On plans for more effective Slovenian development cooperation with Minister Fajon

On plans for more effective Slovenian development cooperation with Minister Fajon

This week, CEP Executive Director Ms Nina Čepon and Head of International Development Cooperation Department Ms Jelka Klemenc joined the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Tanja Fajon, for a meeting of Slovenian development cooperation institutions. They were joined by representatives from the Centre for Excellence in Finance (CEF), the Centre for International Cooperation and Development (CMSR), and ITF Enhancing Human Security.

Minister Fajon began by presenting the results of the OECD Development Assistance Committee peer review of Slovenia’s development cooperation and humanitarian aid. This peer review recognised Slovenia’s institutions as a comparative advantage and an example of good practice for other members of the OECD DAC. The main recommendations in this area were to reduce the number of partner countries in which Slovenia operates to choose fewer projects and to increase their value. Minister Fajon highlighted that implementing institutions play a vital role in implementing Slovenia’s commitments under the Development Strategy 2030, enhancing Slovenia’s reputation as a development partner and positively impacting the local population. She also emphasized the need to streamline projects and increase their impact, expressed her gratitude for successful cooperation, and pledged continued support, including easing administrative challenges.

CEP has been the official provider of Slovenia’s international development cooperation to Southeast European countries in the European Union accession process. Our activities follow Slovenia’s foreign policy priorities and objectives, ensuring our work benefits the beneficiary country.

Photo credit: Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia

Announcing the second UA-SI mentorship visit of 2024 in Idrija

Announcing the second UA-SI mentorship visit of 2024 in Idrija

On 20 March, we will begin the second three-week mentorship of 2024 in the municipality of Idrija under the auspices of the project ‘Post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine’.

The fourth mentorship visit of the project will focus on developing collaboration between Pereschepyne and Idrija and enhancing knowledge and cooperation across multiple topics.

The mentorship builds upon the needs expressed by Pereschepyne municipality, mainly the preservation of cultural heritage, waste management, and energy efficiency of public buildings, and will address topics crucial for the municipality’s further development, such as project management, project writing, and topics related to the EU enlargement process on the local level.

The Idrija municipality, with its rich heritage in cultural preservation, activities in the area of waste management, sustainability and zero waste, and the successful establishment of the Ljubevč waste collection centre, brings valuable experience that can be a boon to partners from Pereschepyne. Through presentations and site visits, mentees from Ukraine will gain insights into these practices and projects and explore project planning, preparation and management, and EU project funding.


The ‘Post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine’ project is funded by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs through the Slovenian Aid and Partnerships and implemented in partnership with ‘U-LEAD with Europe’. U-LEAD with Europe programme is a partnership of the Ukrainian government and the European Union, and its member states Germany, Sweden, Poland and Slovenia to support the establishment of multi-level governance that is transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of the population of Ukraine.

Razpis za delovno mesto Projektni vodja II

Razpis za delovno mesto Projektni vodja II

Ustanova – Center za evropsko prihodnost (CEP) razpisuje delovno mesto:
PROJEKTNI VODJA II (1 delovno mesto) – M/Ž

Postani del mladega in zagnanega kolektiva, kjer nudimo zanimivo, raznoliko in fleksibilno delo; kjer nagrajujemo odprto izmenjavo mnenj, izmenjavo idej in inovativen pristop; nudimo priložnosti za strokovno izpopolnjevanje ter soustvarjanje vidnih prispevkov k ciljem Republike Slovenije v mednarodnih odnosih. Nudimo možnost dolgoročnega sodelovanja.

Opis del in nalog:
• pomoč pri pripravi in izvedbi projektov mednarodnega razvojnega, sodelovanja republike Slovenije z državami Zahodnega Balkana in držav Evropske sosedske politike ter na področju vladavine prava (notranjih zadev, pravosodja)
• logistična organizacija za izvedbo delavnic, sestankov, delovnih obiskov in drugih oblik prenosa znanja
• priprava projektne dokumentacije, upravljanje s projektno dokumentacijo,
• načrtovanje in izvajanje aktivnosti in komunikacije z javnostmi, vključno s pripravo sporočil za javnost za spletne strani in družbena omrežja, anketiranje udeležencev delavnic,
• analiziranje in obdelava ocenjevalnih vprašalnikov,
• upravljanje s projektnim proračunom,
• pomoč pri pripravi finančnih poročil, samostojna priprava poročil,
• pomoč pri vsebinskem in metodološkem oblikovanju delavnic,
• komunikacija z deležniki projekta, vključno komunikacija s slovenskimi in tujimi strokovnjaki, koordinacija in sodelovanje s slovenskimi organi in organi v partnerski državi,
• spremljanje dogajanja na vsebinskem področju projektov,
• izvedba vseh drugih nalog, potrebnih za uspešno izvedbo projekta.

