EDDE goes to D.C

EDDE goes to D.C

A four-day Skills Workshop and Learning Tour, organised through the European Digital Diplomacy Exchange (EDDE) network, will bring together government communicators and data analysts from 12 to 15 November in Washington, D.C.

The event, hosted in collaboration with the U.S. Department of State and the Centre for European Perspective (CEP), is designed to empower government communicators and data analysts with essential skills to address challenges in today’s rapidly evolving digital media environment.
As governments worldwide face challenges from foreign information manipulation and interference (FIMI), this workshop will gather representatives from 13 European countries (Austria, Albania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Moldova, Romania, Slovenia) that will gain hands-on experience and insights from leading experts across the U.S. government on topics such as countering adversarial FIMI tactics, conducting data-driven audience analysis, and integrating strategic messaging with broader public diplomacy efforts.

Key highlights that the program will include:
• navigating and countering foreign information threats,
• data and analytics training to enhance data-driven messaging,
• collaborative learning and interagency dialogue.

This workshop offers opportunities for diplomats and analysts to develop skills, share best practices, and build networks for fostering a more secure, informed information space.

The implemented activities are supported and funded by the U.S. Department of State’s grant and implemented by the Centre for European Perspective.

EDDE Advanced Training on Digital Strategic Messaging Concludes in Slovenia

EDDE Advanced Training on Digital Strategic Messaging Concludes in Slovenia

The European Digital Diplomacy Exchange (EDDE) successfully concluded its three-day advanced training from September 4 to September 6, 2024, at the historic Jable Castle in Mengeš, Slovenia. The training brought together 40 diplomats and communication professionals from across Europe and beyond to enhance their digital communication and strategic public diplomacy skills in an increasingly digital world.

The training, organized by the U.S. Department of State and the Centre for European Perspective (CEP), featured leading experts in digital diplomacy, technology, and communication strategy. Attendees were welcomed by Stephanie Sutton, Chief of Staff at the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Public Diplomacy, followed by lectures from thought leaders, covering topics ranging from “Understanding One’s Digital Selfie in the Digital Society” to “Using AI to Strengthen Strategic Communications.” The interactive training included practical exercises such as podcast creation and crisis communication simulations, providing attendees with hands-on experience in leveraging digital tools to tackle modern diplomacy challenges.

The EDDE training, supported by the U.S. Department of State and the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs through development aid funds, reflects the continued commitment to equip diplomats with the skills necessary to navigate the rapidly evolving digital landscape, counter disinformation, promote democracy, and engage citizens globally.

Tadej Kreft -2617

Advanced Training on Digital Strategic Messaging in Mengeš, Slovenia

Advanced Training on Digital Strategic Messaging in Mengeš, Slovenia

Mengeš, Slovenia – 4–6 September 2024

In an era where digital communication is both a powerful tool and a formidable challenge, government communicators must adapt to a rapidly changing landscape. To support these efforts, the U.S. Department of State and Centre for European Perspective (CEP) are hosting a specialized three-day training on the topic of “Advanced Digital Strategic Messaging.”

This event, which will take place in Mengeš, will bring together government communicators from 19 different countries to enhance their skills in digital strategic messaging. The training is designed to equip participants with cutting-edge tools and techniques needed to navigate today’s complex communication environment.

Participants will engage in intensive sessions led by esteemed international experts from different fields. The training will cover various topics, including digital presence in the digital society, support for the connection through engaging dialogue, focusing on opportunities for podcast creation, possibilities of cooperation with influencers, and theoretical and practical knowledge on integrating advanced visuals and multimedia elements into messaging.  In addition to technical skills, the program will address critical areas such as crisis communications and strategies to counteract disinformation—key components for maintaining credibility and trust in governmental messaging.

The project is the result of cooperation between the U.S. Department of State and the Centre for European Perspective, in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, in the scope of the programme of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid.

Further information:
Ingrid Omahna

Head of Programme, Strategic Communication

Centre  for European Perspective


Napredno usposabljanje o digitalnem strateškem komuniciranju v Mengšu, Slovenija

Mengeš, Slovenija – 4. do 6. september 2024

Živimo v času hitrih sprememb, kjer digitalna komunikacija igra ključno volgo in lahko predstavlja tako prednost kot tudi izziv. Vladni komunikatorji se morajo konstantno prilagajati in izobraževati, da sledijo hitro se spremnjajočim trendom. V ta namen Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Združenih držav Amerike (U. S. Department of State) in Center za evropsko prihodnost (CEP) organizirata tridnevno usposabljanje z naslovom »Napredno digitalno strateško komuniciranje«.

Dogodek, ki bo potekal v Mengšu med 4. septembrom 2024 in 6. septembrom 2024, bo povezal vladne komunikatorje iz 19 različnih držav z namenom izboljšanja veščin digitalnega strateškega komuniciranja. Usposabljanje je zasnovano z ciljem, da udeležencem zagotovi orodja in tehnike, potrebne za uspešno delovanje v kompleksnem komunikacijskem okolju.

