START – Danube Region Project Fund: Illicit Trafficking of Firearms in the Danube Region | Capacity Building Program |
Europe’s New Training Initiative for Civilian Crisis Management (ENTRi) | Capacity Building Program |
Bled Strategic Forum: Safeguarding the Future | Conference |
Young Bled Strategic Forum: Generation of Global Citizens | Conference |
Regional Meeting of Think Tanks of China and Central and Eastern European Countries | Cooperation program |
Support to Montenegro in Joining NATO | Development Assistance |
Assistance to Montenegro in Accession to the EU | Development Assistance |
Assistance to Albanian Municipalities in the Preparation of the EU and Other International Projects |
Development Assistance |
Strengthening the Independence of Electoral Bodies in Albania | Development Assistance |
Support to Macedonia in Accession to the EU in Chapter 24 – Financial Investigations | Development Assistance |
Support to Serbia: Prevention of Corruption | Development Assistance |
Strengthening the Independence of Electoral Bodies in Belarus | Development Assistance |
Empowering BiH’s Young Entrepreneurs | Development Assistance |
Empowering Kosovo’s Young Entrepreneurs | Development Assistance |
Improving the Effectiveness of Capabilities in EU Conflict Prevention (IECEU) | H2020 Research |
Migrations – Challenge that Must be Addressed | Think Tank Activities |
Days Before – New Security Challenges | Think Tank Activities |
“European Perspectives” Journal | Think Tank Activities |
“Perspectives” Journal | Think Tank Activities |
Be Ready for European Values – Non-Formal Education System in Slovenia: Erasmus + Youth Exchange | Youth Exchange |
Europe’s New Training Initiative for Civilian Crisis Management (ENTRi) | Capacity Building Program |
START – Danube Region Project Fund: Illicit Trafficking of Firearms in the Danube Region | Capacity Building Program |
Short-Term Election Observation Course | Capacity Building Program |
Bled Strategic Forum 2015: Visions of New Partnerships | Conference |
Strengthening the Independence of Electoral Bodies in Albania | Development Assistance |
Empowering BIH’s Young Entrepreneurs | Development Assistance |
Assistance to Montenegro in Accession to the EU | Development Assistance |
Support to North Macedonia in Accession to the EU in the Area of Organised and Serious Crime | Development Assistance |
Visa Liberalisation Process (Integrated Border Management) for Kosovo Public Officials | Development Assistance |
Support to Serbia: Development of Voluntary Rescue Organisations in Serbia | Development Assistance |
Protection of Children in the Justice System of the Republic of Srpska | Development Assistance |
United For One Cause. United For Our Future. (European Year of Development) | Development Assistance |
Improving the Effectiveness of Capabilities in EU Conflict Prevention (IECEU) | H2020 Research |
Promotion of Integration to the EU Through Regional Cooperation (GIZ Program) | Research |
International Visegrad Fund: Academic Debate on Slovenia’s Role in Visegrad Group | Think Tank Activities |
Studia Diplomatica Slovenica: “Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” | Think Tank Activities |
Studia Diplomatica Slovenica: “On the Eve of the Great War: Political Concepts, Conspiracies and Theories” | Think Tank Activities |
“European Perspectives” Journal | Think Tank Activities |
Europe’s New Training Initiative for Civilian Crisis Management (ENTRi) | Capacity Building Program |
Bled Strategic Forum 2014: The Power of Trust | Conference |
Regional Training for the Western Balkan Countries in the Fight Against Illicit Trafficking in Firearms | Development Assistance |
Visa Liberalisation Process (Integrated Border Management) for Kosovo Public Officials | Development Assistance |
Strengthening the Capacity of Albanian Representatives on the Local Level for Absorption of EU funds | Development Assistance |
Improving Results in Detection of Smuggling and Illegal Migrations (North Macedonia) | Development Assistance |
Strengthening Capacity of North Macedonian Local Self-government | Development Assistance |
Strengthening the Capabilities in the Field of Justice and Home Affairs (Serbia) | Development Assistance |
