ERASMUS+ project: Be Ready for European Values

“Study visit on Non-Formal Education System in Slovenia.”

Be Ready for European Values aims to improve active participation of youth in social, economic and political development of Montenegro by establishing innovative non-formal educational system in Montenegro. The non-formal educational system would raise awareness about democratic life and enable youth to gain practical skills that are needed for marketable and proactive role in the labour market at the EU and national level as well as opening perspectives for entrepreneurial ideas.

Project activities in the form of the second youth exchange were carried out by CEP. Insight into Slovenian non-formal education system was designed to support the development of knowledge and evidence-based youth policy in Montenegro. Learning process of the mobility activity was based on improving participants’ competences, knowledge, skills and attitudes. 

The project is conducted in cooperation with the Centre for Monitoring and Research (Montenegro), Centre for International Studies (Croatia), University of Donja Gorica (Montenegro) and Art Communications (Montenegro). 

The program is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU under the Key Action 2: Capacity Building in the Field of Youth – KA2: Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices.

The Erasmus + Youth Exchange in Slovenia has successfully concluded

An international mobility project in the scope of Erasmus + programme of the European Union “Be Ready for European Values” under the title “Non-Formal Education System in Slovenia” has concluded yesterday with an awarding ceremony. During the 10 days of the youth...

“Be Ready for European Values” Youth Exchange

Centre for European Perspective is hosting an international mobility project “Be Ready for European Values – Non-Formal Education System in Slovenia” with 50 young participants from Montenegro. The mobility program, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European...