Start:up Balkan: Podgorica
Wednesday, 28 February 2018, from 17.00 to 20.00
@ doMEn, Podgorica
“Start:up Balkan is program in the framework of the project ‘Establishing an Integrated Start-up Ecosystem in the Western Balkans’ supported by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Slovenia’s Development Cooperation.”

17.00 – 17.30 | Introduction
H. E. Mitja Močnik, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia
Vanja Madzgalj, Director at British Council, Podgorica
Predrag Lešić, Smart Whatever enthusiast, Co-founder, Digitalizu.Me
Jan Kobler, Managing partner, SC Ventures
Gorazd Justinek, CEO, Centre for European Perspective
Meliha Muherina, Project Manager, CEP
Matej Rus, CEO, PODIM Conference
17.30 – 18.30 | Keynotes
Florian Kandler, Fundraising Expert and Startup Mentor,, Vienna: “Tips and tricks for successful fundraising”
Matt Kuppers, Founder&CEO, Startup Manufactory, London: “How to identify competitive advantage in AgroBusiness”
Letitia Seglah, Fintech and RegTech Consultant, Startup Manufactory, London: “Is your business ready for Blockchain, cryptos or ICOs?”
18.30 – 19.30 | Investors Panel: Funding landscape and businesss opportunities in 2018 in CEE:
Elma Hot, Co-founder, BeeAnd.Me, Vienna
Jovana Miljanić, Architect at DVARP, Smart City enthusiast
Jan Kobler, SC Ventures
Predrag Lešić, Smart Whatever enthusiast, Co-founde Digitalizuj.Me
Verena Wahlandt, Startup PR and communications professional
Panel moderator: Simon Sovič, PODIM team
19.30 – 20.00 | Pitching Sessions
Startups will have the unique opportunity to pitch their startup in front of investors and receive invaluable feedback and meet the PODIM Conference team.
20.00 – | Networking
Time for guests to connect in an informal atmosphere.