Assistance to Montenegro in Accession to the EU | Development Assistance |
Assistance to BiH in Establishing EU Phytosanitary Standards | Development Assistance |
The Future of EU – Russia Relations | Think Tank Activities |
“European Perspectives” Journal | Think Tank Activities |
Studia Diplomatica Slovenica: “Diplomatic Practicum” | Think Tank Activities |
Europe’s New Training Initiative for Civilian Crisis Management (ENTRi) | Capacity Building Program |
Bled Strategic Forum 2013: A Changing Europe in a Changing World | Conference |
Assistance to Montenegro in Accession to the EU | Development Assistance |
Serbia: Towards Excellence in Police – Creating a Positive Work Environment for Professional and Quality Work | Development Assistance |
Support to Serbian Municipalities for Participation in International (EU) Projects | Development Assistance |
Assistance in Development of EU Standards in the Food Safety and Quality in BiH – Development of Veterinary Control According to the EU Standards | Development Assistance |
Assistance in Development of EU Standards in the Food Safety and Quality in BiH – Development of Phyto-Sanitary System | Development Assistance |
Strengthening the Capacity of Albanian Representatives for Absorption of EU Funds | Development Assistance |
“European Perspectives” Journal | Think Tank Activities |
Twinning: Harmonisation and Implementation of the Regulations of Labour Inspection and Safety at Work | Twinning |
Europe’s New Training Initiative for Civilian Crisis Management (ENTRi) | Capacity Building Program |
North Macedonia: Creating a Positive Work Environment – Border Police and Customs | Capacity Building Program |
Bled Strategic Forum 2012: Europe and the Reshaped Global Order | Conference |
Assistance to Montenegro in Accession to the EU | Development Assistance |
Efficient and Effective Kosovo Public Services | Development Assistance |
Serbia: Towards Excellence in Police – Creating a Positive Work Environment for Professional and Quality Work | Development Assistance |
Strengthening the Capacity of Albanian Representatives for Absorption of EU Funds | Development Assistance |
European Affairs Training for Public Administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina | Development Assistance |
Studia Diplomatica Slovenica: “20 let članstva v OZN” | Think Tank Activities |
“European Perspectives” Journal | Think Tank Activities |
Twinning: Harmonisation and Implementation of the Regulations of Labour Inspection and Safety at Work | Twinning |
North Macedonia & Serbia: Creating a Positive Work Environment – Border Police and Customs | Capacity Building Program |
Europe’s New Training Initiative for Civilian Crisis Management (ENTRi) | Capacity Building Program |
Bled Strategic Forum 2011: The Power of the Future | Conference |
Efficient and Effective Kosovo Public Services | Development Assistance |
Serbia: Towards Excellence in Police – Creating a Positive Work Environment for Professional and Quality Work | Development Assistance |
Assistance to Macedonia in Negotiations with the EU: Customs, Taxes and Excise Duties | Development Assistance |
Management of Public Stations in Digital Age | Development Assistance |
Studia Diplomatica Slovenica: “Velikih pet in nastanek kraljevine Srbov” | Think Tank Activities |
“European Perspectives” Journal | Think Tank Activities |
Twinning: Harmonisation and Implementation of the Regulations of Labour Inspection and Safety at Work | Twinning |
Training for EU Civilian Crisis Management Missions | Capacity Building Program |
Bled Strategic Forum 2010: Global Outlook for the Next Decade | Conference |
Efficient and Effective Kosovo Public Services | Development Assistance |
Assistance to Macedonia in Negotiations with the EU: Techniques, Skills, and Content | Development Assistance |
Serbia: Towards Excellence in Police – Creating a Positive Work Environment for Professional and Quality Work | Development Assistance |
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Intercultural Challenge | Educational platform |
Studia Diplomatica Slovenica: “Slovene Diplomats in Slavic Countries” | Think Tank Activities |
Studia Diplomatica Slovenica: “Foreign Policy – Basic Theory and Practice” | Think Tank Activities |
“European Perspectives” Journal | Think Tank Activities |
