research and Analysis
Transformative Power of Digital:                                                                                                                                            Central and Eastern Europe’s leap towards greater prosperity, innovation and resilience Research and Analysis
Cooperation Instrument for the Western Balkans Think Tanks – THINK BALKANS Research and Analysis
Developing Labs to Facilitate Home Care Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Danube Region                                 (D-Care-Labs) Research and Capacity Building
Improved Institutional Capacities and New Multilevel Governance for Talent Attraction and Retention                           in the Danube Region (TalentMagnet) Research and Capacity Building
Radicalization and Violent Extremism Across Borders: An Ongoing Threat Round Table
Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) Training Centre


Strengthening Societal Resilience and Countering Foreign Perpetrated Disinformation                                                       in 6 Western Balkans Countries Capacity Building Program
European Union Police and Civilian Services Training (EUPCST) Capacity Building Program
European Digital Diplomacy Exchange (EDDE) Capacity Building Program
Bled Strategic Forum: Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-COVID–19 World Conference
European Strategy for the Danube Region: Priority Area 10 – Institutional Capacity and Cooperation Coordination
Strengthening the Transparency of Electoral Bodies in Albania Development Assistance
Supporting BiH on its way to the EU: sharing good practices between Slovenia and BiH Development Assistance
Strengthening the capacity of the Avio-Helicopter Unit of the Ministry of Interior of Montenegro Development Assistance
Learning Compass: Teacher Training for Work with Children with Disabilities Development Assistance
Support to North Macedonia in Accession to the EU in the Chapter 24 – Financial Investigations Development Assistance
Support to Serbia: Management of Patrols Development Assistance
EU Civilian Training Group (EUCTG) Research and Analysis
Developing Labs to Facilitate Home Care Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Danube Region                                 (D-Care-Labs) Research and Capacity Building
Improved Institutional Capacities and New Multilevel Governance for Talent Attraction and Retention                           in the Danube Region (TalentMagnet) Research and Capacity Building
Will the last person to leave, turn off the lights? Tackling demographic challenges in the Western Balkans Think Tank Activities
Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) Training Centre


Europe’s New Training Initiative for Civilian Crisis Management (ENTRi) Capacity Building Program
European Union Police and Civilian Services Training (EUPCST) Capacity Building Program
European Digital Diplomacy Exchange (EDDE) Capacity Building Program
Global Responsibility for the Future (GENE) Capacity Building Program
Law Enforcement Training for Capacity Building (LET4CAP) Capacity Building Program
U-LEAD with Europe:                                                                                                                                                                   Travel to Know – Travel to Change/Knowledge Management Within the Study Visits Capacity Building Program
The Three Seas Initiative Business Forum Ljubljana Conference
Bled Strategic Forum: (Re)sources of (In)stability Conference
Young Bled Strategic Forum: Youth as a (future) (re)source Conference
European Strategy for the Danube Region: Priority Area 10 – Institutional Capacity and Cooperation Coordination
Strengthening the Transparency of Electoral Bodies in Albania Development Assistance
Support to Serbia: Management of Patrols Development Assistance
Strengthening the capacity of the Avio-Helicopter Unit of the Ministry of Interior of Montenegro Development Assistance
Support to Macedonia in Accession to the EU in the Chapter 24 – Financial Investigations Development Assistance
Learning Compass: Teacher Training for Work with Children with Disabilities Development Assistance
Assistance to Montenegro on Accession to the EU Development Assistance
Supporting Young Entrepreneurs from the Western Balkans Development Assistance
Supporting BiH on its Way to the EU: Sharing Good Practices Between Slovenia and BiH Development Assistance
Cyber Security and Hybrid Threats Regional Conference
Perspectives” Journal Think Tank Activities


European Digital Diplomacy Exchange (EDDE) Capacity Building Program
Europe’s New Training Initiative for Civilian Crisis Management (ENTRi) Capacity Building Program
Global responsibility for the future (GENE) Capacity Building Program
Law Enforcement Training for Capacity Building (LET4CAP) Capacity Building Program
U-LEAD with Europe: Travel to Know – Travel to Change/Knowledge Management Within the Study visits Capacity Building Program
Back on the Agenda: EU Enlargement and Western Balkans Capacity Building Program
Establishing an Integrated Start-up Ecosystem in the Western Balkans Capacity Building Program
Readiness of Slovenian e-Invoicing (ROSE) Capacity Building Program
Bled Strategic Forum: Bridging the Divide Conference
Young Bled Strategic Forum: Conflict Prevention, Peace Building and Mediation Conference
European Strategy for the Danube Region: Priority Area 10 – Institutional Capacity and Cooperation Coordination
Assistance to Albanian Municipalities in the Preparation of the EU and Other International Projects Development Assistance
Supporting BiH on its Way to the EU: Sharing Good Practices between Slovenia and BiH Development Assistance
Empowering BiH’s Young Entrepreneurs Development Assistance
Assistance to Montenegro on Accession to the EU Development Assistance
Empowering Kosovo’s Young Entrepreneurs Development Assistance
Support to Macedonia in Accession to the EU in the Chapter 24 – Financial Investigations Development Assistance
Support to Serbia: Tackling Information Exchange in Illegal Migration Development Assistance
Support to Serbia: Prevention of Corruption Development Assistance
Strengthening the Capacity of the Avio-Helicopter Unit of the Ministry of Interior of Montenegro Development Assistance
Improving the Effectiveness of Capabilities in EU Conflict Prevention (IECEU) H2020 Research
THINK Initiative & THINK Platform Research and Workshops
Perspectives” Journal Think Tank Activities
UK – EU Security and Defence Cooperation post Brexit Think Tank Activities


