The advancement of digital technology drastically effected communication practices. It changed how and who produces, distributes and consumes information. Governments and other actors working in the public’s interest communicate to inform, build connection and foster trust between the institutions and citizens, therefore contributing to the strength of our democracies. If we are to improve the resilience of our democracies, this process needs to be improved. Governments, their communicators, and other people working in the field must adapt and adjust their communication practices to the changes

The main aim of our projects in the strategic communication field is to equip participants, mainly but not exclusively people in the public sector working in the information space in different countries, with knowledge, skills, and tools to work and adapt to the changes in the (digital) information environment. 

Each project has its specifics catered to the needs of the participants, but in general, our strategic communication activities are based on interactive capacity building with renowned experts and fostering an environment where participants can build connections with their peers and learn from each other. 

At CEP, the Strategic Communication pillar emerged from successful and long-term work in the field. Since 2017, we have worked extensively on our flagship project with the US Department of State, European Digital Diplomacy Exchange (EDDE), training diplomats and government communicators to communicate in the digital information environment. 


European Digital Diplomacy Exchange

a project and intragovernmental network of government communicators aimed at increasing our members’ collective capacities in order to effectively operate within the digital information space.

Strengthening Societal Resilience and Countering Foreign Perpetrated Disinformation in 6 Western Balkans Countries

a project aimed at increasing resilience and boosting regional cooperation of the WB6 countries against disinformation by connecting and training government communicators, media representatives and civil society.


In-Country visit: ALBANIA








Within the scope of the project “Strengthening Societal Resilience and Countering Disinformation in 6 Western Balkans Countries”

14 – 15 December 2023, Podgorica, Montenegro


Strategic communication coordinator

   Ingrid OMAHNA

   [email protected]