Udeleženci bodo sodelovali na več predavanjih in aktivnostih, ki jih bodo vodili priznani mednarodni strokovnjaki z različnih področij. Program usposabljanja bo zajemal ključne teme, kot so vzpostavljanje digitalne prisotnosti v digitalni družbi, izgradnje vključujočega dialoga, vloga umetne inteligence pri krepitvi strateških komunikacij, uporabo podkastov in možnosti sodelovanja z digitalnimi vplivneži ter vključevanje naprednih vizualnih in multimedijskih elementov v komuniciranje. Poleg pridobivanja tehničnih veščin, bodo udeleženci sodelovali v krepitvi institucionalnega znanja o pomembnih področjih, kot so krizno komuniciranje in strategije za boj proti dezinformacijam, ki sta ključni za ohranjanje verodostojnosti in zaupanja v vladno komuniciranje.

Projekt je rezultat sodelovanja Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Združenih držav Amerike (U. S. Department of State) in Centra za evropsko prihodnost v partnerstvu z Ministrstvom za zunanje in evropske zadeve Republike Slovenije v okviru programa Razvojnega sodelovanja in humanitarne pomoči.



EDDE Capacity Building training in Chișinău (Moldova) Successfully Implemented

EDDE Capacity Building training in Chișinău (Moldova) Successfully Implemented

Governmental communicators, digital diplomats, and other institutional representatives engaged in public outreach from the Republic of Moldova joined capacity-building activities of the EDDE training organised on the 24th and 25th of June 2024 in Chisinau (Moldova). The event supported the exchanges of good practices among participating government departments and ministries stakeholders and organised discussions with expert speakers in the field. The activities contributed to developing joint capacities for increased digital engagement and supporting societal resilience against the challenges of foreign-perpetrated disinformation.

With the advancement of technical opportunities such as social media and digital communication networks that support citizens to actively participate in the public sphere with equal opportunities, creating effective and engaging societal dialogue in policy-making is increasingly important within our societies. Governments are responsible for establishing successful communication networks with their citizens and, through active interaction, establish foundations for transparent information sharing, all contributing to inclusive and efficient policy development based on the needs of citizens. Interactive cooperation among the stakeholders also contributes to a higher degree of trust building in institutions, a foundation for democratic resilience and societal health that is essential in times of crisis (such as natural disasters and challenges) and everyday democratic processes. The expansion of opportunities for access to information has furthermore expanded the space for the proliferation of misinformation and disinformation narratives, a societal challenge that needs to be addressed through the cooperation of stakeholders from all spheres.


The implemented activities are supported and funded by the U.S. Department of State’s grant and implemented by the Centre for European Perspective, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, within the scope of Slovenia’s Development Cooperation.

First EDDE Training for Slovenian government communicators has concluded

First EDDE Training for Slovenian government communicators has concluded

In an era where digital communication is of most importance, the European Digital Diplomacy Exchange (EDDE) Training held at the Jable Castle in Slovenia aimed to bolster the capabilities of government communicators in the digital realm. Hosted by the Centre for European Perspective (CEP), the two-day intensive training underscored the critical need for strategic digital messaging in combating disinformation and enhancing social cohesion. The event, titled “Improving Digital Strategic Messaging,” brought together almost thirty key stakeholders from Slovenian state institutions – from 10 ministries and 4 other state institutions, offering a robust agenda filled with expert-led sessions and practical exercises. The training’s objective was to equip participants with the tools and strategies necessary to navigate the complexities of digital communication effectively.

The training began with opening remarks from Michael Marble, the U.S. Embassy in Slovenia, Petra Bezjak Cirman, the Slovenian Government Communication Office, and Nina Čepon, the (CEP), highlighting the importance of strategic communication in the digital era. The first day of the training featured lectures on the theoretical aspects of strategic communication, including its role in fostering social unity, digital technologies driving social change, development of a strategic communication plan and components of a digital communication ecosystem. We also hosted a panel discussion providing comparative insights into strategic communication centralisation models from the U.S., North Macedonia, and Slovenia. On the second day, we touched upon the essential elements of designing a digital communication campaign, techniques for identifying and understanding the target audience, crafting policy messages and using digital media analytics. We also discussed ways to improve social media presence with concrete examples of Slovenian State Institutions. Lastly, we talked about countering disinformation with the use of strategic communication. 

Participants had quite a few practical activities going on as well. They had to develop strategic communication centralisation assessment and improvement, build a digital strategic communication strategy and design a digital strategic communication campaign.

The EDDE Training provided a learning experience for all attendees. The combination of experts’ insights, practical activities, and collaborative discussions ensured that participants left with a comprehensive understanding of digital strategic messaging. The training underscored the crucial role that strategic communication plays in fostering social cohesion, countering disinformation, and enhancing the overall effectiveness of government messaging.

The project is a result of cooperation between the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Embassy in Ljubljana, and the Centre for European Perspective.