Zahtevana poklicna/strokovna izobrazba:
visokošolska 1.stopnje (prejšnja) oz 2. bolonjska stopnja smeri družbenih ved, novinarstva ali informacijske znanosti

Zahtevano znanje jezikov:
ANGLEŠKI JEZIK – razumevanje tekoče, govorjenje tekoče, pisanje tekoče
HRVAŠKI JEZIK – razumevanje tekoče, govorjenje tekoče, pisanje tekoče ali
SRBSKI JEZIK – razumevanje tekoče, govorjenje tekoče, pisanje tekoče ali
BOSANSKI JEZIK – razumevanje tekoče, govorjenje tekoče, pisanje tekoče ali
UKRAJINSKI JEZIK – razumevanje tekoče, govorjenje tekoče, pisanje tekoče.

Zahtevana računalniška znanja:
urejevalnik besedil – osnovno
delo s preglednicami – osnovno
delo z bazami podatkov – osnovno
poznavanje računalniških omrežij – osnovno
poznavanje operacijskih sistemov – osnovno
računalniško oblikovanje – osnovno

Drugi pogoji:
Na razpisano delovno mesto bo imenovan kandidat, ki izpolnjuje naslednje pogoje:
• državljanstvo države članice Evropske unije,
• štiri leta delovnih izkušenj
• vozniško dovoljenje B kategorije
• poznavanje področja mednarodnih odnosov in področij EU, razumevanje delovanja vladnih struktur,
• usposobljenost za delo z računalnikom (delo z urejevalniki besedil, delo s preglednicami, delo z bazami podatkov, poznavanje računalniških omrežij, poznavanje operacijskih sistemov),
• sposobnost delovanja v mednarodnem okolju,
• organizacijske in komunikacijske sposobnosti,
• timska naravnanost in zanesljivost,
• sposobnost postavljanja prioritet,
• natančnost, temeljitost, visok standard za kakovostno opravljeno delo,
• predanost k doseganju rezultatov mednarodnega razvojnega sodelovanja Republike Slovenije s partnerskimi državami,
• zavzetost za delo,
• občutek osebne odgovornosti za uspešno in pravočasno opravljene delovne naloge.

Prednost bodo imeli kandidati:
• s poglobljenim poznavanjem o državah Zahodnega Balkana in Evropske sosedske politike;
• z znanjem andragogike oz. modernejših metod učenja in usposabljanja;
• z izkušnjami delovanja na Zahodnem Balkanu in/ali državah Evropske sosedske politike;
• z izkušnjami sodelovanja z nacionalnimi in mednarodnimi akterji notranjih zadev, pravosodja in organi pregona.

Delo bo izbrani kandidat opravljal na sedežu CEP, Grajska cesta 1, 1234 Mengeš.

Kandidati naj pošljejo prijavo na razpis delovnega mesta Projektni vodja II po elektronski pošti na naslov: [email protected] z oznako v predmetu – »Prijava na razpis za delovno mesto Projektni vodja.«.

Rok za prijavo bo potekel 16. 2. 2024 ob 23:59 uri. Upoštevane bodo vse prijave, ki bodo pravočasno prispele na zgoraj navedeni elektronski naslov. V besedilu objave uporabljeni izrazi, napisani v moški slovnični obliki, so uporabljeni kot nevtralni za ženske in moške.

Kandidati bodo o izbiri obveščeni v roku 15 dni po odločitvi o izboru.

Razpis je objavljen tudi na spletni strani Zavoda RS za zaposlovanje – tukaj.


Third Ukraine-SIovenia mentorship visit to Kočevje concludes

Third Ukraine-SIovenia mentorship visit to Kočevje concludes

Today, we hosted a final event of the third mentorship visit under the auspices of the project ‘Post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine’ at Jable Castle. 

The mentorship visit between Kočevje and Bucha, focusing on enhancing Bucha’s capacities in project writing and project management and development of a business-friendly environment with the help of experts, mentors and representatives from Kočevje municipality and business sectors, took place between 17 January and 1 February 2023 in Kočevje, Slovenija.

Opening the final event at Jable was Ms Nina Čepon, CEP Executive Director, introducing the Slovenian Aid and Partnerships project activities, commending the efforts of Bucha mentees for their work over the three weeks, and indicating further possible fields of cooperation with Kočevje and CEP. She thanked all involved organisations for their support of project activities, ensuring activities are well structured, aimed at needs expressed by Ukrainian municipalities and aiding reconstruction and recovery efforts.

Addressing the participants was also the mayor of the municipality of Bucha, Mr Anatolii Fedoruk, who thanked his Bucha colleagues and all involved in the project for the effort and work during these three weeks. He expressed the gratitude of the entire Bucha community to Kočevje municipality for all their efforts and extended hand of support, reaffirming that the support is not taken for granted and the willingness to work towards stronger cooperation is ever strong.

Dr Vladimir Prebilič, mayor of Kočevje, commended the work and the willingness of Bucha municipality to work towards a stronger business support system in the municipality, offered support of Kočevje, stating the intent of Kočevje to pursue and sign a sister city agreement and continue to good cooperation – possibly with the organisation of a summer camp for children from Bucha in Kočevje.