Europe’s New Training Initiative for Civilian Crisis Management (ENTRi) Capacity Building Program
Law Enforcement Training for Capacity Building (LET4CAP) Capacity Building Program
Readiness of Slovenian e-Invoicing (ROSE) Capacity Building Program
European Digital Diplomacy Exchange (EDDE) Capacity Building Program
Bled Strategic Forum: New Reality Conference
Young Bled Strategic Forum: The (Dis)connected Reality Conference
European Strategy for the Danube Region: Priority Area 10 – Institutional Capacity and Cooperation Coordination
Support to Serbia – Professional Experience for Serbian Civil Servants Development Assistance
Support to Serbia: Prevention of Corruption Development Assistance
Support to Macedonia in Accession to the EU in Chapter 24 – Financial Investigations Development Assistance
Assistance to Montenegro in Accession to the EU Development Assistance
Assistance to Albanian Municipalities in the Preparation of the EU and Other International Projects Development Assistance
Empowering BiH’s Young Entrepreneurs Development Assistance
Empowering Kosovo’s Young Entrepreneurs Development Assistance
Improving the Effectiveness of Capabilities in EU Conflict Prevention (IECEU) H2020 Research
Internship Manual – Internship Promotion (Serbia) Internship
THINK Initiative & THINK Platform Research and workshops
Perspectives” Journal Think Tank Activities
Perspectives for the Western Balkans in the European Union (Reflection Forum) Think Tank Activities
Be Ready for European Values – Non-Formal Education System in Slovenia:                                                               Erasmus + Youth Exchange Youth Exchange


START – Danube Region Project Fund: Illicit Trafficking of Firearms in the Danube Region Capacity Building Program
Europe’s New Training Initiative for Civilian Crisis Management (ENTRi) Capacity Building Program
Bled Strategic Forum: Safeguarding the Future Conference
Young Bled Strategic Forum: Generation of Global Citizens Conference
Regional Meeting of Think Tanks of China and Central and Eastern European Countries Cooperation program
Support to Montenegro in Joining NATO Development Assistance
Assistance to Montenegro in Accession to the EU Development Assistance
Assistance to Albanian Municipalities in the Preparation of the EU and Other
International Projects
Development Assistance
Strengthening the Independence of Electoral Bodies in Albania Development Assistance
Support to Macedonia in Accession to the EU in Chapter 24 – Financial Investigations Development Assistance
Support to Serbia: Prevention of Corruption Development Assistance
Strengthening the Independence of Electoral Bodies in Belarus Development Assistance
Empowering BiH’s Young Entrepreneurs Development Assistance
Empowering Kosovo’s Young Entrepreneurs Development Assistance
Improving the Effectiveness of Capabilities in EU Conflict Prevention (IECEU) H2020 Research
Migrations – Challenge that Must be Addressed Think Tank Activities
Days Before – New Security Challenges Think Tank Activities
European Perspectives” Journal Think Tank Activities
Perspectives” Journal Think Tank Activities
Be Ready for European Values – Non-Formal Education System in Slovenia:                                                               Erasmus + Youth Exchange Youth Exchange