Training for EU Civilian Crisis Management Missions | Capacity Building Program |
Bled Strategic Forum 2009: The Politics of Economic Crisis: Redefining Economic and Geopolitical Landscapes in Europe and Eurasia | Conference |
Assistance to Macedonia in Negotiations with the EU | Development Assistance |
Serbia: Towards Excellence in Police – Creating a Positive Work Environment for Professional and Quality Work | Development Assistance |
Efficient and Effective Kosovo Public Services | Development Assistance |
Training of Consular Agents from Bosnia and Herzegovina | Development Assistance |
Western Balkans and Diagonal Cumulation of Origin with Workshop on Implementation and Potential Effects of SAP+ Cumulation | Development Assistance |
European Security and Defence Policy Training Programme for SAP Countries | Development Assistance |
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Intercultural Challenge | Educational platform |
Task Force Meeting on Intercultural Dialogue in the Western Balkans | Expert Meeting |
Studia Diplomatica Slovenica: “Ivan Cankar: A Diplomat of Two Yugoslavias” | Think Tank Activities |
“European Perspectives” Journal | Think Tank Activities |
Bled Strategic Forum 2008: Energy and Climate Change: Si.nergy for the Future | Conference |
Increasing the Impact on the Ground – NGO and EU Collaboration in the Thematic Area of Children Affected by Armed Conflict | Conference |
Building EU Training Capacities: Sharing Resources and Experience in the Field of Civilian Crisis Management | Conference |
Movement of Goods in the Area of the EU, EFTA, Turkey and CEFTA: Facilitation of Cooperation Potential | Conference |
Development Assistance Operators from EU New Member States: Experiences, Trends and Challenges | Conference |
Energy Training Programme for Southeast Europe | Development Assistance |
Efficient and Effective Kosovo Public Services | Development Assistance |
European Security and Defence Policy Training Programme for SAP Countries | Development Assistance |
Arms Exports Control for SAP Countries | Development Assistance |
Police Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina | Development Assistance |
Neighbourhood Cooperation and Bridge-Building Peace Policy: The Role of Slovenia | Development Assistance |
Intercultural Dialogue | Discussion Platform |
Muslims, citizens of the West | Expert Meeting |
Bled Strategic Forum 2007: European Union 2020: Enlarging and Integrating | Conference |
Strengthening the Capacity of Montenegro Secretariat for European Integration Officials: Consular Relations | Development Assistance |
Strengthening the Capacity of Montenegro Officials: EU Common Visa Policy and Schengen System | Development Assistance |
Strengthening the Capacity of Montenegro Employment Office: Efficient Utilisation of the EU Means | Development Assistance |
Strengthening the Capacity of Customs of Montenegro: Capacity Building for Preferential Treatment | Development Assistance |
Professional Development of Teachers in Bosnia and Herzegovina | Development Assistance |
European Security and Defence Policy Training Programme for SAP Countries | Development Assistance |
Energy Training Programme for Southeast Europe | Development Assistance |
Efficient and Effective Kosovo Public Services | Development Assistance |
Assistance to Macedonia in Euro-Atlantic Relations | Development Assistance |
Platform for Promotion of Intercultural Dialogue | Expert Platform |
Studia Diplomatica Slovenica: “The Slovenes in the Eyes of the Empire: Handbooks of the British Diplomats Attending the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 “ | Think Tank Activities |
Studia Diplomatica Slovenica: “Baron Josef Schwegel: Spomini in pisma” | Think Tank Activities |
Social and Economic Development in Kosovo – A Challenge for the Political Stabilisation of the Region | Conference |
Intercultural Dialogue – Understanding and Religious Tolerance in Kosovo | Conference |
Intercultural Dialogue on Kosovo with Task Force Members on Intercultural Dialogue | Conference |
Efficient and Effective Kosovo Public Administration | Development Assistance |
Training for Montenegrin Diplomats: Sharing of Know-How and Good Practices | Development Assistance |