Joining the mentorship in Kočevje were Ms Tetiana Lipinska, Head of the Sector for Economic Development at the Bucha City Council, and Mr Andrii Melnyk, Project Manager in the Sector for Economic Development of Bucha City Council, who were mentored by the municipality of Kočevje mentors, Mr Andrej Mladenovič, Deputy Mayor of Kočevje and Ms Lili Štefanič, Director of Municipal Administration of Kočevje.

In the first week, mentees focused their attention on needs assessment, followed by the basics of project management, project writing and project funding and began preparing a frame for a project they wish to implement in Bucha, within the Bucha Techno Garden, with the help of expert Mr Klemen Srna.

The second week focused on the establishment of a business-friendly environment, with the municipality of Kočevje preparing a rich side programme for mentees, with visits to the Kočevje business incubator, where Bucha mentees learned more about the cooperation between the municipality, incubator, businesses in the region, educational institutions and more. Discussion with Ribnica Kočevje Regional Development Agency highlighted the areas of possible support of such an organisation to businesses. On Thursday and Friday, two more side visits were held – a visit to ABC Hub and Accelerator in Ljubljana, where the activities of the Hub and their coworking space were presented, and a visit to Dolenjske Toplice spa, where the director, Ms Lazič presented the activities of Terme Krka complex, the rehabilitation and medical programme of the spa and subsequent effect the spa had on the development of the area.

The third week focused on the preparation of a project concept for the development of the Bucha business incubator. Mentees were aided by Mrs Slavka Zupan and Mr Klemen Srna and prepared a well-elaborated concept. Mentors Mr Srna and Ms Zupan also shared some thoughts on project evaluation and searching for investors and prepared a short overview of possible funding options.

The mentorship concluded today with an internal debrief between CEP, external experts Mr Srna and Mrs Zupan, mentor Mr Mladenovič and mentees, followed by a public presentation of the mentorship and project plans prepared with the help of new knowledge gained during the mentorship, which will be elaborated and finalized during the project until the end of 2024.

Joining the closing event were also the representative of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Ms Nataša Kos, Minister Plenipotentiary, who commended the successful activities of the mentorship and reaffirmed the support of Slovenia to Ukraine, and H.E Mr Andrii Taran, Ambassador of Ukraine to Slovenia, who commended the work of Bucha mentees and expressed his gratitude for the Slovenian support to Ukraine. Joining the event was also Dr Andrej Horvat, Deputy Director of U-LEAD with Europe Programme at GIZ, who expressed his support for project activities and emphasised the need for stronger support to efforts in Ukraine. Ms Nataša Goršek Mencin, Deputy Head of the European Commission Representation in Slovenia, reaffirmed the support of the European Commission to Ukrainian recovery efforts through the Ukraine Facility mechanism.


The ‘Post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine’ project is funded by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs through the Slovenian Aid and Partnerships and implemented in partnership with ‘U-LEAD with Europe’. U-LEAD with Europe programme is a partnership of the Ukrainian government and the European Union, and its member states Germany, Poland, Denmark and Slovenia, to support the establishment of multi-level governance that is transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of the population of Ukraine.

The third UA-SI mentorship visit in Kočevje begins

The third UA-SI mentorship visit in Kočevje begins

Mentees from Bucha, representatives of the Municipality of Kočevje and CEP have kicked off the three-week mentorship under the auspices of the project ‘Post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine’ in Kočevje today.

The mentorship visit, taking place between 17 and 31 January, is the continuation of the visit of Bucha Urban Hromada representatives in October 2023 and means the development of the cooperation formalised by signing the cooperation agreement on 2 October. The visit to Kočevje, hosted by the Municipality of Kočevje, was opened by CEP Senior Advisor Ms Jelka Klemenc and Kočevje Mayor Dr Vladimir Prebilič, who presented the work of Kočevje to Bucha representatives and wished that the representative use the time in Kočevje to gain as much knowledge as possible to implement in Bucha. An intensive three-week working programme was prepared to contribute to transferring targeted and needs-based knowledge and deliver sustainable results, working toward a long-term partnership between the municipalities.

The opening session was followed by the first interactive workshop on project management, development strategy preparation, and fund absorption, one of the main topics of the mentorship that will contribute to strengthening Bucha’s institutional capacities. Joining us from Bucha are Ms Tetiana Lipinska, Head of the Department of Economic Development and Investments of Bucha City Council and Mr Andrii Melnyk, Project Manager from the Department of Economic Development and Investments of Bucha City Council, who will receive knowledge of Kočevje’s experience and good practice on business development, investor attraction and development of business incubator. With the assistance of CEP, the visit will work on kick-starting the development of strategy, focusing on establishing a business-friendly environment, culminating in the development of Bucha Techno Garden.

With a rich side programme, Kočevje will also present its business environment, successfully implemented projects and more.


The ‘Post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine’ project is funded by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs through the Slovenian Aid and Partnerships and implemented in partnership with ‘U-LEAD with Europe’. U-LEAD with Europe programme is a partnership of the Ukrainian government and the European Union, and its member states Germany, Sweden, Poland and Slovenia to support the establishment of multi-level governance that is transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of the population of Ukraine.