Europe’s New Training Initiative for Civilian Crisis Management (ENTRi) Capacity Building Program
START – Danube Region Project Fund: Illicit Trafficking of Firearms in the Danube Region Capacity Building Program
Short-Term Election Observation Course Capacity Building Program
Bled Strategic Forum 2015: Visions of New Partnerships Conference
Strengthening the Independence of Electoral Bodies in Albania Development Assistance
Empowering BIH’s Young Entrepreneurs Development Assistance
Assistance to Montenegro in Accession to the EU Development Assistance
Support to North Macedonia in Accession to the EU in the Area of Organised and Serious Crime Development Assistance
Visa Liberalisation Process (Integrated Border Management) for Kosovo Public Officials Development Assistance
Support to Serbia: Development of Voluntary Rescue Organisations in Serbia Development Assistance
Protection of Children in the Justice System of the Republic of Srpska Development Assistance
United For One Cause. United For Our Future. (European Year of Development) Development Assistance
Improving the Effectiveness of Capabilities in EU Conflict Prevention (IECEU) H2020 Research
Promotion of Integration to the EU Through Regional Cooperation (GIZ Program) Research
International Visegrad Fund: Academic Debate on Slovenia’s Role in Visegrad Group Think Tank Activities
Studia Diplomatica Slovenica:                                                                                                                                       “Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” Think Tank Activities
Studia Diplomatica Slovenica:                                                                                                                                                          “On the Eve of the Great War: Political Concepts, Conspiracies and Theories” Think Tank Activities
European Perspectives” Journal Think Tank Activities


Europe’s New Training Initiative for Civilian Crisis Management (ENTRi) Capacity Building Program
Bled Strategic Forum 2014: The Power of Trust Conference
Regional Training for the Western Balkan Countries in the Fight Against Illicit Trafficking in Firearms Development Assistance
Visa Liberalisation Process (Integrated Border Management) for Kosovo Public Officials Development Assistance
Strengthening the Capacity of Albanian Representatives on the Local Level for Absorption of EU funds Development Assistance
Improving Results in Detection of Smuggling and Illegal Migrations (North Macedonia) Development Assistance
Strengthening Capacity of North Macedonian Local Self-government Development Assistance
Strengthening the Capabilities in the Field of Justice and Home Affairs (Serbia) Development Assistance
Assistance to Montenegro in Accession to the EU Development Assistance
Assistance to BiH in Establishing EU Phytosanitary Standards Development Assistance
The Future of EU – Russia Relations Think Tank Activities
European Perspectives” Journal Think Tank Activities
Studia Diplomatica Slovenica: “Diplomatic Practicum” Think Tank Activities


Europe’s New Training Initiative for Civilian Crisis Management (ENTRi) Capacity Building Program
Bled Strategic Forum 2013: A Changing Europe in a Changing World Conference
Assistance to Montenegro in Accession to the EU Development Assistance
Serbia: Towards Excellence in Police –                                                                                                                                 Creating a Positive Work Environment for Professional and Quality Work Development Assistance
Support to Serbian Municipalities for Participation in International (EU) Projects Development Assistance
Assistance in Development of EU Standards in the Food Safety and Quality in BiH –                                           Development of Veterinary Control According to the EU Standards Development Assistance
Assistance in Development of EU Standards in the Food Safety and Quality in BiH –                                           Development of Phyto-Sanitary System Development Assistance
Strengthening the Capacity of Albanian Representatives for Absorption of EU Funds Development Assistance
European Perspectives” Journal Think Tank Activities
Twinning:                                                                                                                                                                       Harmonisation and Implementation of the Regulations of Labour Inspection and Safety at Work Twinning


Europe’s New Training Initiative for Civilian Crisis Management (ENTRi) Capacity Building Program
North Macedonia: Creating a Positive Work Environment – Border Police and Customs Capacity Building Program
Bled Strategic Forum 2012: Europe and the Reshaped Global Order Conference
Assistance to Montenegro in Accession to the EU Development Assistance
Efficient and Effective Kosovo Public Services Development Assistance
Serbia: Towards Excellence in Police –                                                                                                                                 Creating a Positive Work Environment for Professional and Quality Work Development Assistance
Strengthening the Capacity of Albanian Representatives for Absorption of EU Funds Development Assistance
European Affairs Training for Public Administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina Development Assistance
Studia Diplomatica Slovenica: “20 let članstva v OZN” Think Tank Activities
European Perspectives” Journal Think Tank Activities
Twinning:                                                                                                                                                                       Harmonisation and Implementation of the Regulations of Labour Inspection and Safety at Work Twinning


North Macedonia & Serbia: Creating a Positive Work Environment – Border Police and Customs Capacity Building Program
Europe’s New Training Initiative for Civilian Crisis Management (ENTRi) Capacity Building Program
Bled Strategic Forum 2011: The Power of the Future Conference
Efficient and Effective Kosovo Public Services Development Assistance
Serbia: Towards Excellence in Police –                                                                                                                                 Creating a Positive Work Environment for Professional and Quality Work Development Assistance
Assistance to Macedonia in Negotiations with the EU: Customs, Taxes and Excise Duties Development Assistance
Management of Public Stations in Digital Age Development Assistance
Studia Diplomatica Slovenica: “Velikih pet in nastanek kraljevine Srbov” Think Tank Activities
European Perspectives” Journal Think Tank Activities
Twinning:                                                                                                                                                                       Harmonisation and Implementation of the Regulations of Labour Inspection and Safety at Work Twinning


