Start:up Balkan: Belgrade
Monday, 12 February 2018, from 18.00 to 21.00
@ Startit Centar, Belgrade
“Start:up Balkan is program in the framework of the project ‘Establishing an Integrated Start-up Ecosystem in the Western Balkans’ supported by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Slovenia’s Development Cooperation.”

18.00 – 18.30 | Introduction
H. E. Vladimir Gasparič, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia
Zoja Kukić, SEE ICT / Startit
Matej Rus, CEO, PODIM Conference
Gorazd Justinek, CEO, CEP
Vuk Djukić, Principal, SC Ventures
Simona Grobelnik, Head of Developmen, Slovene enterprise fund
18.30 – 19.45 | Keynotes
(TBC) Carlos Eduardo Espinal, Managing Partner, Seedcamp
Darko Butina, Partner, BUDS: “Blockchain, cryptos and ICOs – disclosing the truth behind them”
Philipp Stangl, Managing director, Pioneers Ventures: “Venture Capital 101”
19.45 – 20.15 | Investors Panel: Funding landscape in 2018 in CEE
Nebojša Lazić, General Partner, StartLabs
Vuk Djukić, Principal, SC Ventures
Csaba Kakosy, Managing Partner, CEO, Day One Capital
Luka Košir, Head of Sales, The invoice exchange
Panel moderator: Simon Sovič, PODIM team
19.30 – 20.30 | Pitching Sessions
6 startups will have the unique opportunity to pitch their startup in front of investors and receive invaluable feedback and meet the PODIM Conference team.
20.30 – | Networking
Time for guests to connect in an informal atmosphere.