Training for EU Civilian Crisis Management Missions Capacity Building Program
Bled Strategic Forum 2010: Global Outlook for the Next Decade Conference
Efficient and Effective Kosovo Public Services Development Assistance
Assistance to Macedonia in Negotiations with the EU: Techniques, Skills, and Content Development Assistance
Serbia: Towards Excellence in Police –                                                                                                                                 Creating a Positive Work Environment for Professional and Quality Work Development Assistance
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Intercultural Challenge Educational platform
Studia Diplomatica Slovenica: “Slovene Diplomats in Slavic Countries” Think Tank Activities
Studia Diplomatica Slovenica: “Foreign Policy – Basic Theory and Practice” Think Tank Activities
European Perspectives” Journal Think Tank Activities


Training for EU Civilian Crisis Management Missions Capacity Building Program
Bled Strategic Forum 2009: The Politics of Economic Crisis:                                                                                        Redefining Economic and Geopolitical Landscapes in Europe and Eurasia Conference
Assistance to Macedonia in Negotiations with the EU Development Assistance
Serbia: Towards Excellence in Police –                                                                                                                                 Creating a Positive Work Environment for Professional and Quality Work Development Assistance
Efficient and Effective Kosovo Public Services Development Assistance
Training of Consular Agents from Bosnia and Herzegovina Development Assistance
Western Balkans and Diagonal Cumulation of Origin with                                                                                           Workshop on Implementation and Potential Effects of SAP+ Cumulation Development Assistance
European Security and Defence Policy Training Programme for SAP Countries Development Assistance
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Intercultural Challenge Educational platform
Task Force Meeting on Intercultural Dialogue in the Western Balkans Expert Meeting
Studia Diplomatica Slovenica: “Ivan Cankar: A Diplomat of Two Yugoslavias” Think Tank Activities
European Perspectives” Journal Think Tank Activities


Bled Strategic Forum 2008: Energy and Climate Change: Si.nergy for the Future Conference
Increasing the Impact on the Ground –                                                                                                                                      NGO and EU Collaboration in the Thematic Area of Children Affected by Armed Conflict Conference
Building EU Training Capacities:                                                                                                                                             Sharing Resources and Experience in the Field of Civilian Crisis Management Conference
Movement of Goods in the Area of the EU, EFTA, Turkey and CEFTA:                                                                       Facilitation of Cooperation Potential Conference
Development Assistance Operators from EU New Member States:                                                                       Experiences, Trends and Challenges Conference
Energy Training Programme for Southeast Europe Development Assistance
Efficient and Effective Kosovo Public Services Development Assistance
European Security and Defence Policy Training Programme for SAP Countries Development Assistance
Arms Exports Control for SAP Countries Development Assistance
Police Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina Development Assistance
Neighbourhood Cooperation and Bridge-Building Peace Policy: The Role of Slovenia Development Assistance
Intercultural Dialogue Discussion Platform
Muslims, citizens of the West Expert Meeting


Bled Strategic Forum 2007: European Union 2020: Enlarging and Integrating Conference
Strengthening the Capacity of Montenegro Secretariat for European Integration Officials:                                     Consular Relations Development Assistance
Strengthening the Capacity of Montenegro Officials: EU Common Visa Policy and Schengen System Development Assistance
Strengthening the Capacity of Montenegro Employment Office: Efficient Utilisation of the EU Means Development Assistance
Strengthening the Capacity of Customs of Montenegro: Capacity Building for Preferential Treatment Development Assistance
Professional Development of Teachers in Bosnia and Herzegovina Development Assistance
European Security and Defence Policy Training Programme for SAP Countries Development Assistance
Energy Training Programme for Southeast Europe Development Assistance
Efficient and Effective Kosovo Public Services Development Assistance
Assistance to Macedonia in Euro-Atlantic Relations Development Assistance
Platform for Promotion of Intercultural Dialogue Expert Platform
Studia Diplomatica Slovenica: “The Slovenes in the Eyes of the Empire:                                                                    Handbooks of the British Diplomats Attending the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 “ Think Tank Activities
Studia Diplomatica Slovenica: “Baron Josef Schwegel: Spomini in pisma” Think Tank Activities


Social and Economic Development in Kosovo –                                                                                                                              A Challenge for the Political Stabilisation of the Region Conference
Intercultural Dialogue – Understanding and Religious Tolerance in Kosovo Conference
Intercultural Dialogue on Kosovo with Task Force Members on Intercultural Dialogue Conference
Efficient and Effective Kosovo Public Administration Development Assistance
Training for Montenegrin Diplomats: Sharing of Know-How and Good Practices Development Assistance